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Lr multipatch refinement alternative #207



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Fixes LR multipatch refinement in two steps:

  • by using existing MLGN arrays to pass boundary functions to neighbouring patches (with the additional logic of finding boundary functions completely covered by requested refinement indices)
  • interior refinement is done by picking all overlapping functions of all boundary functions on both sides of the boundary. This is needed since LR meshes requires the mesh inside the patch to match near the boundary.

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Illustration of why we need interior mesh-matching in addition to just the one on the boundary. This is why we need the proposed step 2


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Note: The above mesh is quartic p=4 (since functions go across 6 mesh lines). The proposed solution errs on the side of caution and creates a matching mesh p+1=5 elements into the mesh. This is by picking all interior functions that overlap with the shared boundary functions.

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@akva2 akva2 left a comment

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picking on the cosmetics first. also debug output needs to go.

@@ -307,6 +307,26 @@ IntVec ASMunstruct::getFunctionsForElements (const IntVec& elements)
return result;

IntVec ASMunstruct::getBoundaryNodesCovered (const IntVec& nodes) const
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additional space between functions.

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Enig, Den uskrevne IFEM-standarden sier 2 blanke linjer.

IntVec oneBoundary, result;
int numbEdges = (getNoParamDim() == 2) ? 4 : 6;
for(int edge=1; edge<=numbEdges; edge++)
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space between for and (

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Du har ikke korrigert dette (samt for alle ditto)?? Dessuten dobbel space før edge++

for(int edge=1; edge<=numbEdges; edge++)
getBoundaryNodes(edge, oneBoundary); // this returns a 1-indexed list
for(const int i : nodes)
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getBoundaryNodes(edge, oneBoundary); // this returns a 1-indexed list
for(const int i : nodes)
for(const int j : oneBoundary)
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getBoundaryNodes(edge, oneBoundary); // this returns a 1-indexed list
for(const int i : nodes)
for(const int j : oneBoundary)
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IntVec result;
for(const int i : nodes)
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for(const int i : nodes)
LR::Basisfunction *b = geo->getBasisfunction(i);
for(auto el : b->support()) // for all elements where *b has support
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LR::Basisfunction *b = geo->getBasisfunction(i);
for(auto el : b->support()) // for all elements where *b has support
for(auto basis : el->support()) // for all functions on this element
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pch = dynamic_cast<ASMunstruct*>(myModel[i]);
IntVec secondary = pch->getOverlappingNodes(conformingIndicies[i]);
for(int j : conformingIndicies[i]) // add refinement from neighbours
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for(int j : secondary) // add depth refinement to make it conforming
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akva2 commented Oct 12, 2017

bruker jeg den reduce footprint så sier frac 'frac you'.

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This is the setup which requires the reduced footprint commit. The proposed setup managed to pass covered boundary functions (blue) to their respective connected patches (green), but the problem arised when interior mesh was to be refined. By taking all functions with overlapping support (yellow) one might actually hit another patch boundary and this is not detected and the gray function is never added.

The proposed solution in 7da3af4 tries to only pick (yellow) functions which support does not grow in the boundary tangent direction, but only in the boundary normal direction.

@VikingScientist VikingScientist force-pushed the lr-multipatch-alternative branch 2 times, most recently from a8d705d to b8d9a62 Compare October 12, 2017 13:37
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Updated... fixed all boundary cases, and made the code all pretty

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jenkins build this with downstreams ifem-poisson=13 ifem-elasiticity=37 please

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jenkins build this with downstreams ifem-poisson=13 ifem-elasticity=37 please

@VikingScientist VikingScientist force-pushed the lr-multipatch-alternative branch 3 times, most recently from fffbbfa to 7138a12 Compare October 13, 2017 12:57
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jenkins build this with downstreams ifem-poisson=13 ifem-elasticity=37 ifem-stokes=77 please

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jenkins build this with downstreams ifem-poisson=13 ifem-elasticity=37 ifem-stokes=77 please

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Is this OK? Can we put this on trunk now? I can't make Jenkins run the tests for some reason 😢

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akva2 commented Oct 16, 2017

jenkins build this with downstreams ifem-poisson=13 ifem-elasticity=37 ifem-stokes=77 please

@VikingScientist VikingScientist force-pushed the lr-multipatch-alternative branch from 7138a12 to 225e9af Compare October 17, 2017 06:40
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Squashed fixup commits. Ready for merge. Also Elasticity, Poisson and Stokes

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@kmokstad kmokstad left a comment

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Prøvde å gå gjennom, og fant en del ting å pirke på.
Alt dette henger mer eller mindre sammen så vidt jeg kan se, så jeg tror man med fordel kan squashe alt (eller det meste) til end commit. Da er det enklere å gjøre effektiv review,

//! \param nodes List of (0-indexed) patch local node IDs
//! \returns Node IDs (0-indexed) for boundary functions whos support is
// completely covered by the union of the support in the input array
virtual IntVec getBoundaryNodesCovered(const IntVec& nodes) const ;
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fjern space før ; og det holder med en space etter \param og \return i doxyen, og siden nodes kun er input, bruk \param[in]. One spell error too (whos --> whose).

@@ -307,6 +307,26 @@ IntVec ASMunstruct::getFunctionsForElements (const IntVec& elements)
return result;

IntVec ASMunstruct::getBoundaryNodesCovered (const IntVec& nodes) const
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Enig, Den uskrevne IFEM-standarden sier 2 blanke linjer.

IntVec oneBoundary, result;
int numbEdges = (getNoParamDim() == 2) ? 4 : 6;
for(int edge=1; edge<=numbEdges; edge++)
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Du har ikke korrigert dette (samt for alle ditto)?? Dessuten dobbel space før edge++

std::sort(result.begin(), result.end());
auto last = std::unique(result.begin(), result.end());
result.erase(last, result.end());
return result;
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Magefølelsen sier at du vel trenger å inkludere <algorithm>for at dette skal bygge over alt?

Men, et bedre alternative er kanskje å bruke std::set<int> result i stedet og så return IntVec(result.begin(),result.end());. Da vil sorteringen og uniqueifiseringen komme på kjøpet.

@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@
#include <sstream>
#include <numeric>

using namespace std;

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Nei, vi vil ikke ha denne her eller andre steder. Vi bruker std::-scoping der det trengs,

cout << j << endl;
cout << " Covered (boundary) indices:\n";
for(int j : bndry_nodes)
cout << j << endl;
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Dette er vel mer debug-output som bør gjemmes unna i en #ifdef SP_DEBUG eller noe?
Og legg til std::cout hvis utskriften ønske beholdes.

std::sort(refineIndices[i].begin(), refineIndices[i].end());
auto last = std::unique(refineIndices[i].begin(), refineIndices[i].end());
refineIndices[i].erase(last, refineIndices[i].end());

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Her også, vurder å bruke std::set<int>i stedet.

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Innser nå at mye av det jeg kommenterte på i første commit er endret på i denne. Da burde heller de to committene vært squashet til en for å gjøre review-prosessen enklere og ryddigere

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Hvis du klikker på "Files changed" istedenfor "commits" øverst, så får du diff'en til hele pull requesten. Essensielt det du spør om: slik ting hadde sett ut hvis alt hadde blitt most til en enkelt commit.

Jeg tror ikke review hadde blitt enklere med få commits, tvert imot da man mister commit messages og en del logikk til hvorfor ting blir som de blir. Jeg kan derimot se argumentet med at man ikke vil ha for mange intermediate states i historikken der programmet dumper ut unødvendig mye debug print (som her hos meg) eller værst av alt: ikke kompilerer (skal ikke være tilfellet her). Hvis det fortsatt er ønskelig, så moser jeg alt sammen til en stor commit.

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For all del, alt trenger ikke å være en stor commit, men de committene som er der bør vær logisk inndelt så langt det går. Ihvertfall trengs ikke fjernings av debug print, dokumentasjons-endringer, etc. være separat. De kan med fordel inkluderes i de forrige der de hører best hjemme.

@@ -142,8 +142,9 @@ class ASMunstruct : public ASMbase

//! \brief Return all functions whos support overlap with the input functions
//! \param nodes List of (0-indexed) patch local node IDs (typically requested by adaptive refinement)
//! \param dir In which parametric direction the basis functions are allowed to have bigger support (-1 for all)
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\param[in] dir

for (size_t j = 0; j < myModel.size(); j++)
std::sort(conformingIndicies[j].begin(), conformingIndicies[j].end());
auto last = std::unique(conformingIndicies[j].begin(), conformingIndicies[j].end());
conformingIndicies[j].erase(last, conformingIndicies[j].end());
for(int l : conformingIndicies[j])
cout << "#"<<j<<": "<<l << endl;
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Og der forsvant debug-output'en gitt. dvs. min kommentering på det i forrige commit var bortkasta. Dette understrerker at det er viktig å squase slike endringer også før review.

for (size_t i = 0; i < myModel.size(); i++)
std::sort(conformingIndicies[i].begin(), conformingIndicies[i].end());
auto last = std::unique(conformingIndicies[i].begin(), conformingIndicies[i].end());
conformingIndicies[i].erase(last, conformingIndicies[i].end());
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Again, consider using std::set<int>?

@VikingScientist VikingScientist force-pushed the lr-multipatch-alternative branch from 39d0e53 to f8a0d31 Compare October 18, 2017 07:20
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All requested changes fixed

@VikingScientist VikingScientist force-pushed the lr-multipatch-alternative branch from f8a0d31 to e573c49 Compare October 18, 2017 09:03
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Is this ready for merging?

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Well, I looked at it again tonight as I cloned your branch anyway to check it on the Hemisphere problem. And I found several smaller/cosmetic issues I would like to correct. But to save you the burden for more "kverulering" from me, I did a rebase myself. See the branch kmokstad:lr-multipatch-alternative. You'll find most of your commits there (except two) such that the history is intact, but without some cosmetic backs-and-forth. The main difference is more use of std::set instead of vector, but the results should be unchanged. Check if you agree, then you can merge that one.

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kmokstad commented Nov 7, 2017

#215 have now been merged instead, so this one is therefore obsolete.

@kmokstad kmokstad closed this Nov 7, 2017
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