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Patty - LISP with patterns

Created for Lang Jam. Theme is patterns, and this language is exploration of generating math patterns with lazy sequences. See examples to get gist of idea behind this language.

Language inspired by one line of Haskell code:

fibs = 0 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)

In Patty it works like this:

	(def fibs (seq 1 1 (+ (index n fibs) (index (+ n 1) fibs))))
	(print (take 10 fibs)))


You need to make sure, that you have C++20 compiler, Make and fmtlib.

To install them on Arch Linux:

$ sudo pacman -S fmt gcc make

Then build with

make patty

And run one of examples with

$ ./patty examples/list.patty

Or enter interactive mode (REPL) with:

$ ./patty

Since Patty interactive mode does not support readline functionality, usage of tools like rlwrap is recommended.


See also examples

Hello world

(print "hello, world!")

Truth machine

Defined at

  • Ask for input.
    • If the input is 0:
      • Output 0.
      • Terminate program.
    • Whereas if the input is 1:
      • Repeat infinitely:
        • Output 1.
(if (= (read int) 0)
	(print 0)
	(loop (print 1)))

Functional data operations

Patty Haskell
(seq 5) repeat 5
(seq 0 1) cycle [0, 1]
(def repeat (fn (v) (seq! v))) repeat n = n : repeat n
(zip-with + (list 1 2 3) (list 10 20 30)) zipWith (+) [1,2,3] [10,20,30]
(fold * (take 5 (seq (+ n 1)))) foldl1 (*) $ take 5 $ [1..]


Language is 0-indexed, LISP based with some funcitonal touches. Due to personal time limitations, it's not finished and it's far from exploring it's concept properly.


  • Collections of finitely many values
  • Values stored in lists don't have to have same type
  • Implemented with doubly-linked list, so many of the operations are O(n) (like size, getting value from specific index)

See examples/list.patty


  • Lazy producers of values
  • Can contain either normal or generative expressions. Generative expressions contain identifier n which constains index of currenlty produced value. This allows for construction of sequence of positive integers like (def positive (seq (+ n 1)))
  • Normal expressions are first values of sequence (if sequence constains generative expressions) or are used to generate infinite sequence
    • As prefix: (seq 10 9 n) produces (10 9 0 1 2 3 4 ...)
    • As infinite sequence: (seq 10 9) produces (10 9 10 9 10 9 10 9 ...)

Due to lazy evaluation variables inside sequences are resolved when sequence is forced to produce values (for example in take function.). To resolve values when sequence is defined use seq!.

Currently, not all operations are supported on them. More time and effort is required.

See examples/sequences.patty


  • User-defined functions have bodies evaluated in scope where their are called.
  • Arguments of C++ defined functions may be lazy (for example in if)
  • User-defined functions are just lists

Builtin functions

  • Comparisons (only integers): < <= > >=, example: (< 1 2)
  • Arithmetic (only integers): + - *, example: (+ 2 (* 4 3))
  • do - evaluate each argument and return last (do (print 10) (+ 10 20))
  • print - prints provided arguments (without seperators), and then newline (print "foo = " foo)
  • def - defines symbol to be this value. Used to define:
    • functions: (def add2 (fn (n) (+ n 2)))
    • other values: (def foo 20)
  • fun - creates anonymous function with arguments given in first list and body in second
(def count-down (fun (n)
	(if (!= n 0) (do
		(print n)
		(count-down (- n 1))))))
  • list - creates list with content beeing arguments (list 1 2 3 "foo")
  • if - if condition is true (non zero, not nil, non empty), evaluete first block, otherwise evaluate second if exists
  • ++ - concat two list or add element to list (++ (list 1 2 3) 4 (list 5 6 7))
  • len - get length of sequence, string or list (len (list 1 2 3))
  • index - get nth value from sequence, string or list (index 2 (list 1 2 3))
  • for - iterate over list (for n (list 1 2 3) (print n))
  • zip - zip several lists
  • zip-with - zip with operation two or more lists, strings or sequences
  • take - take n elements from sequence, list or string
  • fold - fold list into value osing function (fold * (list 1 2 3 4 5))
  • loop - eval provided block infinietly many times
  • seq - construct sequence from arguments (precise definition above)
  • seq! - construct sequence with arguments evaluated in current scope
  • pop - remove value from sequence


LISP + easy generation of numerical patterns








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