For when you're in love with the mobo.
gem install cinch cinch-identify yaml
##Introduction Mobot is an IRC bot written in Ruby, with the help of the cinch library. It allows users to gain currency through the user of other bots, and ultimately spend it to use administration commands they don't have privileges for.
##Features Use .help to get a list of features and commands in the bot.
These features currently include:
- .daily - Allows a user to claim 250 coins once per 24h
- .credits [user] - Shows a users current coins balance
- .purchase {item} [recipient] - Purchases an item from the .store list
- .store - Lists items available for purchase, currently being:
- kick {recipient} - Kicks a target user, provided the bot has permission - 1000 coins
- devoice {recipient} - Devoices a target user, provided the bot has permission - 2000 coins
- DEX - Upgrades the users Dexterity attribute - 500 coins + 50 for each previous upgrade
- STR - Upgrades the users Strength attribute - 500 coins + 50 for each previous upgrade
- INT - Upgrades the users Intelligence attribute - 500 coins + 50 for each previous upgrade
- LCK - Upgrades the users Luck attribute - 500 coins + 50 for each previous upgrade (This is the most useful attribute :3)
- .taytay - Deprecated, used to check taylorswift balance before she died
- .rob {user} - Attempts to rob another user
- .attr - Shows the current users attributes
- .mission - Attempts a mission
- .pvp - Toggles the users PvP status
- .bet {amount} - Bets an amount of coins, with a 40% chance to double your offer
- .crew {option} [user] - Operates crews, with commands as:
- start - Starts a crew
- join {username} - Joins another persons crew
- open - Opens a crew to new members
- close - Closes a crew to new members
- leave - Leaves the current crew, or disbands it if you are captain
- show - Shows the status of your current crew
##Contribute Feature requests and bug reports welcome, along with pull requests - feel free to participate!
You can write a mission for mobot in the format of:
["Mission Name - Author", "TYPE", reward_amount, "Start of mission text", "Success text", "Failure text"]
##To Do
- Add command attribute requirements (e.g 5DEX for robbing)
- Add PvP (Fight like rob but higher risk with stat use?)
- Add missions
- Add mission submission system - With wget?
- Add inbuilt bug tracker w/ rewards
- Add timeouts to robbing (Per person?)
Update flavour text per SciFi theme- Add usable skills (1% chance droppable, one for each attribute, only drops for 10+?)
- Add achievement style tutorial system (Rewards for using each feature the first time)
- Add admin system
- Fix SEND style commands per admin system
- Fix kick/devoice system
- Add voice to store
- Add dehop to store
Fix quest <0 bugModify quests to change netted to Gained/Lost