Perfect Empty Starter Project
This repository holds a blank Perfect project which can be cloned to serve as a starter for new work. It builds with Swift Package Manager and produces a stand-alone HTTP executable.
###Compatibility with Swift
This project works only with the Swift 3.0 toolchain available with Xcode 8.0+ or on Linux via
Due to a late-breaking bug in Xcode 8, if you wish to run directly within Xcode, we recommend installing swiftenv and installing the Swift 3.0.1 preview toolchain.
# after installing swiftenv from
swiftenv install
Alternatively, add to the "Library Search Paths" in "Project Settings" $(PROJECT_DIR), recursive.
The following will clone and build an empty starter project and launch the server on port 8181.
git clone
cd PerfectTemplate
swift build
If you see a build error concerning OpenSSL, please see the swift version or Library Search Paths recommendations above.
You should see the following output:
Starting HTTP server on with document root ./webroot
This means the server is running and waiting for connections. Access http://localhost:8181/ to see the greeting. Hit control-c to terminate the server.
The template file contains a very simple "hello, world!" example.
import PerfectLib
import PerfectHTTP
import PerfectHTTPServer
// Create HTTP server.
let server = HTTPServer()
// Register your own routes and handlers
var routes = Routes()
routes.add(method: .get, uri: "/", handler: {
request, response in
response.appendBody(string: "<html><title>Hello, world!</title><body>Hello, world!</body></html>")
// Add the routes to the server.
// Set a listen port of 8181
server.serverPort = 8181
// Set a document root.
// This is optional. If you do not want to serve static content then do not set this.
// Setting the document root will automatically add a static file handler for the route /**
server.documentRoot = "./webroot"
// Gather command line options and further configure the server.
// Run the server with --help to see the list of supported arguments.
// Command line arguments will supplant any of the values set above.
do {
// Launch the HTTP server.
try server.start()
} catch PerfectError.networkError(let err, let msg) {
print("Network error thrown: \(err) \(msg)")
We are transitioning to using JIRA for all bugs and support related issues, therefore the GitHub issues has been disabled.
If you find a mistake, bug, or any other helpful suggestion you'd like to make on the docs please head over to and raise it.
A comprehensive list of open issues can be found at
For more information on the Perfect project, please visit