Java API for the PhEMA Workbench.
To get started fast, download the latest version on the releases page, then run:
java -jar phema-workbench-api.jar
You can also run the Docker image using the version shown in the badge above, for example:
docker run -p 8083:8083 phema/phema-workbench-api
To use the PhEMA Workbench application, you will also need to run the app.
In order to run the application, you need at least Java 11 installed. To install Java manually, see the documentation here.
The PhEMA Workbench API is built using the following technologies:
git clone && cd phema-workbench-api
As a developer, you may want to run the API using your IDE, but it is also possible to do so in the terminal by running the following:
mvn exec:java
When you're done making your changes, you can build a new fat jar by running:
mvn package
This will create target/phema-workbench-api.jar
, which will contain all the dependencies and can be run as described in the QuickStart
section above.
To publish a new Docker image, push a new tag to the repo.
This work has been funded by NIGMS grant R01GM105688.