Cog Function
Name | Status | Description (Click to see full status) |
RedditPic | Deprecated | This cog is now removed from my repo.The API that it was using is no longer in service. I may remake this with a different API but at the moment I have no intentions of remaking this cog. |
ServerPing | Release | Ping a domain or an IP to get the latencyPing an IP or a domain and get the latency back |
SQL | Release | Interact with multiple DBs with this cogInteract with multiple DBs through this cog.Current DBs added: MySQL Planned DBs: MongoDB PostgreSQL |
InviteTracker | Release (Currently disabled) | [Disabled] Post new joins/leaves in a channel with an invite tracker. Currently disabled and hope to fix when I have more time :)Post new joins and leaves into a channel with an invite tracker attached to it. |
SXCU | Release | Upload images to an SXCU url.Send your image and shorten your URL with your own subdomain. |
Diaccents | Release | Get letters with accents.Enter a letter and get the diacritic associated with the letter. |
AdvancedEconomy | Release | Level up your economy experience with this cog.This advanced economy cog is fun to play with, includingwork and payday commands. |
# Load the Downloader cog (if it isn't already)
[p]load downloader
# Add my repo
[p]repo add OofCogs
# Add the cog from my repo
[p]cog install OofCogs <cogname>
# Load it into the bot for use
[p]load <cogname>
Join my discord server for help by clicking here
Discord: #1
I will also respond to messages in #support_othercogs
in the 3rd party cog server. No need to ping, I check the channel.
For support, please don't open an issue.
Huge thanks to all the helpful people in #coding on the discord support server
Great help goes out to epic guy#0715 for helping me with the Some Random API cog (Now called Fun cog, on dev branch)
Thanks to @Kreusada, @Just-Jojo, @Andeeeee and @Otriux for help with the RedditPic cog.
Thanks to @Just-Jojo for helping out on the SQL cog.
Thanks to @Kreusada for creating the DCL lib that the Diaccents cog works with.
Thanks to @Just-Jojo and @aleclol for the review on the AdvancedEconomy cog.
Thanks to @Predeactor for letting me take over development for the SXCU cog.