416 commits
to develop
since this release
Release 1.0.0
Minor release update fix a couple of items found in the 1.0.0 release.
Changes / Fixes in this Release
- Remove healthcare selection to onboarding flow (#679)
- Minor EULA updates (#671)
- Fix settings icon on iOS (#687)
- Fix issue where news from the healthcare authority was not shown (#704)
- As always, lots of back end work
- English and Haitian Creole Translation
Items Still Removed For v1.0.1 (But will be back soon)
- Google location data import
- All language support except English and Haitain Creole
Languages / Locales (as of this release)
NOTE: As of this release, only English and Haitian Creole are supported
- English
- Haitian Creole