swiftly converts large amounts of XML TEI files into text. Harnessing the power of Saxonica's SaxonC-HE processor (XSLT 2.0+), it handles XSLT 2.0 and 3.0 transformations in parallel. This approach enables users to circumvent some of the limitations of lxml
, which in spite of its speed, operates exclusively within the XSLT 1.0 framework.
- Fast Transformations: Utilize the multiprocessing capabilities of your machine for simultaneous XML transformations.
- Memory Management: Control batch sizes to optimize memory usage when processing large collections.
- Saxon Integration: Seamlessly process XML files using the renowned Saxon processor for XSLT 2.0+ support.
- CSV Output: Generate comprehensive CSV reports containing relevant metadata about the processed XML TEI files.
- Extended Logging: Detailed logging with configurable levels and formatted output.
- Command-line Interface: Easy-to-use CLI with support for various options and commands.
- Flexible Configuration: Configure via files, environment variables, or command-line options.
- Automatic Retries: Built-in retry mechanism for handling transient failures.
- Language-Based Organization: Output files organized by language extracted from TEI metadata.
- Progress Tracking: Visual progress bar showing processing status in real-time.
is optimized for TEI P5 files. It is not intended for use with other XML frameworks.
pip install multi-saxon
Ensure you have Python 3.7+ installed on your machine. If not, download and install Python.
Clone this repository:
git clone cd multi-saxon
Install the package:
pip install -e .
multi-saxon init
This creates a template configuration file (config.toml
) that you can edit to customize settings.
multi-saxon validate
Checks if your configuration is valid and warns about potential issues.
multi-saxon process
Processes XML files according to your configuration.
You can configure multi-saxon in three ways:
- Configuration File: Edit the
file - Environment Variables: Set variables like
- Command-line Options: Pass options directly to the
directory = "/path/to/xml/files"
directory = "/path/to/output"
metadata_file = "/path/to/output/metadata.csv"
file_path = "/path/to/transform.xsl"
max_workers = 0 # 0 means use all CPU cores
batch_size = 100 # files per batch for memory optimization
filename = "multi_saxon.log"
level = "INFO"
Usage: multi-saxon [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
multi-saxon: Parallel XML TEI to text transformer using Saxon
A tool for efficiently processing large collections of XML TEI files using
the Saxon XSLT processor and parallel processing.
--version Show the version and exit.
--help Show this message and exit.
init Initialize a new configuration file.
process Process XML files in parallel using Saxon.
validate Validate configuration file.
Usage: multi-saxon process [OPTIONS]
Process XML files in parallel using Saxon.
This command will transform XML files using the specified XSLT, extract
metadata, and generate a CSV report.
-c, --config FILE Path to configuration file
-i, --input-dir DIRECTORY Directory containing XML files to process
-o, --output-dir DIRECTORY Directory to save output files
-x, --xslt-file FILE XSLT file to use for transformation
-m, --metadata-file FILE Path to save metadata CSV file
-w, --workers INTEGER Maximum number of worker processes (default:
all CPU cores)
-b, --batch-size INTEGER Number of files to process in each batch
(for memory optimization)
-l, --log-file FILE Path to log file (default: multi_saxon.log)
Log level (default: INFO)
-v, --verbose Enable verbose output
--help Show this message and exit.
You can use these environment variables to configure multi-saxon:
: Directory containing XML filesMULTI_SAXON_OUTPUT_DIR
: Directory to save output filesMULTI_SAXON_METADATA_FILE
: Path to save metadata CSVMULTI_SAXON_XSLT_FILE
: Maximum worker processesMULTI_SAXON_BATCH_SIZE
: Batch size for memory optimizationMULTI_SAXON_LOG_FILE
: Log level
For very large collections, use the batch size option to control memory usage:
multi-saxon process --batch-size 50
This processes files in smaller batches to reduce peak memory consumption.
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.