StellarPGx: Calling star alleles in highly polymorphic pharmacogenes by leveraging genome graph-based variant detection.
CYP450 genes supported: CYP2D6, CYP2A6, CYP2B6, CYP2C19, CYP2C9, CYP2C8, CYP3A4, CYP3A5, CYP1A1, CYP1A2, CYP2E1, and CYP4F2
Other pharmacogenes supported: CYPOR (POR), NAT1, NAT2, GSTM1, GSTT1, SLCO1B1, NUDT15, TPMT, and UGT1A1
StellarPGx is built using Nextflow
, a workflow management system that facilitates parallelisation, scalability, reproducibility and portability of pipelines via Docker
and Singularity
Please endeavour to always use the latest version of StellarPGx
At present, StellarPGx only supports short-read high-coverage whole genome sequence data
as input. Enhancements to include support for exome
, ADME gene panel
and/or long-read WGS
are ongoing.
Maintainer: David Twesigomwe ([email protected])
The following are required to run the StellarPGx pipeline;
- Prerequisite software
(preferably v18.x or higher)Singularity
(v3.1.x or higher) orDocker
Singularity (v3.1.x or higher) is highly recommended especially for running the pipeline in an HPC environment running Linux OS. Docker desktop is recommended for MacOS users intending to run/test the pipeline on a local machine. If you're just using your Mac to connect to a Linux cluster environment, then you can just proceed with Singularity on the cluster as the default.
Whole genome sequence (WGS) data
- Indexed BAM/CRAM files
Reference genome
- hg19, b37, or hg38
Note: For a full description of the differences among reference genomes, please check out this Documentation
by the GATK team. For the purpose of using this pipeline, if the GRCh37 reference genome you are using has contigs that start with 'chr' (i.e. chr1, chr2, ..., chrX, chrM, ...), use the hg19 option. You should use the b37 option if the contigs in the GRCh37 reference genome do not have 'chr' (i.e. 1, 2, ..., X, MT). For GRCh38, the hg38 option is sufficient.
Install Nextflow by running the following command (Skip if you have Nextflow installed already):
curl -fsSL | bash
Move the nextflow
launcher (installed in your current directory) to a directory in your $PATH e.g. $HOME/bin
mv nextflow $HOME/bin
(The full Nextflow documentation can be found here)
For Singularity installation, please refer to the excellent documentation here). Ensure that your Singularity installation allows user-defined binds
- set by your system administrator (See Singularity config file documentation)
For Docker installation, please refer to the excellent documentation here)
Clone the StellarPGx repository by running the following command:
git clone && cd StellarPGx
The following steps assume that; i. StellarPGx is your current working directory ii. Nextflow and Singularity are already installed
The parameters for Singularity are set as default so no need to change anything.
nextflow run -profile standard,test
nextflow run -profile slurm,test
If you get the error Failed to submit process to grid scheduler for execution
, then you need to ask your system administrator for the appropriate process.queue
value in the slurm stanza (see nextflow.config file) to your cluster's queue. The default is bash – other examples include defq
, Main
, etc.
The expected output file (SIM001_2d6.alleles) for test dataset SIM001.bam will be found in the ./results/cyp2d6/alleles
directory. It should contain the following;
CYP2D6 Star Allele Calling with StellarPGx
Initially computed CN = 2
Core variants:
Candidate alleles:
Activity score:
Metaboliser status:
Intermediate metaboliser (IM)
At the moment, only Docker Desktop on MacOS has been tested. The following steps assume that you have already installed Docker Desktop on your Mac as indicated above.
Pull the stellarpgx-dev
container from Docker Hub by running the command below:
docker pull twesigomwedavid/stellarpgx-dev:latest
Enabling Docker in the nextflow.config file:
docker {
enabled = true
runOptions = '-u \$(id -u):\$(id -g)'
Disabling Singularity in the nextflow.config file:
singularity {
enabled = false
autoMounts = true
cacheDir = "$PWD/containers"
Additionally, comment out the Singularity container variable (default) and set the variable container
to point to the docker image instead i.e.
// container = "$PWD/containers/stellarpgx-dev.sif" // this is to take the Singularity container out of the equation
container = "twesigomwedavid/stellarpgx-dev:latest" // this to set the container path to the Docker image containing all the dependencies that StellarPGx requires
(Assumes that you're running Docker Desktop for MacOS)
nextflow run -profile standard,test
Similar to Singularity run.
Depending on your network connection to a computer cluster, it is highly recommended to run StellarPGx while using screen
when analysing multiple samples so that in case your connection breaks, the jobs are not terminated midway through.
Once again, the following steps assume that; i. StellarPGx is your current working directory ii. Nextflow and Singularity or Docker are already installed
Follow the aforementioned guidelines to decide between either Singularity or Docker. To reiterate, we recommend Docker for MacOS Desktop users. Singularity (default) is ideal for running StellarPGx on HPC cluster/server environments running Linux OS and also for Linux local machines.
Set the parameters for your input data (in_bam
) and the reference genome (ref_file
) in the nextflow.config file following the syntax described therein.
For single sample:
in_bam = "/path/to/Sample*{bam,bai}"
For all samples stored in the same directory (Advisable to create symlinks in the data
directory if the samples are stored in various directories):
in_bam = "/path/to/*{bam,bai}"
Feel free to also specify samples with particular strings in their names:
in_bam = "/path/to/HG*{bam,bai}"
For CRAM input:
in_bam = "/path/to/samples/*{cram,crai}"
For reference genome:
ref_file = "/path/to/reference/genome.fasta"
Results directory:
Optionally, you may set the out_dir
to a path of choice. The default output folder is ./results
under the StellarPGx directory.
For execution on a local machine
nextflow run -profile standard --build [hg38/b37/hg19] --gene [e.g. cyp2d6]
For execution via a scheduler e.g. SLURM
nextflow run -profile slurm --build [hg38/b37/hg19] --gene [e.g. cyp2d6]
If you are using CRAM files as input, then ensure to supply the option --format compressed
nextflow run -profile [standard/slurm etc] --format compressed --build [hg38/b37/hg19] --gene [e.g. cyp2d6]
In case your data is aligned to b37
or humanG1Kv37
(have contigs without 'chr' at the start), run the pipeline using the option --build b37
nextflow run -profile [standard/slurm etc] --build b37 --gene [e.g. cyp2d6]
If instead your data is aligned to hg19
or GRCh37
(have most/all contigs starting with 'chr') run the pipeline using the option --build hg19
nextflow run -profile [standard/slurm etc] --build hg19 --gene [e.g. cyp2d6]
See result files matching each sample in the ./results/<(gene)>
folder or custom predefined path.
Notice that there is a separate result-file for each sample and a separate results directory for each gene. We have included a handy script called
under ./scripts/general in order to facilitate getting the summary of allele calls after running StellarPGx.
For example, if one wishes to get a summary of CYP2D6 allele calls for each sample in the ./results/cyp2d6 folder after analysis, the following easy steps would produce a nice and simple summary table;
- Copy the
script to the directory with the results files
cp path/to/scripts/general/ path/to/results/cyp2d6/
- Run the as follows;
bash -s <sample-names-list> -o <output-file-name>
Since StellarPGx
is based on Nextflow
, a directory called work
is created each time you run the pipeline. The work
directory is primarily useful for debugging purposes as it contains the input, output, script details and error report for each process in the pipeline. Remember to delete these work
directories after your analysis to save space on your disk.
If you use StellarPGx in your PGx analysis, please cite our recently accepted article:
David Twesigomwe, Britt I. Drögemöller, Galen E.B. Wright, Azra Siddiqui, Jorge da Rocha, Zané Lombard and Scott Hazelhurst. StellarPGx: A Nextflow pipeline for calling star alleles in cytochrome P450 genes. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 110(3), 741–749. doi:10.1002/cpt.2173.
MIT License
Thank you for choosing StellarPGx 🤓