FairLink is a multi-armed bandit based framework that predicts new edges that are both accurate and well-behaved with respect to a fairness property of choice. This repository provides a reference implementation of FairLink framework as described in [1].
The Python packages version information is provided in requirements.txt
file. You can execute the following command from the project home directory.
pip install -r requirements.txt
FairLink expects as input the protected feature value(community membership) communities
, training graph G
, and negative/positive link examples examples
data = {'communities': [{1, 2, 2053, 5, ...}, {0, 3, 4, 6, ...}],
'G': <networkx.classes.graph.Graph object at 0x7f84696751c0>,
'examples': array([[2551, 2840, 0],
[2556, 167, 1],
[2412, 72, 1],
[1792, 1733, 1]])}
The input files for Bowdoin College facebook friendship network and Pokec friendship network in two different regions can be found in ./data/graph/
directory in pickle binary format.
The file main.py
contains the example code to use FairLink. To run the FairLink algorithm on Pokec friendship network in Žilinský kraj Bytča, execute the following command from the project home directory:
python main.py
you can set the baseline algorithm using --algorithm option. For example to use preferential attachment:
python main.py --algorithm prf
you can change the input network to Bowdoin College facebook friendship network as follow:
python main.py --file-name bowdoin.pk
you can check other available options by following command:
python main.py --help
usage: main.py [-h] [--folder-path [FOLDER_PATH]] [--file-name [FILE_NAME]]
[--algorithm [ALGORITHM]] [--test-size TEST_SIZE]
[--add-radio ADD_RADIO] [--batch-step BATCH_STEP]
[--acc-bound ACC_BOUND] [--gamma GAMMA]
[--slot-number SLOT_NUMBER] [--epsilon EPSILON] [--decay DECAY]
[--cross-validate CROSS_VALIDATE] [--file FILE]
Run FairLink.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--folder-path [FOLDER_PATH]
path to input graph directory
--file-name [FILE_NAME]
data file name
--algorithm [ALGORITHM]
name of link prediciton baseline algorithm to use: jac
for Jacard, adar for adamic_adar and prf for
preferential_attachment. Default is jac
--test-size TEST_SIZE
link prediction test size. Default is 0.8
--add-radio ADD_RADIO
precent of test to be predicted .Default is 0.1
--batch-step BATCH_STEP
batch step size. Default is 10
--acc-bound ACC_BOUND
The bottom line of tolerance for accuracy during
GridSearch. Default is 0.5
--gamma GAMMA importance weight between accuracy and benefit during
Reward Update. Default is 1.0
--slot-number SLOT_NUMBER
number of generated slots. Default is 20
--epsilon EPSILON Epsilon-Greedy algorithm hyper-parameter. Default is
--decay DECAY decay parameter during benefit update. Default is 0.8
--cross-validate CROSS_VALIDATE
cross validate hyper-parameter in grid search. Default
is 3
--file FILE
Thanks the contribution of FLIP where I learned a lot coding style from it. :)
[1] Fair Link Prediction with Multi-Armed Bandit Algorithms Wang W, Soundarajan S, in Association for the 15th ACM Web Science Conference (WebSci), 2023.