Platform for Experimental and Collaborative Ethnography (PECE)
- About
- Cite As
- Contributors
- How to Access/Download/Install
- Dependencies
- How to Provide Feedback
- Licensing
- Questions
PECE is a Free and Open Source (Drupal-based) digital platform that supports multi-sited, cross-scale ethnographic and historical research. PECE is built as a Drupal distribution, therefore it can be extended like any other Drupal project.
This repository holds the packaged distribution for PECE adopters. It contains the most updated version of PECE for public use. If you are an end-user who wants to run PECE for your research, this is the right place to get your copy. If you are a developer wishing to contribute to the development process, you must use the development repository instead.
Zenodo will assign a DOI to the release, which you can include in the citation.
Special thanks to our contributors (emoji key):
PECE is a Free Software-based Drupal distribution, therefore the standard installation procedure for Drupal 7 applies to PECE with a few extra dependencies.
The following instructions have been tested on a Debian 8 (jessie) server, but they are not OS-dependent. PECE should run on any system supported by Drupal 7. PECE has been tested in virtual machines with 256M allocated for PHP, being 128M the recommended minimum for Drupal 7 distributions. Your configuration, of course, may vary considerably depending on the usage you are making of the platform. Refer to our data management guidelines under the "sustainability" section to learn about the recommended minimum specs for your servers.
Our distribution is currently being developed on Github. You can obtain the most updated version following the link "Releases" on the project's git repository:
Alternatively, you can obtain the source code and build the distro yourself if you intend to help our team by fixing bugs and extending the platform for your research purposes:
git clone
If you have the server backend already set-up, you can quickly install PECE following these steps:
git clone
Proceed to the URL in which your Drupal will reside, i.e. From there, you can install PECE like any other Drupal site. Follow the official documentation if you need further help. In the section Troubleshooting below we describe common issues users have when trying to install PECE without the proper backend dependencies, configurations, and permissions.
One important note: please, make sure to set the permissions on the filesystem properly. We cannot emphasize this enough. The official Drupal documentation explains how to do so, if you have questions. (In our experience, we have needed to set the file permissions at sites/default/files/artifacts to 770 and sites/default/files/private to 770.)
In addition to the basic Drupal system requirements, you will need these extra libraries:
- php5-mcrypt
- php5-curl
- php-ssh2
- pecl-yaml (for YAML parsing)
Even though these are not hard dependencies, we highly recommend running your PECE site with following set-up for better security and performance:
- nginx
- php (>= 5.5)
- php5-fpm
- drush (>= 5.x)
- any *nix OS of your choice
- cURL
To report an issue, head on over to and create an issue there.
All the software code written for PECE is released under the GNU GPL version 3. Access our legal documents for more information. All the documentation for the project is released under CC-BY-SA 4.0 International, unless stated otherwise.
For any inquiries, send an email to [email protected]