Serendipity is an open-source Customer Engagement Platform.
You can use it to transform your organisation by connecting your customers, products, people and operations.
- Progressive Web App (PWA)
- Backend for Frontend (BFF)
- Identity Server (Keycloak)
- Spring Security 5 OAuth 2.0 Login
Clone the project by running the following command:
git clone
To serve the applications (from the /backend directory):
docker-compose up -d
The containers may take a minute or two to startup.
Navigate to:
To serve the applications (from the /backend directory):
# Create a dedicated namespace for our deployments
kubectl create ns serendipity
# Deploy the Serendipty Identity Service
kubectl apply -n serendipity -f serendipity-identity-server.yaml
# Deploy the Serendipty PWA and BFF
kubectl apply -n serendipity -f serendipity.yaml
The containers may take a minute or two to startup.
Navigate to:
Follow these steps to deploy the Kubernetes Dashboard:
Documentation, demos, and guides
Welcome Page:
Navigation Bar:
Command Bar:
Contact Wizard:
Contact - Lookup Account:
Contact - Related Tab:
Contact - Add Relationship:
New Work Item:
Register page:
Login page:
- Rob Ferguson's blog: Serendipity 2.0