struct AboutMe { typealias Keywords = [String] let me😆 = ["ENTP", "study swift for developing iOS app"] func myMind👨🏻💻() -> Keywords { return ["Clean code", "Share my thoughts", "Technology that can make anything I imagine"] } func like🫠() -> Keywords { return ["Plan", "Develop", "iPhone"] } }
extension AboutMe { func know🔥() -> Keywords { return [ "ReactorKit", "RxSwift", "RxFlow", "Combine", "Modularization using SPM, XCWorkspace + Framework and Tuist!" , "Asynchronous. GCD, async/await, actor, Thread etc...", "Caching. disk cache, filemanager, NSCache", "Firebase etc...", "Networking. RESTFul, TCP/UDP Socket, Alamofire, URLSession", "URLSession protocols etc...", "Animation", "CoreAnimation", "UIKit", "Unit Test", "AutoLayout", DIP+DI, "Swinject", "Core data", "ImageIO", "MVC, MVVM, Coordinator, MVVM+Clean Architecture, Modularization etc...", "Computer science. OS, Algorithm, Data structure, Network etc...", "OOP", "POP", "SOLID etc...." "Kodeco code convention", "swift style guilde" ] } }
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