- Login/Sign-up
- form.
- Redirect to Browse Page.
- Browser(After Authentication)
- Header.
- Main Movie
- Trailer of movie.
- Title and Description
- Movie Suggestion's
- Movie List
- Create React App.
- Configure Tailwind css.
- Header.
- Login-form.
- Sign-up form.
- Form Validation.
- useRef Hook.
- FireBase setup.
- Deploy app to production.
- Create Sign Up user Account.
- Implement Sign In user Api.
- Created Redux Store with userSlice.
- Implement Sign Out.
- Update Profile.
- BugFix: Sign Up user display name and profile picture update.
- bugfix: If user is not logged in redirect to /browser to login page and vice-versa.
- Unsuscribed to the onSuthStateChange Callback.
- Add Hardcoded values to constant files
- Resister TMDB API and create an app and get token.
- Get data from TMDB now playing movie list API.
- Custom hook for now playing movie.
- Create movieSlice.
- Update Store with movie data.
- Planning for MainContainer and Secondary container.
- Fetch data for trailer video.
- Update store with trailer.
- Embedded Yputube video and make it autoplay and mute.
- Tailwind classes to make Main Container it look good.
- usePopularMovies and useUpcoming custom hook.
- Movie Detail page.
- GPT search feature.
[email protected] Mario@123456
[email protected] Test@123456