This is a fork of the original psf-bch-wallet code base taken on 8/16/24, preserving the code and git history.
The scope of psf-bch-wallet was growing too large, and it was stuck in a CommonJS code base. The decision was made to start it from scratch and manually port the old code to the new code base. This repository is an archival copy of that old code base.
This is a command-line (CLI) app for working with the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) blockchain, and SLP tokens.
This app connects to a ipfs-bch-wallet-service over IPFS, using the ipfs-coord library. This app uses the oclif CLI framework.
This app is intended for developers who want to work with the BCH blockchain. It's an integral part of the Cash Stack.
git clone
this repository.npm install
dependencies../bin/run help
to see a list of available commands../bin/run wallet-create
to create a wallet. Wallet files are stored in the.wallets
The ./bin/run conf
command is used to set various configuration settings.
By default, this app uses as its back-end service for working with the BCH blockchain. That back-end service is simply a copy of ipfs-bch-wallet-consumer. By running your own copy of ipfs-bch-wallet-consumer, you can have greater reliability and can use this app to switch between different Cash Stack global back-ends. If
goes down for some reason, running your own instance of ipfs-bch-wallet-consumer
allows you to easily switch to any functional back end on the internet.
Switch to a local instance of ipfs-bch-wallet-consumer
./bin/run conf -k restURL -v http://localhost:5005
./bin/run conf -k interface -v consumer-api
Switch back to
./bin/run conf -k restURL -v
Switch to using the web2 infrastructure with
./bin/run conf -k restURL -v
./bin/run conf -k interface -v rest-api
Explore the other configuration settings:
./bin/run conf
Because of the wide-range of applications and commands that psf-bch-wallet can interact with, some application-specific commands are hidden by default. This is an attempt to prevent new users from feeling overwhelmed. By default, these commands are not shown when running ./bin/run help
. Setting their config value to true
will cause them to show up in the help.
When running your own instance of ipfs-bch-wallet-consumer
, you will want to enable the ipfs-*
commands. They will allow diagnostics and configuration of the IPFS node.
./bin/run conf -k cmdIpfs -v true
The PSF Governance vote can be initiated with the vote-*
commands. These commands are not needed by normal users, so they are hidden by default.
./bin/run conf -k cmdVote -v true
Members of the PSF Minting Council hold an NFT which allows them to participate in multisignature wallets. They can use the mc-*
commands to interact with the multisig wallet. These commands are not needed by normal users, so they are hidden by default.
./bin/run conf -k cmdMc -v true
- js-ipfs - The IPFS node software.
- ipfs-coord - IPFS subnet coordination library.
- bch-js - BCH toolkit.
- oclif - CLI framework.
- conf-cli - oclif config plugin.
$ npm install
$ ./bin/run [COMMAND] --help
$ ./bin/run COMMAND
In the commands below, replace psf-bch-wallet
with ./bin/run
psf-bch-wallet conf [KEY] [VALUE]
psf-bch-wallet help [COMMAND]
psf-bch-wallet ipfs-connect
psf-bch-wallet ipfs-node
psf-bch-wallet ipfs-peers
psf-bch-wallet ipfs-relays
psf-bch-wallet ipfs-status
psf-bch-wallet mc-collect-keys
psf-bch-wallet mc-finish
psf-bch-wallet mc-p2wdb-approval-tx
psf-bch-wallet mc-p2wdb-update-tx
psf-bch-wallet mc-read-tx
psf-bch-wallet mc-sign-tx
psf-bch-wallet msg-check
psf-bch-wallet msg-read
psf-bch-wallet msg-send
psf-bch-wallet msg-sign
psf-bch-wallet msg-verify
psf-bch-wallet p2wdb-json
psf-bch-wallet p2wdb-pin
psf-bch-wallet p2wdb-read
psf-bch-wallet p2wdb-write
psf-bch-wallet psffpp-download
psf-bch-wallet psffpp-info
psf-bch-wallet psffpp-pin
psf-bch-wallet psffpp-upload
psf-bch-wallet psffpp-upload2
psf-bch-wallet send-bch
psf-bch-wallet send-tokens
psf-bch-wallet token-burn
psf-bch-wallet token-create-fungible
psf-bch-wallet token-create-group
psf-bch-wallet token-create-nft
psf-bch-wallet token-info
psf-bch-wallet token-mda-tx
psf-bch-wallet token-mint
psf-bch-wallet token-tx-history
psf-bch-wallet token-update
psf-bch-wallet vote-addrs
psf-bch-wallet vote-airdrop
psf-bch-wallet wallet-addrs
psf-bch-wallet wallet-balances
psf-bch-wallet wallet-create
psf-bch-wallet wallet-list
psf-bch-wallet wallet-optimize
psf-bch-wallet wallet-remove
psf-bch-wallet wallet-scan
psf-bch-wallet wallet-service
psf-bch-wallet wallet-service-test
psf-bch-wallet wallet-sweep
manage configuration
$ psf-bch-wallet conf [KEY] [VALUE] [-h] [-k <value>] [-v <value>] [-d] [-p <value>] [-n <value>] [-d <value>]
KEY �[2mkey of the config�[22m
VALUE �[2mvalue of the config�[22m
-d, --cwd=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mconfig file location�[22m
-d, --delete �[2mdelete?�[22m
-h, --help �[2mshow CLI help�[22m
-k, --key=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mkey of the config�[22m
-n, --name=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mconfig file name�[22m
-p, --project=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mproject name�[22m
-v, --value=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mvalue of the config�[22m
manage configuration
See code: conf-cli
display help for psf-bch-wallet
$ psf-bch-wallet help [COMMAND] [--all]
COMMAND �[2mcommand to show help for�[22m
--all �[2msee all commands in CLI�[22m
display help for psf-bch-wallet
See code: @oclif/plugin-help
Connect to an IPFS peer
$ psf-bch-wallet ipfs-connect [-m <value>] [-d]
-d, --getDetails �[2minclude details about the connection�[22m
-m, --multiaddr=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mmultiaddr to connect to an IPFS node�[22m
Connect to an IPFS peer
See code: src/commands/ipfs-connect.js
Query the state of the IPFS node
$ psf-bch-wallet ipfs-node
Query the state of the IPFS node
See code: src/commands/ipfs-node.js
Query the state of subnet peers
$ psf-bch-wallet ipfs-peers [-a]
-a, --all �[2mDisplay all data about peers�[22m
Query the state of subnet peers
See code: src/commands/ipfs-peers.js
Query the state of circuit relays
$ psf-bch-wallet ipfs-relays
Query the state of circuit relays
See code: src/commands/ipfs-relays.js
Query the state of the IPFS node
$ psf-bch-wallet ipfs-status
Query the state of the IPFS node
See code: src/commands/ipfs-status.js
Collect Voting Addresses
$ psf-bch-wallet mc-collect-keys
Collect Voting Addresses
This command is run to prepare for a governance vote. It looks up the addresses
holding all NFTs tied to a common group token. This list of addresses can
then be used to air-drop voting tokens.
See code: src/commands/mc-collect-keys.js
Retrieve signatures, sign multisig TX, and broadcast
$ psf-bch-wallet mc-finish [-n <value>] [-a <value>]
-a, --txids=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mArray of TXIDs of messages containing signatures�[22m
-n, --name=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mName of wallet�[22m
Retrieve signatures, sign multisig TX, and broadcast
This command expects a JSON string containing an array of transaction IDs (TXIDs)
that contain e2ee messages containing signatures for the transaction generated
by the mc-update-p2wdb-price command.
See code: src/commands/mc-finish.js
Generate a multsig TX for the Minting Council to update the price of P2WDB writes.
$ psf-bch-wallet mc-p2wdb-approval-tx [-n <value>] [-s <value>] [-m <value>] [-t <value>]
-m, --message=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mMessage attached to transaction sent to each NFT holder.�[22m
-n, --name=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mName of wallet paying to send messages to NFT holders�[22m
-s, --subject=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mSubject of e2ee message.�[22m
-t, --txid=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mTXID of the update transaction generated from the mc-update-tx command.�[22m
Generate a multsig TX for the Minting Council to update the price of P2WDB writes.
This command creates a multisig wallet. As input, it takes address-public-key
pairs generated from the multisig-collect-keys command. It uses that
data to construct a P2SH multisig wallet. The wallet object is displayed
on the command line as the output.
This is a long-running command. It does the following:
- It calls the mc-collect-keys commands to get the public keys for each holder of the Minting Council NFT.
- It generates a multisignature wallet from those keys requiring 50% + 1 signers.
- It generates a transaction for spending from the wallet, attaching an OP_RETURN to approve an update to the P2WDB write price.
- It sends the unsigned transaction to each member of the Minting Council.
See code: src/commands/mc-p2wdb-approval-tx.js
Generate a PS009 Update Transaction to update the P2WDB write price
$ psf-bch-wallet mc-p2wdb-update-tx [-n <value>]
-n, --name=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mName of wallet paying to send messages to NFT holders�[22m
Generate a PS009 Update Transaction to update the P2WDB write price
This command generates an 'Update Transaction' as per PS009 specification:
This command creates a multisig wallet. As input, it takes address-public-key
pairs generated from the multisig-collect-keys command. It uses that
data to construct a P2SH multisig wallet. The wallet object is displayed
on the command line as the output.
This is a long-running command. It does the following:
- It calls the mc-collect-keys commands to get the public keys for each holder
of the Minting Council NFT.
- It generates a multisignature wallet from those keys requiring 50% + 1 signers.
- It retrieves the current PSF token price and calculates the price of $0.01 USD
in PSF tokens.
- It writes all the data to the P2WDB, pins the data with the P2WDB Pinning
Cluster, and gets an IPFS CID for the data.
- It then writes a PS009 Update Transaction to the BCH blockchain, containing
the CID, returning a TXID.
That BCH TXID is then used as input to the mc-update-p2wdb-price command, to
generate a PS009 Approval Transaction, so that the price update can be approved
by the Minting Council via the multisignature wallet.
See code: src/commands/mc-p2wdb-update-tx.js
Read multisig TX proposal
$ psf-bch-wallet mc-read-tx [-n <value>] [-t <value>]
-n, --name=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mName of wallet�[22m
-t, --txid=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mTransaction ID�[22m
Read multisig TX proposal
This command reads the 'message' section of a proposed multisig transaction for
Minting Council members. This command should be run *before* the mc-sign-tx
See code: src/commands/mc-read-tx.js
Read signed messages
$ psf-bch-wallet mc-sign-tx [-n <value>] [-t <value>]
-n, --name=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mName of wallet�[22m
-t, --txid=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mTransaction ID�[22m
Read signed messages
This command signs a multisig transaction for Minting Council members. The
mc-read-tx command should be run *before* this command, so that you can
read the context of the transaction.
After signing the transaction, it will send the signature back to the message
See code: src/commands/mc-sign-tx.js
Check signed messages
$ psf-bch-wallet msg-check [-n <value>]
-n, --name=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mName of wallet�[22m
Check signed messages
See code: src/commands/msg-check.js
Read signed messages
$ psf-bch-wallet msg-read [-n <value>] [-t <value>]
-n, --name=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mName of wallet�[22m
-t, --txid=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mTransaction ID�[22m
Read signed messages
See code: src/commands/msg-read.js
Send encrypted messages
$ psf-bch-wallet msg-send [-a <value>] [-m <value>] [-s <value>] [-n <value>]
-a, --bchAddress=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mBCH Address�[22m
-m, --message=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mMessage to send�[22m
-n, --name=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mName of wallet�[22m
-s, --subject=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mMessage Subject�[22m
Send encrypted messages
See code: src/commands/msg-send.js
Cryptographically sign a message.
$ psf-bch-wallet msg-sign [-n <value>] [-m <value>]
-m, --msg=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mCleartext message to sign�[22m
-n, --name=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mName of wallet�[22m
Cryptographically sign a message.
Generate a signature from a clear-text message and the private key of your wallet.
The system verifying the signature will also need the BCH address of the walllet.
See code: src/commands/msg-sign.js
Verify a signed message
$ psf-bch-wallet msg-verify [-b <value>] [-m <value>] [-s <value>]
-b, --bchAddr=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mBCH address of signer.�[22m
-m, --msg=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mCleartext message used to generate the signature.�[22m
-s, --sig=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mSignature to verify.�[22m
Verify a signed message
Verify the authenticity of a signed message.
See code: src/commands/msg-verify.js
Upload JSON to IPFS
$ psf-bch-wallet p2wdb-json [-n <value>] [-j <value>]
-j, --json=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mA JSON string. Encase this argument in single quotes.�[22m
-n, --name=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mName of wallet�[22m
Upload JSON to IPFS
This command uses the p2wdb npm library to upload a JSON object to an IPFS node.
The node returns a CID representing the JSON. That CID can then be pinned using
the P2WDB Pinning cluster, using the p2wdb-pin command.
See code: src/commands/p2wdb-json.js
Pin an IPFS CID using the P2WDB pinning service
$ psf-bch-wallet p2wdb-pin [-n <value>] [-c <value>]
-c, --cid=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mIPFS CID to pin�[22m
-n, --name=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mName of wallet�[22m
Pin an IPFS CID using the P2WDB pinning service
This command uses the p2wdb npm library to pin an IPFS CID using the P2WDB
pinning service.
Note: Currently only files 1MB or less are supported.
See code: src/commands/p2wdb-pin.js
Read an entry from the P2WDB
$ psf-bch-wallet p2wdb-read [-h <value>]
-h, --hash=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mHash CID representing P2WDB entry�[22m
Read an entry from the P2WDB
See code: src/commands/p2wdb-read.js
Write an entry to the pay-to-write database (P2WDB)
$ psf-bch-wallet p2wdb-write [-n <value>] [-d <value>] [-a <value>]
-a, --appId=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mappId string to categorize data�[22m
-d, --data=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mString of data to write to the P2WDB�[22m
-n, --name=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mName of wallet�[22m
Write an entry to the pay-to-write database (P2WDB)
In order to execute this command, the wallet must contain some BCH and some PSF
token, in order to pay for the write to the P2WDB.
See code: src/commands/p2wdb-write.js
Download a file, given its CID.
$ psf-bch-wallet psffpp-download [-c <value>]
-c, --cid=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mCID of file to download�[22m
Download a file, given its CID.
Query the ipfs-bch-wallet-consumer for a given CID. If the file is pinned by
the ipfs-file-pin-service connected to it, it will attempt to download the
file to the ipfs-files directory.
See code: src/commands/psffpp-download.js
Download a file, given its CID.
$ psf-bch-wallet psffpp-info [-c <value>]
-c, --cid=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mCID of file to download�[22m
Download a file, given its CID.
Query the ipfs-bch-wallet-consumer for a given CID. It will request the file
status from the ipfs-file-pin-service connected to it. This is a good way
to check if the file has been pinned by that service.
See code: src/commands/psffpp-info.js
Pin a file to the PSFFPP network
$ psf-bch-wallet psffpp-pin [-f <value>] [-n <value>]
-f, --fileName=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mfileName to pin to PSF network�[22m
-n, --name=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mName of wallet�[22m
Pin a file to the PSFFPP network
This command leverages the psffpp-upload command. It will upload the file
using that command, then use the CID returned by that command to generate
a Proof-of-Burn and a Pin Claim transaction.
See code: src/commands/psffpp-pin.js
Upload a file to the IPFS node
$ psf-bch-wallet psffpp-upload [-f <value>]
-f, --fileName=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mfilename to upload�[22m
Upload a file to the IPFS node
If you are trying to pin a file to the PSFFPP network, you do not need to run
this command. This command is automatically used by the psffpp-pin command to
upload the file.
This command is useful in isolation if you want to test uploading and passing
files between IPFS nodes, independant of the PSFFPP.
See code: src/commands/psffpp-upload.js
Upload a file to the psffpp-client
$ psf-bch-wallet psffpp-upload2 [-f <value>]
-f, --fileName=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mfilename to upload�[22m
Upload a file to the psffpp-client
This command will upload a file to the psffpp-client via the REST API.
See code: src/commands/psffpp-upload2.js
Send BCH
$ psf-bch-wallet send-bch [-n <value>] [-q <value>] [-a <value>]
-a, --sendAddr=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mCash address to send to�[22m
-n, --name=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mName of wallet�[22m
-q, --qty=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mQuantity in BCH�[22m
Send BCH
See code: src/commands/send-bch.js
Send Tokens
$ psf-bch-wallet send-tokens [-n <value>] [-t <value>] [-a <value>] [-q <value>]
-a, --sendAddr=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mCash or SimpleLedger address to send to�[22m
-n, --name=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mName of wallet�[22m
-q, --qty=�[4m<value>�[24m
-t, --tokenId=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mToken ID�[22m
Send Tokens
See code: src/commands/send-tokens.js
Burn a specific quantity of SLP tokens.
$ psf-bch-wallet token-burn [-n <value>] [-q <value>] [-t <value>]
-n, --name=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mName of wallet�[22m
-q, --qty=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mQuantity of tokens to burn. If quantity is 0, all tokens will be burned.�[22m
-t, --tokenId=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mtokenId of token to burn�[22m
Burn a specific quantity of SLP tokens.
See code: src/commands/token-burn.js
Create a new SLP Type1 fugible token.
$ psf-bch-wallet token-create-fungible [-n <value>] [-t <value>] [-m <value>] [-d <value>] [-q <value>] [-u <value>] [-h <value>] [-b]
-b, --baton �[2m(optional Boolean) create a minting baton�[22m
-d, --decimals=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mDecimals used by the token�[22m
-h, --hash=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2m(optional) Document hash of the group�[22m
-m, --tokenName=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mName of token�[22m
-n, --walletName=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mName of wallet to pay for transaction�[22m
-q, --qty=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mQuantity of tokens to create�[22m
-t, --ticker=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mTicker of the group�[22m
-u, --url=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2m(optional) Document URL of the group�[22m
Create a new SLP Type1 fugible token.
Creating a minting baton is optional. If a baton address is not specified, then the
baton is burned and makes the it a 'fixed supply' token.
See code: src/commands/token-create-fungible.js
Create a new SLP Group token.
$ psf-bch-wallet token-create-group [-n <value>] [-m <value>] [-t <value>] [-q <value>] [-u <value>] [-h <value>]
-h, --hash=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2m(optional) Document hash of the group�[22m
-m, --tokenName=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mName of token�[22m
-n, --walletName=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mName of wallet to pay for transaction�[22m
-q, --qty=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2m(optional) Quantity of tokens to create. Defaults to 1�[22m
-t, --ticker=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mTicker of the group�[22m
-u, --url=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2m(optional) Document URL of the group�[22m
Create a new SLP Group token.
Group tokens are used to generate NFTs. Read more about the relationship:
See code: src/commands/token-create-group.js
Create a new SLP Group token.
$ psf-bch-wallet token-create-nft [-n <value>] [-m <value>] [-t <value>] [-u <value>] [-h <value>] [-i <value>]
-h, --hash=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2m(optional) Document hash of the group�[22m
-i, --tokenId=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mToken ID of Group token to burn, to generate the NFT�[22m
-m, --tokenName=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mName of token�[22m
-n, --walletName=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mName of wallet to pay for transaction�[22m
-t, --ticker=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mTicker of the group�[22m
-u, --url=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2m(optional) Document URL of the group�[22m
Create a new SLP Group token.
Group tokens are used to generate NFTs. Read more about the relationship:
See code: src/commands/token-create-nft.js
Get information on a token
$ psf-bch-wallet token-info [-t <value>]
-t, --tokenId=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mThe ID of the token to lookup�[22m
Get information on a token
Retrieves the Genesis data for a token. If PS002 mutable and immutable data is
attached to the token, it is retrieved from IPFS.
See code: src/commands/token-info.js
Create TXID for token mutable data
$ psf-bch-wallet token-mda-tx [-n <value>] [-a <value>]
-a, --mda=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mMutable data address�[22m
-n, --walletName=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mName of wallet to pay for transaction�[22m
Create TXID for token mutable data
MDA is an acrynym for 'Mutable Data Address'
This command is used to generate a TXID for attaching mutable data to a token.
Given a BCH address, it generates a transaction to turn that address into
the controller of mutable data for a token. This generates a TXID which is
used in the tokens 'documentHash' field when creating the token.
PS002 specification for mutable data:
See code: src/commands/token-mda-tx.js
Mint new Fungible (Type 1) or Group tokens
$ psf-bch-wallet token-mint [-n <value>] [-q <value>] [-t <value>] [-r <value>]
-n, --name=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mName of wallet to pay for transaction�[22m
-q, --qty=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mQuantity of tokens to create�[22m
-r, --receiver=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2m(optional) Receiver of new baton. Defaults to same wallet. null burns baton.�[22m
-t, --tokenId=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mToken ID�[22m
Mint new Fungible (Type 1) or Group tokens
If the wallet contains a minting baton from creating a Fungible or Group token,
this command can be used to mint new tokens into existence.
The '-r' flag is optional. By default the minting baton will be sent back to the
origionating wallet. A different address can be specified by the -r flag. Passing
a value of 'null' will burn the minting baton, removing the ability to mint
new tokens.
See code: src/commands/token-mint.js
Get transaction history for a token
$ psf-bch-wallet token-tx-history [-t <value>]
-t, --tokenId=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mThe ID of the token to lookup�[22m
Get transaction history for a token
Retrieves the transaction history for a token. This is every transaction that
has involved the token. The data is more informative for an NFT than it is for
a fungible token.
See code: src/commands/token-tx-history.js
Update token mutable data.
$ psf-bch-wallet token-update [-n <value>] [-c <value>]
-c, --cid=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mA CID that resolves to the new mutable data JSON�[22m
-n, --name=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mName of wallet�[22m
Update token mutable data.
This command is used to update the mutable data for a token.
Data updates are effected by writing a new
CID to an OP_RETURN inside a transaction, published to the Mutable Data Address
(MDA), as described in PS002.
The wallet used to pay for the transaction must control the MDA, otherwise the
update will be ignored.
To use this command, you'll need a CID that resolves to the updated data.
The p2wdb-json command can be used for that.
New mutable data follows the PS002 spec by uploading JSON data to IPFS and
then including the CID in an OP_RETURN. The JSON data should also follow the
schema in the PS007 specification:
See code: src/commands/token-update.js
Collect Voting Addresses
$ psf-bch-wallet vote-addrs
Collect Voting Addresses
This command is run to prepare for a governance vote. It looks up the addresses
holding all NFTs tied to a common group token. This list of addresses can
then be used to air-drop voting tokens.
See code: src/commands/vote-addrs.js
Airdrop Voting Tokens
$ psf-bch-wallet vote-airdrop [-n <value>] [-a <value>] [-t <value>]
-a, --addrs=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mJSON string containing array of addresses�[22m
-n, --name=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mName of wallet holding voting tokens�[22m
-t, --tokenId=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mToken ID to air-drop to each address�[22m
Airdrop Voting Tokens
This command is used to air-drop voting tokens to an array of addresses. It
is expected the array of addresses is generated from the vote-addrs command.
One token will be sent to each address in the list.
See code: src/commands/vote-airdrop.js
List the different addresses for a wallet.
$ psf-bch-wallet wallet-addrs [-n <value>]
-n, --name=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mName of wallet�[22m
List the different addresses for a wallet.
See code: src/commands/wallet-addrs.js
Display the balances of the wallet
$ psf-bch-wallet wallet-balances [-n <value>] [-v]
-n, --name=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mName of wallet�[22m
-v, --verbose �[2mShow verbose UTXO information�[22m
Display the balances of the wallet
See code: src/commands/wallet-balances.js
Generate a new HD Wallet.
$ psf-bch-wallet wallet-create [-n <value>] [-d <value>]
-d, --description=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mDescription of the wallet�[22m
-n, --name=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mName of wallet�[22m
Generate a new HD Wallet.
See code: src/commands/wallet-create.js
List existing wallets.
$ psf-bch-wallet wallet-list
List existing wallets.
See code: src/commands/wallet-list.js
Optimize a wallet
$ psf-bch-wallet wallet-optimize [-n <value>]
-n, --name=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mName of wallet�[22m
Optimize a wallet
This command 'optimizes' a wallet by consolidating the UTXOs with in it. This
consolidation can significantly reduce the number of API calls, which speeds
up the the network calls and results in an improved user experience (UX).
See code: src/commands/wallet-optimize.js
Remove an existing wallet.
$ psf-bch-wallet wallet-remove [-n <value>]
-n, --name=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mName of wallet�[22m
Remove an existing wallet.
See code: src/commands/wallet-remove.js
Scan different derivation paths of a 12 word mnemonic for tx history.
$ psf-bch-wallet wallet-scan [-m <value>]
-m, --mnemonic=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mmnemonic phrase to generate addresses, wrapped in quotes�[22m
Scan different derivation paths of a 12 word mnemonic for tx history.
Scans the first 20 addresses of each derivation path for
history and balance of the given mnemonic. If any of them had a history, scans
the next 20, until it reaches a batch of 20 addresses with no history. The -m
flag is used to pass it a mnemonic phrase. Be sure to enclose the words in
This command is handy for people who maintain multiple wallets. This allows easy
scanning to see if a mnemonic holds any funds on any of the commonly used
derivation paths.
Derivation pathes used:
145 - BIP44 standard path for Bitcoin Cash
245 - BIP44 standard path for SLP tokens
0 - Used by common software like the wallet and
See code: src/commands/wallet-scan.js
List and/or select a wallet service provider.
$ psf-bch-wallet wallet-service [-s <value>]
-s, --select=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mSwitch to a given IPFS ID for wallet service.�[22m
List and/or select a wallet service provider.
See code: src/commands/wallet-service.js
Run end-to-end tests on the selected wallet service.
$ psf-bch-wallet wallet-service-test
Run end-to-end tests on the selected wallet service.
This command will run a series of end-to-end (e2e) tests on a current global
back end selected with the 'wallet-service' command. It will test that the
selected service if fully function, and this app can adaquately communicate
with that service.
See code: src/commands/wallet-service-test.js
Sweep funds from one wallet into another
$ psf-bch-wallet wallet-sweep [-n <value>] [-m <value>] [-w <value>] [-d <value>]
-d, --derivation=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mDerivation path. Will default to 245 if not specified. Common values are 245, 145, and 0�[22m
-m, --mnemonic=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2m12-word mnemonic phrase, wrapped in quotes�[22m
-n, --name=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mname of receiving wallet�[22m
-w, --wif=�[4m<value>�[24m �[2mWIF private key controlling funds of a single address�[22m
Sweep funds from one wallet into another
Sweep funds from a single private key (WIF) or a whole HD wallet (mnemonic)
into another wallet. Works for both BCH and tokens.
If the target wallet does not have enough funds to pay transaction fees, fees
are paid from the receiving wallet. In the case of a mnemonic, a derivation path
can be specified.
Either a WIF or a mnemonic must be specified.
See code: src/commands/wallet-sweep.js