- windows, linux, macOS, android & more
- x86 32 & 64bit, arm, aarch64
- direct io
- avx512f, avx2, avx, sse, neon
- opencl
- fastest PoC miner there is
Scavenger can also be installed directly via cargo:
cargo install scavenger
- new version of rust, stable toolchain
Binaries are in target/debug or target/release depending on optimization.
# decide on features to run/build:
simd: support for SSE2, AVX, AVX2 and AVX512F (x86_cpu)
neon: support for Arm NEON (arm_cpu)
opencl: support for OpenCL (gpu)
# build debug und run directly
e.g. cargo run --features=simd #for a cpu version with SIMD support
# build debug (unoptimized)
e.g cargo build --features=neon #for a arm cpu version with NEON support
# build release (optimized)
e.g. cargo build --release --features=opencl,simd #for a cpu/gpu version
# test
cargo test [--features={opencl,simd,neon}]
scavenger --help
The miner needs a config.yaml file with the following structure:
A docker image based on alpine linux is built automatically on every commit to master: pocconsortium/scavenger
This image will use only your cpu.
To run it on the fly use something like this:
docker run \
--rm \
--name scavenger \
--volume /path/to/your/config.yaml:/data/config.yaml \
--volume /path/to/your/disks:/disks \
Alternatively a docker compose file could look like this:
version: '2'
image: pocconsortium/scavenger
restart: always
- /path/to/your/disks:/disks
- /path/to/your/config.yaml:/data/config.yaml
- bold: BURST-8V9Y-58B4-RVWP-8HQAV
- architecture
- linux support
- JohnnyDeluxe: BURST-S338-R6VC-LTFA-2GC6G
- open cl
- direct io
- shabal optimizations
- windows support