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Powershell module for DICOM testing. Just a PowerShell wrapper using the fo-dicom library.


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Project Description

Note: This module supports Powershell Core (v7+) only, Windows Powershell (v5.1) is no longer supported. Mostly tested under Powershell v7.x on Windows, but should work with PowerShell v7+ on Linux and MacOS.

This PowerShell module is a small collection of CmdLets to test DICOM interfaces:

  • Send-CEcho: send a DICOM C-ECHO to a DICOM endpoint.
  • Send-CFind: send a DICOM C-Find request to a DICOM endpoint, display the results returned.
  • Send-DWMLQuery: query a DICOM Modality Worklist (experimental - may not be reliable)
  • Get-DicomTag: list the DICOM tags from a DICOM file.

This module uses the Fellow OAK DICOM (fo-dicom) library.


Either build the solution (instructions below), or download the latest release from

Copy the contents of the /module folder (or extract the files from the downloaded release) to a folder named 'DicomTools' in the Powershell module path (use $env:PSModulePath to list all paths).

Supports Microsoft PowerShell 7+ only.

Build instructions

Install the .Net Core 6 SDK (

Run .\publish.cmd

The build module will be copied to the /Module folder.

CmdLet Usage


Send a C-ECHO to a DICOM interface. Default values for LocalAETitle and RemoteAETitle used if not supplied via the parameters.

Send-CEcho [-HostName] <string> [-Port] <int> [[-LocalAETitle] <string>] [[-RemoteAETitle] <string>] [[-UseTLS]] [<CommonParameters>]


-HostName The hostname of the DICOM interface to query.

-Port The TCP port number of the DICOM interface.

-LocalAETitle The caller AE title. Defaults to 'DICOMTOOLS-SCU' if no parameter supplied.

-RemoteAETitle The called AE title. Defaults to 'ANY-SCP' if no parameter supplied.

-Timeout The timout in seconds before the DICOM association is cancelled (or time to wait for a response to the C-ECHO if the association was successful).

-UseTLS Use TLS to secure the connection (if supported by the remote DICOM service).


PS>Send-CEcho -HostName -Port 11112

Hostname              Port  ResponseTime Status
--------              ----  ------------ ------ 11112 1587 ms      Success


Send a C-FIND query to a DICOM interface, display the results returned. Default values for LocalAETitle and RemoteAETitle used if not supplied via the parameters.

Search by values provided in either PatientName, PatientID, or StudyID parameters. Include * search string for wildcard searches. Warning: A single search value of * will return all studies.

Send-CFind [-HostName] <string> [-Port] <int> [[-LocalAETitle] <string>] [[-RemoteAETitle] <string>] [-PatientName] <string> [[-Modality] <string>] [[-StartDate] <string>] [[-EndDate] <string>] [[-UseTLS]] [[-Timeout] <int>] [<CommonParameters>]

Send-CFind [-HostName] <string> [-Port] <int> [[-LocalAETitle] <string>] [[-RemoteAETitle] <string>] [-PatientID] <string> [[-Modality] <string>] [[-StartDate] <string>] [[-EndDate] <string>] [[-UseTLS]] [[-Timeout] <int>] [<CommonParameters>]

Send-CFind [-HostName] <string> [-Port] <int> [[-LocalAETitle] <string>] [[-RemoteAETitle] <string>] [-StudyID] <string> [[-Modality] <string>] [[-StartDate] <string>] [[-EndDate] <string>] [[-UseTLS]] [[-Timeout] <int>] [<CommonParameters>]

Send-CFind [-HostName] <string> [-Port] <int> [[-LocalAETitle] <string>] [[-RemoteAETitle] <string>] [-AccessionNumber] <string> [[-Modality] <string>] [[-StartDate] <string>] [[-EndDate] <string>] [[-UseTLS]] [[-Timeout] <int>] [<CommonParameters>]


-HostName The hostname of the DICOM interface to query.

-Port The TCP port number of the DICOM interface.

-LocalAETitle The caller AE title. Defaults to 'DICOMTOOLS-SCU' if no parameter supplied.

-RemoteAETitle The called AE title. Defaults to 'ANY-SCP' if no parameter supplied.

-PatientName The name of the patient to search for. Can include '*' for wildcard searches.

-PatientID The patient ID to search for. Can include '*' for wildcard searches.

-StudyID The study instance ID to search for. Can include '*' for wildcard searches.

-AccessionNumber The Accession number to search for. Can include '*' for wildcard searches.

-Modality Constrain the search to a modality type.

-StartDate Constrain the search for studies acquired on or after this date. Accepts any string that can be parsed as a date.

-EndDate Constrain the search for studies acquired on or before this date. Accepts any string that can be parsed as a date.

-UseTLS Use TLS to secure the connection (if supported by the remote DICOM service).

-Timeout The timout in seconds before the DICOM association is cancelled (or time to wait for a response to the C-FIND if association was successful).


Find all patients where Patient Name is 'Test'

PS>Send-CFind -HostName -Port 11112 -PatientName test

PatientName  PatientID  BirthDate Sex Modality StudyDate              AccessionNumber StudyInstanceID
-----------  ---------  --------- --- -------- ---------              --------------- ---------------
test^test    EkeaB142dw 20210708  M   DOC      15/07/2021 12:00:00 AM       …
test^test    EkeaB142dw 20210708  M   DOC      15/07/2021 12:00:00 AM       …
test^test    EkeaB142dw 20210708  M   DOC      15/07/2021 12:00:00 AM       …
test         3          20210616  O   SC       13/01/2021 10:13:51 AM                 2.25.12671083270627443311864223603381287…
test         3          20210616  O   SC       13/01/2021 10:13:51 AM                 2.25.22697510870666633359788882595239852…
test         3          20210616  O   SC       17/07/2021 12:20:25 PM                 2.25.15048971584590926188919414102281229…
Test^Patient 0          19600709  F   OAM      9/07/2020 11:31:11 AM        …

Find all patients with Patient ID starting with '123'

PS>Send-CFind -HostName -Port 11112 -PatientID 123*

PatientName    PatientID  BirthDate Sex Modality StudyDate             AccessionNumber StudyInstanceID
-----------    ---------  --------- --- -------- ---------             --------------- ---------------
*001           1234567890 20150511  F   CR       11/05/2015 4:26:38 AM 19035189        1.2.826.0.1.3680043.6.98861.89036.20150…
DEMO_RECORDING 123456                   XA       24/08/2021 3:22:41 PM                 2.25.1788281389745095966601891702358043…
Tester^Test    12345      19850202  M   ES       2/07/2021 2:03:06 PM                  1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.891.113.202107021…
Tester^Test    12345      19850202  M   ES       2/07/2021 2:03:12 PM                  1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.891.113.202107021…
Tester^Test    12345      19850202  M   ES       2/07/2021 2:03:14 PM                  1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.891.113.202107021…
Tester^Test    12345      19850202  M   ES       2/07/2021 2:03:15 PM                  1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.891.113.202107021…
Tester^Test    12345      19850202  M   ES       2/07/2021 2:03:16 PM                  1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.891.113.202107021…
Tester^Test    12345      19850202  M   ES       2/07/2021 2:03:18 PM                  1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.891.113.202107021…
Tester^Test    12345      19850202  M   ES       2/07/2021 2:10:58 PM  7654321         1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.891.113.202107021…
Tester^Test    12345      19850202  M   ES       19/07/2021 9:34:53 AM                 1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.891.113.202107190…

Find all CT scans acquired from 1 Jan 2020 through to 31 Dec 2020

PS>Send-CFind -HostName -Port 11112 -PatientName * -Modality CT -startDate 'Jan 1 2020' -EndDate '31/12/2020' 

PatientName PatientID BirthDate Sex Modality StudyDate             AccessionNumber StudyInstanceID
----------- --------- --------- --- -------- ---------             --------------- ---------------
.           139091                  CT       28/01/2020 5:29:09 PM       …
.           139091                  CT       28/01/2020 5:29:09 PM       …
.           139091                  CT       5/02/2020 2:47:03 PM        …
.           139091                  CT       13/02/2020 9:08:15 AM       …
Anonymous   Anonymous               CT       9/12/2020 8:34:04 PM                  2.16.840.1.114540.200114023.27924

Find patient details for Study Instance ID of '1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.891.113.20210702141058064482710'

PS>Send-CFind -HostName -Port 11112 -StudyID 1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.891.113.20210702141058064482710

PatientName PatientID BirthDate Sex Modality StudyDate            AccessionNumber StudyInstanceID
----------- --------- --------- --- -------- ---------            --------------- ---------------
Tester^Test 12345     19850202  M   ES       2/07/2021 2:10:58 PM 7654321         1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.891.113.20210702141058064482710


Query a DICOM Modality Work List (DMWL), display the results returned. Default values for LocalAETitle and RemoteAETitle used if not supplied via the parameters. The default results will contain Patient details. The scheduled procedure steps can be accessed from the ProcedureSteps property returned. This is a list of all procedure steps for a given scheduled exam.

Restrict search by PatientName, PatientID, or Modality parameters. Include * search string for wildcard searches. Warning: A single search value of * will return all studies.

The StartDateTime and EndDateTime parameters can be supplied to constrain the search to exams scheduled between these dates. Both parameters must be supplied to create a date range. Any text value can be entered providing it can be recognised as a Date or DateTime value. e.g. "1997-09-18 20:00" or "18 Sept 97 8pm" would be accepted.

Send-DMWLQuery [-HostName] <string> [-Port] <int> [[-LocalAETitle] <string>] [[-RemoteAETitle] <string>] [[-PatientName] <string>] [[-PatientID] <string>] [[-Modality] <string>] [[-StartDateTime] <string>] [[-EndDateTime] <string>] [[-UseTLS]] [[-Timeout] <int>] [<CommonParameters>]


-HostName The hostname of the DICOM interface to query.

-Port The TCP port number of the DICOM interface.

-LocalAETitle The caller AE title. Defaults to 'DICOMTOOLS-SCU' if no parameter supplied.

-RemoteAETitle The called AE title. Defaults to 'ANY-SCP' if no parameter supplied.

-PatientName Constrain the search to specific patient names (may be case sensitive - depends on PACS).

-PatientID Constrain the search to specific patient IDs.

-Modality Constrain the search to a modality type.

-StartDateTime Constrain the search for studies scheduled on or after this DateTime. Must also supply the -EndDateTime parameter to create a date range.

-EndDateTime Constrain the search for studies scheduled on or before this DateTime. Must also supply the -StartDateTime parameter to create a date range.

-UseTLS Use TLS to secure the connection (if supported by the remote DICOM service).

-Timeout The timout in seconds before the DICOM association is cancelled (or time to wait for a response to the C-FIND if association was successful).


Query DICOM modality worklist

PS> Send-DMWLQuery -HostName -Port 11112

PatientName           PatientID BirthDate Sex Steps Modality  AccessionNumber StudyDescription  ProcedureSteps
-----------           --------- --------- --- ----- --------  --------------- ----------------  --------------
Bowen^William^^Dr     PAT004    19560807  M   1     MR        125             CT Left Shoulder  {1}
Bloggs^Joe^^Mr        PAT001    19450703  M   1     CT        123             CT Brain          {1}
Williams^Jane^^Mrs    PAT002    19830806  F   1     MR        124             MRI Left Shoulder {1}
Smith^Emma^^Miss      PAT003    19480603  F   1     RF        126             Left Leg DSA      {1}
Bowen^William^^Dr     PAT004    19560807  M   1     CT        125             MRI Left Shoulder {1}
Bowen^William^^Dr     PAT004    19560807  M   1     US        125             US Left Shoulder  {1}

Query DICOM modality worklist, display the procedure steps for the 3rd result returned

PS> (Send-DMWLQuery -HostName -Port 11112)[2].procedureSteps

StepID              : 1
Modality            : MR
PerformingPhysician : Evans^^^Dr
StepDateTime        : 1/01/2001 12:30:00 PM
StepDescription     : MRI Left Shoulder

Query patients with a scheduled CT exam between 4pm and 8pm on 18 September 1997

PS> Send-DMWLQuery  -HostName -Port 11112 -StartDateTime "Sept 18 1997 1pm" -EndDateTime "1997-09-18 20:00"  -Modality CT

PatientName       PatientID BirthDate Sex Steps Modality AccessionNumber StudyDescription  ProcedureSteps
-----------       --------- --------- --- ----- -------- --------------- ----------------  --------------
Bowen^William^^Dr PAT004    19560807  M   1     MR       125             CT Left Shoulder  {1}
Bloggs^Joe^^Mr    PAT001    19450703  M   1     CT       123             CT Brain          {1}
Bowen^William^^Dr PAT004    19560807  M   1     CT       125             MRI Left Shoulder {1}


Displays the DICOM tags from a DICOM file.

Get-DicomTag -LiteralPath <string[]> [<CommonParameters>]

Get-DicomTag [-Path] <string[]> [<CommonParameters>]


-LiteralPath The literal path to the DICOM file.

-Path The path of the DICOM file(s). Can include wildcards or regular expressions to specify multiple files.


Powershell module for DICOM testing. Just a PowerShell wrapper using the fo-dicom library.








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