This repo has a collection of Provengo projects, demonstrating different aspects of our unique tool.
Feel free to fork, improve, and alter the projects here, and send us a note if you would like to discuss or show off your versions. We’d love to get your feedback! |
Project | Description | Demonstrated Technologies |
Basic example for Behavioral Programming (BP) concepts |
An example for testing a RESTful API microservice using Provengo/ |
REST, state machine, microservice |
Specification for a user onboarding business flow. This is an example of a specification validation use-case. |
Online claim process in an insurance company. A multi-stage process, composed of deciding case properties, and constraining a state machine based on these properties. |
Searching terms in Ecosia search engine. |
bp-base, selenium-based direct actuations, script generation, test books |
Searching terms in Ecosia search engine - this time using a BPMN diagram as the main flow driver. |
BPMN, bp-base, selenium-based direct actuations, script generation, test books |
Basic demo for scheduling a meeting in provengo-dummy-bank. Using the Storylines DSL, the process is modeled like a user story. |
Basic demo for scheduling a meeting in provengo-dummy-bank. Same process as above, modeled as a State Machine. |
Basic demo for scheduling a meeting in provengo-dummy-bank. Same process as above, this time modeled with a combination of Combi-based case parameters, and a state machine that is constrained by them. |
Using the |
web automation, Selenium |
Using the Runtime Variables library for performing sample-use scenarios and for reducing model size. |
runtime variables, web automation, Selenium |