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Stree - Empowering Women's Safety and Growth

Table of Contents

  1. About The Project And Our Motivation
  2. Getting Started
  3. Usage
  4. Contributing
  5. Contact

About The Project And Our Motivation

Screenshot 2024-09-01 140429 Screenshot 2024-09-01 140457 f5deba14-507b-4560-9efb-ad277085036d Screenshot 2024-09-01 140820 Screenshot 2024-09-01 140947 Screenshot 2024-09-01 141134

Stree is a platform designed to enhance women's safety by enabling them to anonymously report crimes and providing them with guidance on tech communities and resources. Our mission is to empower women to take charge of their personal safety while also offering them opportunities to explore and grow in the tech industry.

Through Stree, women can connect with others in their community, report crimes without fear, and access valuable resources related to technology. This creates a supportive environment where women feel secure and informed.

One of Stree's standout features is an interactive map that allows users to pinpoint and report crime incidents. By visualizing these incidences on the map, women can easily identify which areas are safe or unsafe, helping them make informed decisions to avoid potential dangers and stay protected. Stree is committed to fostering a safer and more inclusive environment for all women.

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Technologies Used


  • React: Used for building the user interface.
  • React Router: For client-side routing.
  • Recoil: State management for React.
  • Leaflet & React-Leaflet: Used for mapping and location-based services.
  • Axios: For making HTTP requests.
  • Tailwind CSS: For styling the application.


  • Node.js & Express: Backend framework for handling requests and routing.
  • MongoDB & Mongoose: Database and ORM for storing and managing data.
  • JWT (jsonwebtoken): For handling user authentication and security.
  • Zod: For schema validation.
  • bcryptjs: For hashing passwords.



  • Node.js: Ensure you have Node.js installed on your system.


  1. Fork the Repository

  2. Clone the Repository:

    git clone ${url_of_your_forked_repo}
    cd stree
  3. Setup the Client:

    cd client
    npm install
  4. Setup the Server:

    cd ../server
    npm install
  5. Create a .env File:

    • In the client and server directories, create a .env file and add the necessary environment variables.

    • Example for server/.env:

    • Example for client/.env:


    Make sure to replace your_mongodb_uri, your_jwt_secret_key, localhost:xyxy, and localhost:your_backend_port with the appropriate values based on your local setup.

Run the Application

  1. Start the backend

    cd server
    npm run start:dev
  2. Start the frontend

    cd ../client
    npm run dev

Access the application

Built With

  • React
  • Node

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Ways to Contribute

  • As a first time contributor, navigating through the project, it can be quite daunting for you. Please make sure to go through the repository structure to understand the project a bit better, if you want to understand the project better.

  • Open a issue ticket for any gap in documentation or bug or feature requests that you have, opening up issue tickets is always a good way to contribute.

  • You can help review open PRs for best backend and devops realted code practices and help the contributors out.

  • Lastly and the most obvious one feel free to pick up open issue tickets and raise a PR for it resolving the bug, feature or documentation request.

Contributions are vital to the open-source community, helping it grow, inspire, and create new possibilities. Any contributions you make are sincerely appreciated. If you have ideas on how to improve this project, feel free to fork the repository and submit a pull request. You can also open an issue and tag it as "enhancement." And if you find the project useful, don't forget to give it a star! Thank you for your support!

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request

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Team Links

Riya Raj - Riya Raj

Profile Link:

Imrana Sumbul - Imrana Sumbul

Profile Link:

Aditi Jogdand - Aditi Jogdand

Profile Link:


This is list of resources we found helpful and would like to give credit to. We've included a few to kick things off!

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This project is licensed under the MIT License.









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Contributors 4
