Warning: this uses Operator SDK 0.12 while 1+ is out. See https://sdk.operatorframework.io/docs/building-operators/golang/migration/ before upgrading as 0.12 no longer builds due to missing dependencies.
An application that manages multi-cluster service discovery & setup. The goal of this application is to make services in other clusters easily reachable.
The actions that are performed:
- retrieve a list of k8s nodes
- retrieve a list of k8s Services with a NodePort
- publish list of services via PubSub mechanism
- subscribe to list of services of peers via PubSub mechanism
- configure custom k8s Service & Endpoints pointing to services in other clusters
This meets the goals because after this is done, you can reach other clusters with
curl http://my-service-gke_my-project_europe-west4_my-cluster.default.svc.cluster.local
MC Robot does not configure network topologies, so make sure to have all clusters can
reach each other. Either have all clusters in the same shared network, or publish the
external IPs of nodes by setting endpointsUseExternalIPs: true
and configure the
firewalls correctly.
First prepare a serviceaccount.json
Service Account file with access to Google PubSub, and install it:
kubectl create secret generic mc-robot-credentials --from-file="serviceaccount.json=serviceaccount.json"
Then install the CRD & deploy the operator:
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Q42/mc-robot/master/deploy/0_mc.q42.nl_servicesyncs_crd.yaml
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Q42/mc-robot/master/deploy/1_rbac.yaml
curl -Ss https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Q42/mc-robot/master/deploy/2_operator.yaml | \
sed "s|REPLACE_IMAGE|docker.pkg.github.com/q42/mc-robot/mc-robot:latest|g" | \
kubectl apply -f -
First install the CRD. Then build the operator & deploy it:
# Install CRD
kubectl apply -f deploy/0_mc.q42.nl_servicesyncs_crd.yaml
# Build operator
export VERSION=v1.0.0
export REGISTRY=quay.io/<user> # or gcr.io/project
operator-sdk build $REGISTRY/mc-robot:$VERSION
docker push $REGISTRY/mc-robot:$VERSION
# Deploy operator
kubectl apply -f deploy/1_rbac.yaml
kubectl create secret mc-robot-credentials --from-file="serviceaccount.json=serviceaccount.json"
sed "s|REPLACE_IMAGE|$REGISTRY/mc-robot:$VERSION|g" deploy/2_operator.yaml | kubectl apply -f -
Create a ServiceSync object like this:
apiVersion: mc.q42.nl/v1
kind: ServiceSync
name: example-servicesync
topicURL: "gcppubsub://projects/myproject/topics/mytopic"
app: my-app
endpointsPublishMax: 10
A topic url like gcppubsub://projects/myproject/topics/mytopic
must be set.
The service sync controller must have access to this topic, which can be
configured through Application Default Crecentials with an environment variable
which should point to a file with a service
account, and which has access to that topic
$ GOFLAGS="-tags=mock" OPERATOR_NAME=mc-robot operator-sdk up local --namespace=default
Use these convenient methods to change the version & update the running operator:
export REGISTRY=quay.io/<user>
make install
VERSION=v1.0.0-alpha.x make build deploy # repeat after changes
A lot of the code for MC Robot is generated by the operator-sdk framework. Commands that were run:
$ brew install operator-sdk
$ export GO111MODULE=on
$ operator-sdk new mc-robot
$ cd mc-robot
$ operator-sdk add api --api-version=mc.q42.nl/v1 --kind=ServiceSync
$ operator-sdk add controller --api-version=mc.q42.nl/v1 --kind=ServiceSync
$ operator-sdk generate k8s && operator-sdk generate openapi
- How to define, build and run a CRD/controller
- How to write a reconciler
- https://medium.com/faun/writing-your-first-kubernetes-operator-8f3df4453234
- https://flugel.it/building-custom-kubernetes-operators-part-3-building-operators-in-go-using-operator-sdk/
- Inspiration regarding controller-runtime utils: https://github.com/openshift/cluster-ingress-operator/
- Installing kubebuilder & testing with Kubebuilder envtest
- Testing without Kubebuilder envtest