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An opensource scriptbuilder for Roblox.


By default this depends on (running this).

Which is being used to compile Luau sourcecode into bytecode (only for localscripts). As there is no good solution for compiling Luau in Luau at the moment (that is small & lightweight).
As a bonus using an full Luau compiler allows us to generate bytecode with optimizations turned on without much performance overhead.

This is being used in compile.luau, and I encourage you to change it (check Configuration) to using your own hosted version (it's free with shuttle).

As a fallback it will by default rely on a toolbox modulescript (owned by ewd3v, and powered by LuauCeption) to compile Luau instead in cases where HttpService is being ratelimited. The reason this is an external module and not built into OpenSB is because it's an optional feature and it's easier to change it to use another toolbox modulescript instead. It also means it's by default not loaded into the game until it gets used for the first time (LuauCeption is really large).

The module being used can also be changed or have it's feature completely disabled by adding custom configuration.

Getting Started

You will need to install aftman first to get the required tooling.

After you have installed aftman, run:

aftman install


This uses a lune script to aid in building the project with provided configuration (source available here).

Custom configurations can be made in a ".config.toml" file (ignored in the .gitinore, and should be placed in the root folder), and uses the same format as the "default.toml" in .lune/build/config (also where you should look for all availble configurations and for small documentation).

Any defined fields under the selected branch will replace the default value. To make configurations that apply to any branch use the "global" branch.


scriptHostKey = "secret"

workerThreads = 4

workerThreads = 12

(The script host key will be set to "secret" for all branches, and workerThreads will be set to 4 while in dev, and 12 while in prod).

Custom darklua rules can be provided under the "darkluaRules" field for the selected branch (will replace default rules!).

Building & testing

To build the place from scratch, use:

lune run build dev && rojo build -o "OpenSB.rbxlx"

Next, open OpenSB.rbxlx in Roblox Studio and start the Rojo server:

rojo serve

Then when you want to test your changes, use:

lune run build dev

(The --watch flag on darklua would've worked if the modules folder was in src, but doing that would process a duplicate of the modules folder)

To build the "production" version, use:

lune run build prod

A list of "branches" is visible when running the build script without providing a branch:

lune run build

For more help, check out the Rojo and darklua documentation.


An opensource scriptbuilder for Roblox







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