Sample package for using a 6-axis robotic arm to navigate a maze. Intended to support the development of robotic applications at the Artifically Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (AIMS) Lab at The Ohio State University.
Note: This repo is designed for ROS 2 (Foxy+). Previous verions of code may support ROS 1 enviornments. The Motoman MH5 robot was used as the primary hardware environment.
- Setup Workspaces
mkdir -p <worskpace_tesseract>/src
mkdir -p <workspace_maze_runner>/src
- Pull this repo local
cd <workspace_maze_runner>/src
git clone
- Install Tesseract Dependencies (unstable as of July 2022) Build Tesseract in a separate workspace such that it only needs built once.
cd <worskpace_tesseract>/src
vcs import < <workspace_maze_runner>/src/maze-runner/dependencies-tesseract.rosinstall
cd ..
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash
colcon build --cmake-args -DTESSERACT_BUILD_FCL=OFF
- Build Maze-Runner Workspace New terminal. Pull dependencies.
cd <workspace_maze_runner>/src
vcs import < ./maze-runner/dependencies.rosinstall
cd ..
Overlay previously built Tesseract workspace
source <worskpace_tesseract>/install/setup.bash
colcon build --symlink-install
- Setup for Usage in New Terminal
source <workspace_maze_runner>/install/setup.bash