Welcome to the AICompanyGenerator repo 🤖 💻 🪗
This is a singlepage application which uses calls to the Open AI API to generate suggestions for name of a company, its slogan and two colors that can be used in its logo or other.
I created this project both to learn more about React, but mainly in order to learn more about promt engineering.
The main component, that handles user input and displays the output is in the file ./src/components/AIForm.tsx
. If you want to learn more about how it works or want to make any changes, go here.
The API calls themselves are located in ./src/pages/api/openaiCommunicator.tsx
. Here you can see how the AI model was instructed to handle and respond to the input.
First clone this repo to your local machine. Open terminal/bash/powershell in the root folder and go to the src
From there install all packages and run the project.
cd ./src
npm install
npm run dev
We use the OpenAI API. In order to use this you need to create your own subscription in order to get keys to be able to access the api. More information about the API etc. can be found here.
In order to successfully run this you need to create a local environment file .env.local
with the following content.
NEXT_PUBLIC_OPENAI_ORG_ID=<Your OpenAI organization Id>