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Boon comes with a fast JSON parser. This parser was forked / merged into Groovy 2.3. The Boon and Groovy 2.3 JSON
parsers are a lot faster than mainstream JSON parsers.####
"Rick / Andrey duo spent a fair amount of time optimizing our JSON support, making Groovy 2.3’s JSON support usually faster than all the JSON libraries available in the Java ecosystem." -- Guillaume Laforge
"Rick Hightower recently published a JSON JVM libraries benchmark where his project Boon was the clear winner...
Results seem quite consistent and Boon is indeed faster than GSON, Jackson" --Julien Ponge. Julien is the world renown French computer scientist, hipster killer, author of Golo, JVM expert, InvokeDynamic expert, and just a all-around knowledgeable guy.
#JSON Benchmarks
We used JMH which is what OpenJDK uses. We used the json files from for parsing.
OSX MacBook Pro, JDK 1.7, 16GB RAM and 512GB SSD drive.
Jackson is consistently faster than GSON and JSONSmart.
Boon JSON parser is faster than Jackson with Reader, reading files, byte[], and char[] and String.
Boon is 3x to 5x faster than Jackson at parsing JSON from String and char[], and 2x to 4x faster at parsing byte[].
Boon and Jackson speeds are much closer with InputStream based parsing. Boon is usually faster at InputStream, but the margins are much smaller.
Boon and Jackson are close at handling InputStream if the JSON stream is small. Once the JSON stream gets over 1KB to 2KB, Boon wins consistently.
Boon is faster at encoding JSON strings, and serializing/de-serializing Java instances to/from JSON than Jackson.
##Why don't you test GSON and JSONSmart?
Jackson is faster than GSON and JSONSmart. We have tests for all four. I only included the tests for Jackson because Jackson is faster than the other two. Anyone can download the benchmark and run all of the tests.
Jackson is faster at some things. Jackson currently is 30% or more faster at serializing large primitive arrays.
GSON is probably faster at some things as well.
These tests have been independently verified.
##Why don't you test Jackson AST?
I do. I see no real difference between readTree and readValue. I left out AST because it is redundant. The tests are still there and easy to run. I find AST +/- 10% of non AST.
##Who wrote the benchmarks?
They first version was written by Stephane Landelle of Gatling fame. Later they were added to by Andrey Bloschetsov for Groovy serialization. I added new tests as well.
##Relationship to Groovy JSON parser for 2.3?
Andrey Bloschetsov and I, with the help of the Groovy lead developers, took the Boon classes and forked them into Groovy 2.3.
We did this mainly for parsing, but we also improved the JSON serialization speed.
Boon and Groovy parsing are unsurprisingly very comparable.
Groovy JSON parsing is a bit faster in a few use cases, and Boon parser is a bit faster in a few uses cases, but mostly they are neck in neck.
Boon JSON de-serialization (from JSON into instances of Classes) is still quite a bit faster than Groovy. This will change in Groovy 2.4 or 2.5.
The new Groovy JSON parser based on Boon is 20x faster than the Groovy 2.2 parser.
The benchmark uses JMH. JMH is what the OpenJDK uses for benchmarking. JMH endeavors to eliminate JIT dead code elimination.
@OutputTimeUnit( TimeUnit.SECONDS)
public void actionLabel(BlackHole bh) throws Exception {
Every method is passed through to a BlackHole.
* Black Hole.
* <p/>
* Black hole "consumes" the values, conceiving no information to JIT whether the
* value is actually used afterwards. This can save from the dead-code elimination
* of the computations resulting in the given values.
* @author [email protected]
* Consume object. This call provides a side effect preventing JIT to eliminate dependent computations.
* @param obj object to consume.
public final void consume(Object obj) {
int tlr = (this.tlr = (this.tlr * 1664525 + 1013904223));
if ((tlr & tlrMask) == 0) {
this.obj1 = obj;
this.tlrMask = (this.tlrMask << 1) + 1;
See JSON BenchMark Using Boon and JMH
public class MainBoonBenchmark {
private final JsonParser parser = new JsonParserFactory ().create ();
private Object parse(String str) throws Exception {
return parser.parse ( str );
public void actionLabel(BlackHole bh) throws Exception {
public void citmCatalog(BlackHole bh) throws Exception {
I think it is very unlikely that the benchmarks I used are "flawed benchmark with tons of potential dead code elimination."
Maybe earlier benchmarks, but not the JMH based ones. But then again. I am always learning something new so teach me.
This is a common accusation and / or assumption. The tests were not purposely written to favor Boon. They might.
The tests may favor Boon and certainly Boon was optimized with these tests in mind. These tests results have been independently verified by three other reputable sources.
Almost all of the sample JSON for these tests come from which would sort of negate the argument that the input was picked to favor Boon. Unless I somehow invented a time machine and wrote the samples for
Again, these tests results have been independently verified by three other sources.
Boon was optimized to parse JSON for REST and WebSocket messaging. This does not mean that Boon will be faster for every serialization tests that is invented between now and some future date.
It does not mean that Boon will be faster for your use case. However, if you are sending JSON messages over REST and WebSocket, there is a good chance that Boon is the fastest way to do this on the JVM at this point int time.
This was one reason Boon was picked by Groovy (for JSON parsing) and Gatling (a performance testing tool).
Nothing stops GSON or Jackson from writing a faster parser. Or for that matter someone else.
Most JSON samples are taken from sample files. The idea was to be fair.
#InputStream Parsing
Run JMH as follows:
java -jar target/microbenchmarks.jar ... -wi 2 -i 3 -f 2 -t 16
Two warm-ups. Two forks. 16 threads. Three iterations. Jackson and Boon are completely warmed up after the first iteration. Running it longer does not help.
(Later we add more warm-ups.)
private Object parse(InputStream inputStream) throws Exception {
return parser.parse (inputStream);
private Object parse(InputStream inputStream) throws Exception {
return JACKSON_MAPPER.readValue(inputStream, Map.class);
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
i.g.j.inputStream.MainBoonBenchmark.actionLabel thrpt 16 6 1 866021.511 152818.015 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.actionLabel thrpt 16 6 1 662051.786 70960.055 ops/s
Boon is faster.
i.g.j.inputStream.MainBoonBenchmark.citmCatalog thrpt 16 6 1 997.894 106.665 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.citmCatalog thrpt 16 6 1 464.647 82.287 ops/s
Boon is a lot faster.
i.g.j.inputStream.MainBoonBenchmark.medium thrpt 16 6 1 729649.386 32040.721 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.medium thrpt 16 6 1 419224.947 21098.385 ops/s
Boon wins. thrpt 16 6 1 1985725.125 181813.950 ops/s thrpt 16 6 1 1505494.119 24945.816 ops/s
Jackson wins. (Can't win them all.) For this small of a payload you might need to tweak the default buffer sizes for Boon.
i.g.j.inputStream.MainBoonBenchmark.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 1350396.608 31969.601 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 1209915.253 122783.831 ops/s
Boon barely wins.
i.g.j.inputStream.MainBoonBenchmark.webxml thrpt 16 6 1 431055.661 31544.139 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.webxml thrpt 16 6 1 189635.644 104334.060 ops/s
Boon wins by a large margin.
i.g.j.inputStream.MainBoonBenchmark.widget thrpt 16 6 1 1066325.400 108550.520 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.widget thrpt 16 6 1 699439.433 130830.543 ops/s
Boon wins by a large margin.
#Caveat Boon JSON parser is a parser optimized for REST and websocket style services.
Boon JSON parser is optimized to work in a reactive style environment like Akka, Vert.x, etc. Boon JSON parser would work well with MessageDrivenBeans (EJB or Spring).
For some use cases it runs stateless faster than Jackson runs with shared buffers.
Jackson can handle very large JSON files and very large JSON streams. This support was added to Boon JSON as part of the fork/port to Groovy JSON. With larger files the speeds are much more equivalent, and in fact Jackson might be 10% faster or so.
Benchmark first.
It would take some extra effort to get superior results in a Servlet environment (it can be done).
Jackson is mature and solid. Don't assume ripping out Boon for Jackson will buy you anything. Jackson has tooling that makes it work really well in a Java EE environment, and is more fool proof.
#File system read
Both Boon and Jackson have the ability to read straight from the file system. It seems Jackson needed more warm-ups so I added them. I don't think non-warmed up code proves anything. Both Jackson and Boon were all warmed-up after three warm-ups.
java -jar target/microbenchmarks.jar ".*file.*" -wi 3 -i 3 -f 2 -t 16
Jackson File.
private Object parse(String fileName) throws Exception {
return JACKSON_MAPPER.readTree ( new File (fileName) );
Boon File.
private Object parse(String fileName) throws Exception {
return parser.parseFile ( Map.class, fileName);
i.g.j.f.BoonBenchMark.actionLabel thrpt 16 6 1 253893.017 14314.289 ops/s
i.g.j.f.JacksonASTBenchmark.actionLabel thrpt 16 6 1 231613.819 25364.317 ops/s
Call it a tie. Boon barely wins.
i.g.j.f.BoonBenchMark.citmCatalog thrpt 16 6 1 862.778 106.362 ops/s
i.g.j.f.JacksonASTBenchmark.citmCatalog thrpt 16 6 1 451.617 59.926 ops/s
Boon wins by a wide margin.
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
i.g.j.f.BoonBenchMark.medium thrpt 16 6 1 249553.100 19159.077 ops/s
i.g.j.f.JacksonASTBenchmark.medium thrpt 16 6 1 197056.072 21201.261 ops/s
Boon wins.
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units thrpt 16 6 1 271678.375 24672.358 ops/s thrpt 16 6 1 284756.122 88111.175 ops/s
Call it a tie. Jackson barely wins.
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
i.g.j.f.BoonBenchMark.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 258278.919 9886.144 ops/s
i.g.j.f.JacksonASTBenchmark.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 253126.067 20414.849 ops/s
Call it a tie. Boon barely wins.
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
i.g.j.f.BoonBenchMark.webxml thrpt 16 6 1 208778.647 15219.752 ops/s
i.g.j.f.JacksonASTBenchmark.webxml thrpt 16 6 1 127184.025 17270.754 ops/s
Boon wins by a large margin.
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
i.g.j.f.BoonBenchMark.widget thrpt 16 6 1 268296.542 21856.333 ops/s
i.g.j.f.JacksonASTBenchmark.widget thrpt 16 6 1 222440.689 39514.739 ops/s
Boon wins.
Boon and Jackson can use a reader to read a JSON stream.
java -jar target/microbenchmarks.jar ".*reader.*" -wi 3 -i 3 -f 2 -t 16
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
i.g.j.r.MainBoonBenchmark.actionLabel thrpt 16 6 1 1482160.136 127335.188 ops/s
i.g.j.r.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.actionLabel thrpt 16 6 1 528522.919 70537.978 ops/s
Boon 3x faster
i.g.j.r.MainBoonBenchmark.citmCatalog thrpt 16 6 1 1102.425 272.243 ops/s
i.g.j.r.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.citmCatalog thrpt 16 6 1 396.981 28.491 ops/s
Boon over 2x faster
i.g.j.r.MainBoonBenchmark.medium thrpt 16 6 1 1164408.836 71138.499 ops/s
i.g.j.r.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.medium thrpt 16 6 1 365940.803 15780.746 ops/s
Boon 2.7x faster. thrpt 16 6 1 4730577.939 206541.736 ops/s thrpt 16 6 1 1581462.192 289868.322 ops/s
Boon over 2x faster.
i.g.j.r.MainBoonBenchmark.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 4813803.211 157129.919 ops/s
i.g.j.r.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 1643288.822 80243.617 ops/s
Boon over 2x faster.
i.g.j.r.MainBoonBenchmark.webxml thrpt 16 6 1 646994.644 101870.656 ops/s
i.g.j.r.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.webxml thrpt 16 6 1 203544.281 15564.338 ops/s
Boon over 3x faster.
i.g.j.r.MainBoonBenchmark.widget thrpt 16 6 1 1922759.581 360131.835 ops/s
i.g.j.r.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.widget thrpt 16 6 1 639264.142 36270.570 ops/s
Boon almost 3x faster.
#Parse From byte[] array
Boon and Jackson can parse direct from a byte[].
java -jar target/microbenchmarks.jar ".*byte.*" -wi 3 -i 3 -f 2 -t 16
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
i.g.j.b.MainBoonBenchmark.actionLabel thrpt 16 6 1 1221958.008 30506.924 ops/s
i.g.j.b.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.actionLabel thrpt 16 6 1 636254.022 33273.771 ops/s
Boon wins by 2x
i.g.j.b.MainBoonBenchmark.citmCatalog thrpt 16 6 1 1000.572 79.712 ops/s
i.g.j.b.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.citmCatalog thrpt 16 6 1 537.311 61.683 ops/s
Boon wins by almost 2x
i.g.j.b.MainBoonBenchmark.medium thrpt 16 6 1 854426.764 84604.024 ops/s
i.g.j.b.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.medium thrpt 16 6 1 436113.169 34620.702 ops/s
Boon wins by almost 2x thrpt 16 6 1 3740629.358 570942.364 ops/s thrpt 16 6 1 1842253.614 50144.188 ops/s
Boon wins by 2x.
i.g.j.b.MainBoonBenchmark.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 2377758.261 162251.992 ops/s
i.g.j.b.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 1190724.547 60984.294 ops/s
Boon wins by over 2x
i.g.j.b.MainBoonBenchmark.small thrpt 16 6 1 14608691.917 4637278.405 ops/s
i.g.j.b.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.small thrpt 16 6 1 3843711.836 237716.513 ops/s
Boon wins by 4x.
i.g.j.b.MainBoonBenchmark.webxml thrpt 16 6 1 503674.722 30799.444 ops/s
i.g.j.b.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.webxml thrpt 16 6 1 225047.361 31226.580 ops/s
Boon wins by over 2x.
i.g.j.b.MainBoonBenchmark.widget thrpt 16 6 1 1465630.533 38963.901 ops/s
i.g.j.b.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.widget thrpt 16 6 1 718188.167 76972.830 ops/s
Boon wins by 2x.
Boon and Jackson can use a reader to read a JSON stream.
java -jar target/microbenchmarks.jar ".*string.*" -wi 3 -i 3 -f 2 -t 16
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
i.g.j.s.MainBoonBenchmark.actionLabel thrpt 16 6 1 1431392.169 193758.838 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.actionLabel thrpt 16 6 1 564775.347 17677.459 ops/s
Boon is 3x faster than Jackson
i.g.j.s.MainBoonBenchmark.citmCatalog thrpt 16 6 1 1531.678 304.146 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.citmCatalog thrpt 16 6 1 423.206 54.482 ops/s
Boon is over 3x faster than Jackson
i.g.j.s.MainBoonBenchmark.medium thrpt 16 6 1 1162388.483 58546.058 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.medium thrpt 16 6 1 366282.108 20279.569 ops/s
Boon is 3.5x faster than Jackson thrpt 16 6 1 4606554.667 390199.354 ops/s thrpt 16 6 1 1591678.644 99655.195 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainBoonBenchmark.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 2930363.631 928801.932 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 1007490.344 100771.781 ops/s
Boon is almost 3x faster than Jackson
i.g.j.s.MainBoonBenchmark.webxml thrpt 16 6 1 703755.139 16904.302 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.webxml thrpt 16 6 1 197618.389 9224.057 ops/s
Boon is almost 4x faster than Jackson
i.g.j.s.MainBoonBenchmark.widget thrpt 16 6 1 2039753.711 164417.077 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.widget thrpt 16 6 1 640933.911 30993.768 ops/s
Boon is almost 4x faster than Jackson
i.g.j.s.MainBoonBenchmark.small thrpt 16 6 1 26063946.758 1320123.707 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.small thrpt 16 6 1 4328478.361 369396.951 ops/s
Boon is 5x faster than Jackson
#Object Serialization
Boon and Jackson can use a reader to read a JSON stream.
java -jar target/microbenchmarks.jar ".*serialization.*" -wi 3 -i 3 -f 2 -t 16
Jackson and Boon can do Object serialization. Boon uses this in SlumberDB to provide a fast key/value JSON store for Java using LevelDB, RocksDB, and MySQL.
Check out SlumberDB. :)
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
i.g.j.s.MainBoonSerializer.roundTriper thrpt 16 6 1 327384.050 7562.980 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainJacksonSerializer.roundTriper thrpt 16 6 1 210291.358 15730.171 ops/s
Boon 30% faster.
i.g.j.s.MainBoonSerializer.serializeSmall thrpt 16 6 1 913616.875 89584.750 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainJacksonSerializer.serializeSmall thrpt 16 6 1 703988.967 190145.965 ops/s
Boon 20% faster.
#Weird Stuff serialization
Boon and Jackson can use a reader to read a JSON stream.
java -jar target/microbenchmarks.jar ".*serializerTests.*" -wi 3 -i 3 -f 2 -t 16
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units i.g.j.serializerTests.Test.complexTestJackson thrpt 16 6 1 69923.967 2382.158 ops/s i.g.j.serializerTests.Test.complextTestBoon thrpt 16 6 1 65746.303 7178.469 ops/s
i.g.j.serializerTests.Test.mediumTestBoon thrpt 16 6 1 1323458.047 55113.844 ops/s i.g.j.serializerTests.Test.mediumTestJackson thrpt 16 6 1 848145.458 109868.000 ops/s
Boon almost 2x faster.
i.g.j.serializerTests.Test.simpleTestBoon thrpt 16 6 1 5762613.228 119177.393 ops/s i.g.j.serializerTests.Test.simpleTestJackson thrpt 16 6 1 2611158.339 411964.607 ops/s Boon 2x faster.
#UPDATE: 9/18/2014
Just making sure Boon did not get slower.. It did not. It is maybe the same and at times a bit faster.
Version 0.19-SNAPSHOT ----------------- OLDER BOON
$ java -jar target/microbenchmarks.jar '.BoonReaderCSParserFirstPassBenchMark.(webxml|citmCatalog)' -wi 2 -i 3 -f 2 -t 16
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
i.g.j.s.BoonReaderCSParserFirstPassBenchMark.citmCatalog thrpt 16 6 1 886.169 152.244 ops/s
i.g.j.s.BoonReaderCSParserFirstPassBenchMark.webxml thrpt 16 6 1 397253.328 43078.002 ops/s
java -jar target/microbenchmarks.jar '.*MainBoon.*(webxml|citmCatalog)' -wi 2 -i 3 -f 2 -t 16
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
i.g.j.bytes.MainBoonBenchmark.citmCatalog thrpt 16 6 1 966.986 260.050 ops/s
i.g.j.bytes.MainBoonBenchmark.webxml thrpt 16 6 1 514852.433 67045.232 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.MainBoonBenchmark.citmCatalog thrpt 16 6 1 993.533 149.868 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.MainBoonBenchmark.webxml thrpt 16 6 1 427802.081 31993.755 ops/s
i.g.j.reader.MainBoonBenchmark.citmCatalog thrpt 16 6 1 1120.983 316.947 ops/s
i.g.j.reader.MainBoonBenchmark.webxml thrpt 16 6 1 581964.550 43111.788 ops/s
i.g.j.string.MainBoonBenchmark.citmCatalog thrpt 16 6 1 1371.894 99.504 ops/s
i.g.j.string.MainBoonBenchmark.webxml thrpt 16 6 1 608970.528 32441.014 ops/s
#0.28-SNAPSHOT (9/18/2014) ------------------ NEWEST BOON
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
i.g.j.s.BoonReaderCSParserFirstPassBenchMark.citmCatalog thrpt 16 6 1 913.272 122.831 ops/s
i.g.j.s.BoonReaderCSParserFirstPassBenchMark.webxml thrpt 16 6 1 395475.856 132173.148 ops/s
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
i.g.j.bytes.MainBoonBenchmark.citmCatalog thrpt 16 6 1 1052.183 105.838 ops/s
i.g.j.bytes.MainBoonBenchmark.webxml thrpt 16 6 1 508305.553 21101.791 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.MainBoonBenchmark.citmCatalog thrpt 16 6 1 999.403 110.369 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.MainBoonBenchmark.webxml thrpt 16 6 1 471568.922 21167.728 ops/s
i.g.j.reader.MainBoonBenchmark.citmCatalog thrpt 16 6 1 1233.969 48.141 ops/s
i.g.j.reader.MainBoonBenchmark.webxml thrpt 16 6 1 603346.353 23895.176 ops/s
i.g.j.string.MainBoonBenchmark.citmCatalog thrpt 16 6 1 1368.592 177.910 ops/s
i.g.j.string.MainBoonBenchmark.webxml thrpt 16 6 1 627767.028 45359.160 ops/s
(little bit faster across the board)
0.28-SNAPSHOT (9/18/2014) ------------------ NEWER (about the same)
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
i.g.j.s.BoonByteArraySerializer.roundTriper thrpt 16 6 1 301125.664 16279.167 ops/s
i.g.j.s.BoonByteArraySerializer.serializeSmall thrpt 16 6 1 1100971.542 218997.455 ops/s
i.g.j.s.BoonPropertySerializer.roundTriper thrpt 16 6 1 293658.294 5200.757 ops/s
i.g.j.s.BoonPropertySerializer.serializeSmall thrpt 16 6 1 958293.650 57165.670 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainBoonSerializer.mediaContentOutput thrpt 16 6 1 119708.458 2580.149 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainBoonSerializer.mediaContentRoundTrip thrpt 16 6 1 38901.803 3533.781 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainBoonSerializer.roundTripBig thrpt 16 6 1 98.781 10.479 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainBoonSerializer.roundTriper thrpt 16 6 1 352125.122 55081.732 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainBoonSerializer.serializeBig thrpt 16 6 1 517.897 23.607 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainBoonSerializer.serializeSmall thrpt 16 6 1 1412045.983 79609.870 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainBoonSerializer.stringPerf thrpt 16 6 1 14510.467 672.938 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainBoonSerializer.stringPerfParser thrpt 16 6 1 117517.289 991.123 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainBoonSerializer.stringPerfSerializer thrpt 16 6 1 611169.878 29852.253 ops/s
0.20 ------------------------------------ OLDER
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
i.g.j.s.BoonByteArraySerializer.roundTriper thrpt 16 6 1 303312.125 8366.738 ops/s
i.g.j.s.BoonByteArraySerializer.serializeSmall thrpt 16 6 1 1072402.350 214683.816 ops/s
i.g.j.s.BoonPropertySerializer.roundTriper thrpt 16 6 1 287764.658 18556.544 ops/s
i.g.j.s.BoonPropertySerializer.serializeSmall thrpt 16 6 1 965304.742 88033.151 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainBoonSerializer.mediaContentOutput thrpt 16 6 1 121042.142 5508.119 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainBoonSerializer.mediaContentRoundTrip thrpt 16 6 1 37964.789 2466.718 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainBoonSerializer.roundTripBig thrpt 16 6 1 97.894 27.619 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainBoonSerializer.roundTriper thrpt 16 6 1 360411.236 34229.031 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainBoonSerializer.serializeBig thrpt 16 6 1 511.456 42.934 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainBoonSerializer.serializeSmall thrpt 16 6 1 1400140.731 71048.708 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainBoonSerializer.stringPerf thrpt 16 6 1 11709.675 1551.816 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainBoonSerializer.stringPerfParser thrpt 16 6 1 119640.975 1315.983 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainBoonSerializer.stringPerfSerializer thrpt 16 6 1 604632.472 19725.350 ops/s
0.20 -------------
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
o.b.PathExpression.employeeExtractionBenchBoon thrpt 16 6 1 1148.258 58.464 ops/s
o.b.PathExpression.employeeExtractionBenchJava thrpt 16 6 1 11702.375 1656.396 ops/s
o.b.PathExpression.getAllOfTheEmployeesFirstNameFromDepartmentBoonBench thrpt 16 6 1 527.364 28.999 ops/s
o.b.PathExpression.getAllOfTheEmployeesFirstNameFromDepartmentJavaBench thrpt 16 6 1 3025.150 479.086 ops/s
o.b.PathExpression.getAllOfTheEmployeesFirstNameFromEmployeeListBoonBench thrpt 16 6 1 888.633 37.161 ops/s
o.b.PathExpression.getAllOfTheEmployeesFirstNameFromEmployeeListJavaBench thrpt 16 6 1 3151.853 586.367 ops/s
0.28-SNAPSHOT ------
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
o.b.PathExpression.employeeExtractionBenchBoon thrpt 16 6 1 1264.147 31.301 ops/s
o.b.PathExpression.employeeExtractionBenchJava thrpt 16 6 1 12320.178 258.015 ops/s
o.b.PathExpression.getAllOfTheEmployeesFirstNameFromDepartmentBoonBench thrpt 16 6 1 529.311 116.473 ops/s
o.b.PathExpression.getAllOfTheEmployeesFirstNameFromDepartmentJavaBench thrpt 16 6 1 3165.897 130.448 ops/s
o.b.PathExpression.getAllOfTheEmployeesFirstNameFromEmployeeListBoonBench thrpt 16 6 1 969.483 105.140 ops/s
o.b.PathExpression.getAllOfTheEmployeesFirstNameFromEmployeeListJavaBench thrpt 16 6 1 3275.442 243.963 ops/s
After some tuning
2x to 3x faster
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
o.b.PathExpression.employeeExtractionBenchBoon thrpt 16 6 1 1329.158 234.466 ops/s
o.b.PathExpression.getAllOfTheEmployeesFirstNameFromDepartmentBoonBench thrpt 16 6 1 574.922 83.610 ops/s
o.b.PathExpression.getAllOfTheEmployeesFirstNameFromEmployeeListBoonBench thrpt 16 6 1 1198.694 49.860 ops/s
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
o.b.PathExpression.employeeExtractionBenchBoon thrpt 16 6 1 24598828.758 1418473.744 ops/s
o.b.PathExpression.getAllOfTheEmployeesFirstNameFromDepartmentBoonBench thrpt 16 6 1 1479.969 808.086 ops/s
o.b.PathExpression.getAllOfTheEmployeesFirstNameFromEmployeeListBoonBench thrpt 16 6 1 1704.136 131.672 ops/s
It got a lot faster
0.28-SNAPSHOT ------
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
o.b.SplitString.parse3Chars thrpt 16 6 1 133962.358 26928.196 ops/s
o.b.SplitString.parse3JDK thrpt 16 6 1 37042.547 24162.006 ops/s
o.b.SplitString.parse3Str thrpt 16 6 1 87014.453 2321.217 ops/s
o.b.SplitString.splitChars thrpt 16 6 1 143868.083 13285.823 ops/s
o.b.SplitString.splitString thrpt 16 6 1 85332.200 2275.696 ops/s
o.b.SplitString.splitStringJDK thrpt 16 6 1 40883.647 1544.038 ops/s
o.b.SplitString.splitStringJDK2 thrpt 16 6 1 43204.147 1457.417 ops/s
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
o.b.SplitString.parse3Chars thrpt 16 6 1 140829.467 9363.003 ops/s
o.b.SplitString.parse3JDK thrpt 16 6 1 27451.844 914.603 ops/s
o.b.SplitString.parse3Str thrpt 16 6 1 96330.258 29788.616 ops/s
o.b.SplitString.splitChars thrpt 16 6 1 121058.758 38348.591 ops/s
o.b.SplitString.splitString thrpt 16 6 1 84526.222 2632.541 ops/s
o.b.SplitString.splitStringJDK thrpt 16 6 1 42322.378 1974.207 ops/s
o.b.SplitString.splitStringJDK2 thrpt 16 6 1 40598.103 5008.183 ops/s
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
o.b.ReduceBy.sumBench thrpt 16 6 1 3082.403 290.826 ops/s
o.b.ReduceBy.sumIntListReduceByUsingInterfaceBench thrpt 16 6 1 3157.133 192.853 ops/s
o.b.ReduceBy.sumLoopBench thrpt 16 6 1 3204.353 191.603 ops/s
o.b.ReduceBy.sumReduceByDirectReflectionBench thrpt 16 6 1 28.547 0.469 ops/s
o.b.ReduceBy.sumReduceByUsingInterfaceBench thrpt 16 6 1 3525.206 489.606 ops/s
o.b.ReduceBy.sumReduceByUsingInvokeDynamicBench thrpt 16 6 1 79.400 3.884 ops/s
0.28-SNAPSHOT ------
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
o.b.ReduceBy.sumBench thrpt 16 6 1 3062.669 83.035 ops/s
o.b.ReduceBy.sumIntListReduceByUsingInterfaceBench thrpt 16 6 1 3306.428 516.050 ops/s
o.b.ReduceBy.sumLoopBench thrpt 16 6 1 3270.739 467.119 ops/s
o.b.ReduceBy.sumReduceByDirectReflectionBench thrpt 16 6 1 28.267 1.075 ops/s
o.b.ReduceBy.sumReduceByUsingInterfaceBench thrpt 16 6 1 3545.425 860.351 ops/s
o.b.ReduceBy.sumReduceByUsingInvokeDynamicBench thrpt 16 6 1 78.475 3.781 ops/s
Beyond this is just boiler plate Boon advertising. :)
Thoughts? Write me at richard high tower AT g mail dot c-o-m (Rick Hightower).
If you are new to boon start here:
- Java Boon Byte Buffer Builder
- Java Boon Slice Notation
- Java Boon Slice's work with TreeSets
- Java Boon Description
- More...
- Boon Home
- Boon Source
- Introducing Boon October 2013
- Java Slice Notation
- What if Java collections were easy to search and sort?
- Boon HTTP utils
- Boon Java JSON parser Benchmarks or hell yeah JSON parsing is damn fast!
- Boon JSON parser is really damn fast! Part II
- Boon JSON parser Round III now just not fast as but much faster than other Java JSON parsers
- Boon World's fastest Java JSON parser Round IV from fast to blazing to rocket fuel aka Braggers going to brag
- Boon gets adopted by JSON Path as the default Java JSON parser
- Boon graphics showing just how fast Boon JSON parsing is - about 50% to 200% faster than the graphs shown here now so wicked fast became wickeder - just got sick of making graphics
- 10 minute guide to Boon JSON parsing after I added @JsonIgnore, @JsonProperty, @JsonView, @Exposes, etc.
- Hightower speaks to the master of Java JSON parsing, the king of speed The COW TOWN CODER!
- Boon provides easy Java objects from lists, from maps and from JSON.
Easily read in files into lines or a giant string with one method call. Works with files, URLs, class-path, etc. Boon IO support will surprise you how easy it is. Boon has Slice notation for dealing with Strings, Lists, primitive arrays, Tree Maps, etc. If you are from Groovy land, Ruby land, Python land, or whatever land, and you have to use Java then Boon might give you some relief from API bloat. If you are like me, and you like to use Java, then Boon is for you too. Boon lets Java be Java, but adds the missing productive APIs from Python, Ruby, and Groovy. Boon may not be Ruby or Groovy, but its a real Boon to Java development.
Core Boon will never have any dependencies. It will always be able to run as a single jar. This is not just NIH, but it is partly. My view of what Java needs is more inline with what Python, Ruby and Groovy provide. Boon is an addition on top of the JVM to make up the difference between the harder to use APIs that come with Java and the types of utilities that are built into Ruby, Python, PHP, Groovy etc. Boon is a Java centric view of those libs. The vision of Boon and the current implementation is really far apart.
Contact Info
blog|[twitter](|[infoq]|[stackoverflow](|[java lobby](|Other | richard high tower AT g mail dot c-o-m (Rick Hightower)|work|cloud|nosql
== Update 2/15/2016
I am about to update the tests results with the latest Boon, Jackson and GSON parsers to see if there has been an movement in this space in the last year since I ran the tests. It looks like I ran the tests last on 3/15/15. InputStream is the hardest set of tests for Boon. Thus I am using this a representative of the rest.
Comparison of GSON, Jackson, and Boon.
I am doing this to just baseline before I up the versions to the latest.
java -jar target/microbenchmarks.jar ".*inputStream.*" -wi 3 -i 3 -f 2 -t 16
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Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
i.g.j.inputStream.MainBoonBenchmark.actionLabel thrpt 16 6 1 842,272.486 32635.371 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.BoonClassicEagerNoLazyParse.actionLabel thrpt 16 6 1 723,307.061 29454.585 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.JacksonASTBenchmark.actionLabel thrpt 16 6 1 693,429.422 14931.215 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.actionLabel thrpt 16 6 1 672,956.061 68008.445 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.GSONBenchmark.actionLabel thrpt 16 6 1 467,361.186 26799.797 ops/s
InputStream is Boon's worst type of input. Boon prefers Strings and char[] arrays or even Readers. Yet the two most common ways to use Boon are quite a bit faster than Jackson and GSON. GSON comes dead last. Boon is almost 2x as fast as GSON.
Let's continue.
ls -l ./data/citm_catalog.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 rick staff 1727204 Feb 15 10:58 ./data/citm_catalog.json
Catalog.json is very large file 1.7 million bytes (not your typical JSON REST message).
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
i.g.j.inputStream.MainBoonBenchmark.citmCatalog thrpt 16 6 1 916.947 80.432 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.BoonClassicEagerNoLazyParse.citmCatalog thrpt 16 6 1 823.975 132.482 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.JacksonASTBenchmark.citmCatalog thrpt 16 6 1 589.181 166.807 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.citmCatalog thrpt 16 6 1 652.972 71.581 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.GSONBenchmark.citmCatalog thrpt 16 6 1 428.367 42.671 ops/s
The two most common ways to use Boon are faster than Jackson and GSON. GSON comes last. (Boon does not work on Android. GSON does. GSON has features that Boon does not have.)
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Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
i.g.j.inputStream.BoonClassicEagerNoLazyParse.medium thrpt 16 6 1 549962.692 36941.989 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.GSONBenchmark.medium thrpt 16 6 1 295852.086 24960.280 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.JacksonASTBenchmark.medium thrpt 16 6 1 475866.719 38988.982 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.MainBoonBenchmark.medium thrpt 16 6 1 682067.781 52270.553 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.medium thrpt 16 6 1 475456.689 38501.866 ops/s
Boon wins.
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Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units thrpt 16 6 1 2132017.111 139445.156 ops/s thrpt 16 6 1 2036669.325 87085.051 ops/s thrpt 16 6 1 1347166.503 36819.154 ops/s thrpt 16 6 1 1380527.369 22350.116 ops/s thrpt 16 6 1 935867.572 24596.416 ops/s
Jackson wins by a large margin. GSON comes in last.
"glossary": {
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"GlossDiv": {
"title": "S",
"GlossList": {
"GlossEntry": {
"ID": "SGML",
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Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
i.g.j.inputStream.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 1326772.733 49568.557 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.JacksonASTBenchmark.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 1288946.039 75802.893 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.MainBoonBenchmark.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 1270249.339 54173.833 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.BoonClassicEagerNoLazyParse.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 1195814.106 28508.660 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.GSONBenchmark.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 801282.614 29110.599 ops/s
Jackson wins. Boon comes in second. GSON last.
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Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
i.g.j.inputStream.MainBoonBenchmark.webxml thrpt 16 6 1 399344.789 31852.236 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.BoonClassicEagerNoLazyParse.webxml thrpt 16 6 1 302062.886 67363.148 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.webxml thrpt 16 6 1 248671.050 11008.792 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.JacksonASTBenchmark.webxml thrpt 16 6 1 244296.611 14607.306 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.GSONBenchmark.webxml thrpt 16 6 1 181470.906 13357.719 ops/s
Boon does really well on this one. Jackson comes in second. GSON last.
"nums": [12, 12345678, 999.999, 123456789.99],
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Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
i.g.j.inputStream.MainBoonBenchmark.widget thrpt 16 6 1 1010618.794 36468.037 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.BoonClassicEagerNoLazyParse.widget thrpt 16 6 1 960779.153 41151.984 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.JacksonASTBenchmark.widget thrpt 16 6 1 850219.664 200569.611 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.widget thrpt 16 6 1 723535.892 172845.248 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.GSONBenchmark.widget thrpt 16 6 1 538796.167 44211.603 ops/s
Boon wins. Jackson comes in second. Boon is 2x faster than GSON and this is inputstreams. Boon hates inputstreams.
Recent claims to fame for Jackson is that it does really well at object serialization. If you look at the objects in that test compared to the objects in your use case, I think you will find that this tests more closely mimics your use cases.
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
i.g.j.s.MainBoonSerializer.roundTriper thrpt 16 6 1 328510.939 14217.845 ops/s
i.g.j.s.BoonPropertySerializer.roundTriper thrpt 16 6 1 282245.964 15387.027 ops/s
i.g.j.s.JacksonByteArraySerializer.roundTriper thrpt 16 6 1 240122.811 23774.726 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainJacksonSerializer.roundTriper thrpt 16 6 1 220473.686 18722.839 ops/s
i.g.j.s.JavaSerialization.roundTriper thrpt 16 6 1 50916.564 17777.360 ops/s
## Boon beats Jackson. Boon and Jackson beat built-in Java Serialization.
i.g.j.s.MainBoonSerializer.serializeSmall thrpt 16 6 1 1216248.794 46498.182 ops/s
i.g.j.s.BoonPropertySerializer.serializeSmall thrpt 16 6 1 945956.739 60602.106 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainJacksonSerializer.serializeSmall thrpt 16 6 1 666121.661 29678.550 ops/s
i.g.j.s.JacksonByteArraySerializer.serializeSmall thrpt 16 6 1 645838.142 30845.635 ops/s
i.g.j.s.JavaSerialization.serializeSmall thrpt 16 6 1 381869.922 12082.881 ops/s
## Boon beats Jackson. Boon and Jackson beat built-in Java Serialization. Boon is up to twice as fast as Jackson.
i.g.j.s.MainBoonSerializer.serializeBig thrpt 16 6 1 499.483 24.778 ops/s
i.g.j.s.JavaSerialization.serializeBig thrpt 16 6 1 171.025 14.088 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainJacksonSerializer.serializeBig thrpt 16 6 1 178.042 20.493 ops/s
## Boon beats Jackson by a large amount. Boon is 3x as fast as Jackson.
i.g.j.s.JavaSerialization.roundTripBig thrpt 16 6 1 77.311 15.047 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainBoonSerializer.roundTripBig thrpt 16 6 1 88.272 7.634 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainJacksonSerializer.roundTripBig thrpt 16 6 1 69.419 8.073 ops/s
## Boon beats Jackson. Java built-in serialization wins.
i.g.j.s.MainJacksonSerializer.mediaContentOutput thrpt 16 6 1 124009.494 10267.780 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainBoonSerializer.mediaContentOutput thrpt 16 6 1 115775.147 10908.197 ops/s
## Jackson beats Boon. It happens. Not by much.
i.g.j.s.MainJacksonSerializer.mediaContentRoundTrip thrpt 16 6 1 38430.056 1971.078 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainBoonSerializer.mediaContentRoundTrip thrpt 16 6 1 32240.800 2504.600 ops/s
## Jackson beats boon agains. It happens. Not by much.
i.g.j.s.MainBoonSerializer.stringPerfParser thrpt 16 6 1 113554.114 7897.732 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainJacksonSerializer.stringPerfParser thrpt 16 6 1 20759.494 9204.439 ops/s
## Boon wins by a large amount. Boon is 5x faster.
i.g.j.s.MainBoonSerializer.stringPerfSerializer thrpt 16 6 1 554179.186 22021.402 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainJacksonSerializer.stringPerfSerializer thrpt 16 6 1 67292.828 31446.157 ops/s
## Boon wins by a large amount. Boon is way faster.
Boon wins six. Jackson wins two. IMO the most common use cases, Boon wins hands down. However, there are areas where Jackson beats Boon. And I know of independent serialization benchmarks where Jackson does much better. (I think this is mostly due to Boon not handling large primitive arrays as fast as Jackson).
I know at one point Boon was faster than the MediaContent round trip, which goes to show you, things do not stay the same. When it comes to performance, Jackson and others can and do improve.
MediaContent looks like a rea use case from a project that I worked on, and Jackson is now faster than Boon at it. IMO MediaContent is a very real use case, and Jackson did better at the round trip.
Ok. Remember these are not the latest libs. These are the libs that I believed to be the latest circa March 2015 when I last ran these tests.
Jackson beats Boon 2 out of six tests. I think when we started this effort at one point Boon won all 8 tests. This is sort of the point. Nothing stops Jackson or GSON developers from writing a faster parser or serializer.
If we tested against Strings and not input stream. How does Jackson do then?
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
i.g.j.s.MainBoonBenchmark.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 3132765.703 488743.267 ops/s
i.g.j.s.BoonClassicBenchmark.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 2240134.331 415512.869 ops/s
i.g.j.s.JacksonASTBenchmark.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 1204352.319 165227.661 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 1119923.928 93494.831 ops/s
Since this is what Boon is optimized for, it does 3x better than Jackson. Like I said, InputStream is Boon's worst nightmare and it still beats Jackson in 4 out of six tests.
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
i.g.j.b.BoonFastBenchMarkDirect.sgml (classic) thrpt 16 6 1 2136028.347 404900.671 ops/s
i.g.j.b.MainBoonBenchmark.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 2015809.689 135842.712 ops/s
i.g.j.b.JacksonASTBenchmark.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 1525995.442 237860.309 ops/s
i.g.j.b.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 1286543.425 175809.889 ops/s
Boon still wins by a 25% margin. In one category (input stream), Jackson was faster 1/3 of the time. In every other category of media type, Boon was consistently faster.
However, Jackson is a very large project with many add-on modules, and it has more features for serialization. Jackson is faster when you are serializing large arrays of primitives.
Ok now let's do some updates.
IMO even without moving the dial one year forward, I can see that Jackson has improved a lot since we started this. Jackson did much better at the Java Object serialization that it used to.
Before I start tyring to perf tune Boon. Let's see how Boon measures up to the 2016 releases of Jackson and GSON.
== Update 2/15/2016 after updating libs
I have updated the libs.
Comparison of GSON, Jackson, and Boon.
I am doing this to just baseline before I up the versions to the latest.
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{"id": "About", "label": "About Adobe CVG Viewer..."}
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
B3.1 inputStream.MainBoonBenchmark.actionLabel thrpt 16 6 1 842,272.486 32635.371 ops/s
B3.1 inputStream.BoonClassicEagerNoLazyParse.actionLabel thrpt 16 6 1 723,307.061 29454.585 ops/s
J2.2.3 inputStream.JacksonASTBenchmark.actionLabel thrpt 16 6 1 693,429.422 14931.215 ops/s
J2.2.3 inputStream.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.actionLabel thrpt 16 6 1 672,956.061 68008.445 ops/s
G2.2.4 inputStream.GSONBenchmark.actionLabel thrpt 16 6 1 467,361.186 26799.797 ops/s
Let's compare this with the latest.
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
i.g.j.inputStream.MainBoonBenchmark.actionLabel thrpt 16 6 1 833329.247 54614.560 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.JacksonASTBenchmark.actionLabel thrpt 16 6 1 754370.006 36106.286 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.BoonClassicEagerNoLazyParse.actionLabel thrpt 16 6 1 730702.653 44436.069 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.actionLabel thrpt 16 6 1 702888.817 33472.388 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.GSONBenchmark.actionLabel thrpt 16 6 1 453339.519 19370.342 ops/s
Keep in mind InputStream is Boon's worst type of input. Boon prefers Strings and char[] arrays or even Readers. Boon was faster than Jackson and GSON. Boon's top speed is a bit slower than before. Jackson is quite a bit faster than before. Bottom line new Jackson is faster than last years Jackson.
ls -l ./data/citm_catalog.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 rick staff 1727204 Feb 15 10:58 ./data/citm_catalog.json
Catalog.json is very large file 1.7 million bytes (not your typical JSON REST message).
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
B3.1 inputStream.MainBoonBenchmark.citmCatalog thrpt 16 6 1 916.947 80.432 ops/s
B3.1 inputStream.BoonClassicEagerNoLazyParse.citmCatalog thrpt 16 6 1 823.975 132.482 ops/s
J2.2.3 inputStream.JacksonASTBenchmark.citmCatalog thrpt 16 6 1 589.181 166.807 ops/s
J2.2.3 inputStream.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.citmCatalog thrpt 16 6 1 652.972 71.581 ops/s
G2.2.4 inputStream.GSONBenchmark.citmCatalog thrpt 16 6 1 428.367 42.671 ops/s
The two most common ways to use Boon are faster than Jackson and GSON. GSON comes last. (Boon does not work on Android. GSON does. GSON has features that Boon does not have.)
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
i.g.j.inputStream.MainBoonBenchmark.citmCatalog thrpt 16 6 1 951.169 209.841 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.BoonClassicEagerNoLazyParse.citmCatalog thrpt 16 6 1 822.647 112.471 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.JacksonASTBenchmark.citmCatalog thrpt 16 6 1 607.581 238.377 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.citmCatalog thrpt 16 6 1 477.328 396.118 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.GSONBenchmark.citmCatalog thrpt 16 6 1 422.189 37.380 ops/s
Boon still dominates this test. Jackson and GSON performance stayed about the same.
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Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
B3.1 inputStream.MainBoonBenchmark.medium thrpt 16 6 1 682067.781 52270.553 ops/s
B3.1 inputStream.BoonClassicEagerNoLazyParse.medium thrpt 16 6 1 549962.692 36941.989 ops/s
J2.2.3 inputStream.JacksonASTBenchmark.medium thrpt 16 6 1 475866.719 38988.982 ops/s
J2.2.3 inputStream.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.medium thrpt 16 6 1 475456.689 38501.866 ops/s
G2.2.4 inputStream.GSONBenchmark.medium thrpt 16 6 1 295852.086 24960.280 ops/s
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
i.g.j.inputStream.MainBoonBenchmark.medium thrpt 16 6 1 670396.586 65248.070 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.JacksonASTBenchmark.medium thrpt 16 6 1 547300.503 44235.288 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.BoonClassicEagerNoLazyParse.medium thrpt 16 6 1 540831.403 44539.893 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.medium thrpt 16 6 1 515770.903 35295.339 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.GSONBenchmark.medium thrpt 16 6 1 267791.647 46771.860 ops/s
Boon still wins, but Jackson has all but caught up. GSON has seems to be slower than GSON of a year ago in every test so far. You can see that Jackson has really closed the gap.
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Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
J2.2.3 thrpt 16 6 1 2132017.111 139445.156 ops/s
J2.2.3 thrpt 16 6 1 2036669.325 87085.051 ops/s
B3.1 thrpt 16 6 1 1380527.369 22350.116 ops/s
B3.1 thrpt 16 6 1 1347166.503 36819.154 ops/s
G2.2.4 thrpt 16 6 1 935867.572 24596.416 ops/s
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units thrpt 16 6 1 2180811.642 127473.432 ops/s thrpt 16 6 1 2061951.119 198824.860 ops/s thrpt 16 6 1 1391164.608 27873.080 ops/s thrpt 16 6 1 1346734.028 35046.873 ops/s thrpt 16 6 1 894889.644 44450.778 ops/s
Jackson still wins. GSON is slower than before. Boon is in second.
"glossary": {
"title": "example glossary",
"GlossDiv": {
"title": "S",
"GlossList": {
"GlossEntry": {
"ID": "SGML",
"SortAs": "SGML",
"GlossTerm": "Standard Generalized Markup Language",
"Acronym": "SGML",
"Abbrev": "ISO 8879:1986",
"GlossDef": {
"para": "A meta-markup language, used to create markup languages such as DocBook.",
"GlossSeeAlso": ["GML", "XML"]
"GlossSee": "markup"
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
J2.2.3 inputStream.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 1326772.733 49568.557 ops/s
J2.2.3 inputStream.JacksonASTBenchmark.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 1288946.039 75802.893 ops/s
B3.1 inputStream.MainBoonBenchmark.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 1270249.339 54173.833 ops/s
B3.1 inputStream.BoonClassicEagerNoLazyParse.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 1195814.106 28508.660 ops/s
G2.2.4 inputStream.GSONBenchmark.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 801282.614 29110.599 ops/s
Jackson wins. Boon comes in second. GSON last.
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
i.g.j.inputStream.JacksonASTBenchmark.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 1578970.333 68122.531 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 1304251.231 948931.514 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.MainBoonBenchmark.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 1284568.858 67883.329 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.BoonClassicEagerNoLazyParse.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 1178632.208 47253.439 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.GSONBenchmark.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 739552.831 91499.350 ops/s
Jackson increased its lead over Boon. There is little doubt Jackson is getting faster. GSON was slower than before. Boon is about the same.
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Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
B3.1 inputStream.MainBoonBenchmark.webxml thrpt 16 6 1 399344.789 31852.236 ops/s
B3.1 inputStream.BoonClassicEagerNoLazyParse.webxml thrpt 16 6 1 302062.886 67363.148 ops/s
J2.2.3 inputStream.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.webxml thrpt 16 6 1 248671.050 11008.792 ops/s
J2.2.3 inputStream.JacksonASTBenchmark.webxml thrpt 16 6 1 244296.611 14607.306 ops/s
G2.2.4 inputStream.GSONBenchmark.webxml thrpt 16 6 1 181470.906 13357.719 ops/s
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
i.g.j.inputStream.MainBoonBenchmark.webxml thrpt 16 6 1 421927.131 60057.406 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.BoonClassicEagerNoLazyParse.webxml thrpt 16 6 1 319399.786 20683.475 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.JacksonASTBenchmark.webxml thrpt 16 6 1 266783.178 75455.568 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.webxml thrpt 16 6 1 231595.658 167274.028 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.GSONBenchmark.webxml thrpt 16 6 1 171615.533 8318.273 ops/s
GSON is slower than last year. Boon still beats Jackson. Jackson speed is about the same as last year.
"nums": [12, 12345678, 999.999, 123456789.99],
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Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
B3.1 inputStream.MainBoonBenchmark.widget thrpt 16 6 1 1010618.794 36468.037 ops/s
B3.1 inputStream.BoonClassicEagerNoLazyParse.widget thrpt 16 6 1 960779.153 41151.984 ops/s
J2.2.3 inputStream.JacksonASTBenchmark.widget thrpt 16 6 1 850219.664 200569.611 ops/s
J2.2.3 inputStream.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.widget thrpt 16 6 1 723535.892 172845.248 ops/s
G2.2.4 inputStream.GSONBenchmark.widget thrpt 16 6 1 538796.167 44211.603 ops/s
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
i.g.j.inputStream.MainBoonBenchmark.widget thrpt 16 6 1 1050934.786 71870.483 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.BoonClassicEagerNoLazyParse.widget thrpt 16 6 1 934062.186 77441.050 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.JacksonASTBenchmark.widget thrpt 16 6 1 869588.761 40179.851 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.widget thrpt 16 6 1 654270.603 571207.121 ops/s
i.g.j.inputStream.GSONBenchmark.widget thrpt 16 6 1 523862.197 19705.881 ops/s
Boon still wins. Jackson comes in second.
Recent claims to fame for Jackson is that it does really well at object serialization. If you look at the objects in that test compared to the objects in your use case, I think you will find that this tests more closely mimics your use cases.
LAST YEAR (2015)
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
B3.1 MainBoonSerializer.roundTriper thrpt 16 6 1 328510.939 14217.845 ops/s
B3.1 BoonPropertySerializer.roundTriper thrpt 16 6 1 282245.964 15387.027 ops/s
J2.2.3 JacksonByteArraySerializer.roundTriper thrpt 16 6 1 240122.811 23774.726 ops/s
J2.2.3 MainJacksonSerializer.roundTriper thrpt 16 6 1 220473.686 18722.839 ops/s
G2.2.4 JavaSerialization.roundTriper thrpt 16 6 1 50916.564 17777.360 ops/s
LAST YEAR (2016)
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
i.g.j.s.MainBoonSerializer.roundTriper thrpt 16 6 1 318184.000 27525.620 ops/s
i.g.j.s.BoonPropertySerializer.roundTriper thrpt 16 6 1 258852.192 18612.599 ops/s
i.g.j.s.JacksonByteArraySerializer.roundTriper thrpt 16 6 1 246392.133 10781.491 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainJacksonSerializer.roundTriper thrpt 16 6 1 207144.294 13827.822 ops/s
i.g.j.s.JavaSerialization.roundTriper thrpt 16 6 1 53132.281 20399.930 ops/s
## Boon beats Jackson by the same amounts. Boon and Jackson beat built-in Java Serialization.
B3.1 MainBoonSerializer.serializeSmall thrpt 16 6 1 1216248.794 46498.182 ops/s
B3.1 BoonPropertySerializer.serializeSmall thrpt 16 6 1 945956.739 60602.106 ops/s
J2.2.3 MainJacksonSerializer.serializeSmall thrpt 16 6 1 666121.661 29678.550 ops/s
J2.2.3 JacksonByteArraySerializer.serializeSmall thrpt 16 6 1 645838.142 30845.635 ops/s
JDK JavaSerialization.serializeSmall thrpt 16 6 1 381869.922 12082.881 ops/s
## Boon beats Jackson. Boon and Jackson beat built-in Java Serialization. Boon is up to twice as fast as Jackson.
B3.1 MainBoonSerializer.serializeBig thrpt 16 6 1 499.483 24.778 ops/s
JDK JavaSerialization.serializeBig thrpt 16 6 1 171.025 14.088 ops/s
J2.2.3 MainJacksonSerializer.serializeBig thrpt 16 6 1 178.042 20.493 ops/s
## Boon beats Jackson by a large amount. Boon is 3x as fast as Jackson.
B3.1 MainBoonSerializer.roundTripBig thrpt 16 6 1 88.272 7.634 ops/s
JDK JavaSerialization.roundTripBig thrpt 16 6 1 77.311 15.047 ops/s
J2.2.3 MainJacksonSerializer.roundTripBig thrpt 16 6 1 69.419 8.073 ops/s
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
i.g.j.s.MainBoonSerializer.roundTripBig thrpt 16 6 1 95.881 6.157 ops/s
i.g.j.s.JavaSerialization.roundTripBig thrpt 16 6 1 74.000 21.018 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainJacksonSerializer.roundTripBig thrpt 16 6 1 69.058 5.166 ops/s
## Boon beats Jackson. Java built-in serialization did not in fact win.
Boon somehow got faster. I don't remember how.
J2.2.3 MainJacksonSerializer.mediaContentOutput thrpt 16 6 1 124009.494 10267.780 ops/s
B3.1 MainBoonSerializer.mediaContentOutput thrpt 16 6 1 115775.147 10908.197 ops/s
## Jackson beats Boon. It happens. Not by much.
J2.2.3 MainJacksonSerializer.mediaContentRoundTrip thrpt 16 6 1 38430.056 1971.078 ops/s
B3.1 MainBoonSerializer.mediaContentRoundTrip thrpt 16 6 1 32240.800 2504.600 ops/s
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
i.g.j.s.MainJacksonSerializer.mediaContentRoundTrip thrpt 16 6 1 44557.456 8473.692 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainBoonSerializer.mediaContentRoundTrip thrpt 16 6 1 32644.261 1519.072 ops/s
## Jackson beats boon by a wider margin. Whatever is slowing Boon down got worse.
B3.1 MainBoonSerializer.stringPerfParser thrpt 16 6 1 113554.114 7897.732 ops/s
J2.2.3 MainJacksonSerializer.stringPerfParser thrpt 16 6 1 20759.494 9204.439 ops/s
## Boon wins by a large amount. Boon is 5x faster.
B3.1 MainBoonSerializer.stringPerfSerializer thrpt 16 6 1 554179.186 22021.402 ops/s
J2.2.3 MainJacksonSerializer.stringPerfSerializer thrpt 16 6 1 67292.828 31446.157 ops/s
## Boon wins by a large amount. Boon is way faster.
I did not run them all again. I ran some again.
MediaContent looks like a real use case from a project that I worked on, and Jackson has now increased its lead over Boon. IMO MediaContent is a very real use case, and Jackson did better at the round trip, and Jackson this year beat Jackson of last year.
I am pretty sure I know how to close the gap.
Ok. Remember these are now the latest libs. There was a time when Boon beat Jackson in every category that we came up with. This is no longer the case. And areas where Jackson lead last year, it is increasing its lib.
If we tested against Strings and not input stream. How does Jackson do then?
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
B3.1 MainBoonBenchmark.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 3132765.703 488743.267 ops/s
B3.1 BoonClassicBenchmark.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 2240134.331 415512.869 ops/s
J2.2.3 JacksonASTBenchmark.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 1204352.319 165227.661 ops/s
J2.2.3 MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 1119923.928 93494.831 ops/s
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
i.g.j.s.MainBoonBenchmark.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 2767467.083 780382.673 ops/s
i.g.j.s.BoonClassicBenchmark.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 2210146.731 117245.145 ops/s
i.g.j.s.JacksonASTBenchmark.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 1481095.017 362792.414 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 1210560.164 769112.546 ops/s
Since this is what Boon is optimized for, it still does quite a bit better than Jackson. Like I said, InputStream is Boon's worst nightmare and it still beats Jackson in 4 out of six tests.
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
i.g.j.b.BoonFastBenchMarkDirect.sgml (classic) thrpt 16 6 1 2136028.347 404900.671 ops/s
i.g.j.b.MainBoonBenchmark.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 2015809.689 135842.712 ops/s
i.g.j.b.JacksonASTBenchmark.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 1525995.442 237860.309 ops/s
i.g.j.b.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 1286543.425 175809.889 ops/s
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
i.g.j.b.BoonFastBenchMarkDirect.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 2250499.228 411934.000 ops/s
i.g.j.b.MainBoonBenchmark.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 2020676.697 127595.390 ops/s
i.g.j.b.JacksonASTBenchmark.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 1683515.742 370702.183 ops/s
i.g.j.b.MainJacksonObjectBenchmark.sgml thrpt 16 6 1 1288524.417 702727.012 ops/s
Boon still wins by a 20% margin, but last year it was 25%.
In one category (input stream), Jackson was faster 1/3 of the time. In every other category of media type, Boon was consistently faster.
Boon is still a faster parser overall. There are some areas of Object serialization where Jackson clearly wins. Back when Boon could beat Jackson in every category, optimizing Boon was just no fun. Jackson started moving ahead last year (perhaps before). Now that it looks like Jackson can beat Boon at certain forms of Object serialization, optimizing Boon will be fun again.
Jackson is a bigger project. Jackson has many more modules than Boon and has features that Boon does not. The same is true for GSON. Boon may not be the parser/serializer for your project.
It seems Boon is not only slower at large primitive array serialization, but may also suffer issues with ENUM serialization. Expect some updates.
The tests that we did the worst in was IMO the Media object serialization. I have been able to make up some ground.
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
i.g.j.s.MainBoonSerializer.mediaContentRoundTrip thrpt 16 6 1 40540.997 9280.249 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainJacksonSerializer.mediaContentRoundTrip thrpt 16 6 1 45749.775 2806.050 ops/s
Boon loses but by a lot less.
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
i.g.j.s.MainBoonSerializer.mediaContentOutput thrpt 16 6 1 126265.697 25038.867 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainJacksonSerializer.mediaContentOutput thrpt 16 6 1 119529.267 7194.402 ops/s
Boon wins but not by much. (A win is better than a lost).
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
i.g.j.s.MainBoonSerializer.mediaContentOutput thrpt 16 6 1 131508.503 13648.508 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainJacksonSerializer.mediaContentOutput thrpt 16 6 1 136027.053 6737.593 ops/s
Jackson wins. Basically they are tied on output.
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
i.g.j.s.MainBoonSerializer.mediaContentOutput thrpt 16 6 1 135484.875 21498.107 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainJacksonSerializer.mediaContentOutput thrpt 16 6 1 134850.422 3140.462 ops/s
Boon wins. Basically they are tied on output.
java -jar target/microbenchmarks.jar ".*serialization.*mediaContentRoundTrip" -wi 3 -i 3 -f 2 -t 16
Ok. Tried many things but this seems to be about the same for a while.
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
i.g.j.s.MainBoonSerializer.mediaContentRoundTrip thrpt 16 6 1 41587.456 5608.243 ops/s
i.g.j.s.MainJacksonSerializer.mediaContentRoundTrip thrpt 16 6 1 46867.097 1136.188 ops/s