Code written in C++ and RobotC for a first year design project, which allowed a robot to plot functions on a whiteboard. This project was created collaboratively with Kevin Gu and Aidan Gratton.
- Inputting any number of arbitrary polynomial terms in any order that the user desires
- Parsing and generating path planning file for the robot to plot it on the white board
- Limit switches allowing consistent coordinate tracking
- Movable pulley system to lift the end effector
- Ultrasonic sensor to keep track of the robot's distance from the wall as a safety feature
- Implemented erasing as well as plotting
C++ input parsing and path finding algorithm flowchart
RobotC sensor, file, actuator interfacing algorithm flowchart
Check out Images folder to see the GraphingBot operation video!
Note that some software libraries for the RobotC code have been excluded, as I don't own the rights to distribute them.