An interface made with JavaFX to simulate the behaviour of a smart home controller. The main goal of the project is to represent our knowledge in OOP, data structures, and design patterns which in this case is a observer pattern.
Requirements for the software and other tools to build, test and push
Clone this repo to the directory of your choice
git clone
Compile the main file
Run the main file
java HelloApplication
-On/Off devices: You can turn on and off all the devices (Light, Camera, Hottub, Stereo, TV, Radio, GarageDoor, Fan)
-Undo: You can undo your previous actions so that it resets to off all devices
-Vacation Mode: This mode runs a pregenerated pattern that turns on and off devices depending on the current hour, it starts from the user's hour.
- Contributor Covenant - Used for the Code of Conduct
- Creative Commons - Used to choose the license
- Goben Diego C.A.. - Natalia Patricia M.V. - Erick S.Z. -
This project is licensed under the CC0 1.0 Universal Creative Commons License - see the file for details
- Juan Manuel Gonzalez Calleros (our teacher)