Flipper is an animation library for Roblox based around Motors and Goals.
Add this repository as a submodule into your packages directory. This example assumes the directory is packages
git submodule add https://github.com/Reselim/Flipper packages/Flipper
Copy the src
folder from this repository into your packages directory.
Install the @rbxts/flipper
package using npm
or yarn
npm i @rbxts/flipper
Download the latest .rbxm file from the releases page and drag it into studio.
This example creates a button that shrinks when pressed.
local Example = Roact.Component:extend("Example")
function Example:init()
self.motor = Flipper.SingleMotor.new(0)
local binding, setBinding = Roact.createBinding(self.motor:getValue())
self.binding = binding
function Example:render()
return Roact.createElement("ImageButton", {
Size = self.binding:map(function(value)
return UDim2.new(0, 100, 0, 100):Lerp(UDim2.new(0, 80, 0, 80), value)
Position = UDim2.new(0.5, 0, 0.5, 0),
AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5),
[Roact.Event.MouseButton1Down] = function()
self.motor:setGoal(Flipper.Spring.new(1, {
frequency = 5,
dampingRatio = 1
[Roact.Event.MouseButton1Up] = function()
self.motor:setGoal(Flipper.Spring.new(0, {
frequency = 4,
dampingRatio = 0.75
return Example
Flipper works wonderfully with Roact on its own, but if you plan on using it for a lot of your components, roact-flipper will make that much easier.
Check out the demo script in the test project!
Flipper is licensed in full under the MIT license. Note that it contains code from another author, which is also under the MIT license.