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An API for handling file meta data


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DP Files API


The Files API is part of the Static Files System. This API is responsible for storing the metadata and state of files.

It is used by the Upload Service to store the metadata of the file being uploaded and keep track of the state of the file during uploaded. During upload the state will be CREATED. Once the full file have been uploaded the upload service should inform this API the upload is complete and the files state will be moved to UPLOADED.

Any service interesting in the metadata or the state of a file can just the GET endpoints. A single files metadata can be retrieved by its path or all files in a collection can be retrieved by ID.

The Download Service uses this API to see whether a file exists and what state it is in before attempting to serve the file to consumers wishing to access the file.

The API has two end points to publish files. Files can be individually published by PATCHING the state to be PUBLISHED. It is also to publish all files in a collection in one call by PATCHING /collection/{collection_id}, this can be used to reduce the number of API calls required to publish a large collection. Currently, most calls to a publish file will come from the Zebedee Publisher

When a file is published this API sends a message via Kafka to the Static File Publisher that permanently moves the file and inform this API that the file is now moved via an HTTP call.


The api is fully documented in Swagger Docs

Note: When using PATCH calls to modify the file metadata you can either send a collection_id to set the collection_id on a file where it is not already sent or change the state of a file.


Field Notes
path The identifier of a file that is stored. Globally unique, and forms part of the bucket/object name when stored
is_publishable This field currently is ignored and has no affect, the file will be published if a publish update is sent!
collection_id Optional during upload, must be set for the file to be published
title Optional
size_in_bytes The size of the file
type mimetype of the file, e.g. "text/csv", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"
licence Freetext name of the licence under which the file is made available
licence_url URL to the license
state State of the file - CREATED, UPLOADED, PUBLISHED, MOVED
etag Cyrptographic hash of the file content

Additional Metadata

Additional timestamp data about the file is stored in the database but not exposed via the API. Those fields are:


File States

State Description
CREATED File upload has started and the metadata has been provide to this API
UPLOADED File upload has been completed. The etag for the final file has been provided
PUBLISHED The file has been published (it is available to the public, but is not yet permently moved)
MOVED The file has been permanently moved and moved to the public bucket for storage. The public files etag has been provided

 Start     ┌──────────────┐ File      ┌──────────────┐ File       ┌───────────────┐ File       ┌───────────────┐
 Upload    │              │ Uploaded  │              │ Published  │               │ Moved      │               │
      ────►│   CREATED    ├──────────►│   UPLOADED   ├───────────►│   PUBLISHED   ├───────────►│     MOVED     │
           │              │           │              │            │               │            │               │
           └──────────────┘           └──────────────┘            └───────────────┘            └───────────────┘
             File is in a               File is ready               File is available           File is available
             unusable                   for review &                for public download         for public download
             state                      approval                    The stored version          directly from S3
             Can resume upoad           Can be pre-viewed           is moved on-demand          where it is stored                 

Getting started

  • Run make debug


  • No further dependencies other than those defined in go.mod


Environment variable Default Description
BIND_ADDR :26900 The host and port to bind to
GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT 5s The graceful shutdown timeout in seconds (time.Duration format)
HEALTHCHECK_INTERVAL 30s Time between self-healthchecks (time.Duration format)
HEALTHCHECK_CRITICAL_TIMEOUT 90s Time to wait until an unhealthy dependent propagates its state to make this app unhealthy (time.Duration format)
IS_PUBLISHING false Whether the service is running in the Publishing domain
PERMISSIONS_API_URL http://localhost:25400 The hostname of the permissions API
IDENTITY_API_URL http://localhost:25600 The hostname of the identity API
ZEBEDEE_URL http://localhost:8082 The hostname of the zebedee API
KAFKA_ADDR kafka:9092 A (comma delimited) list of kafka brokers (TLS-ready)
KAFKA_VERSION 2.6.1 The version of (TLS-ready) Kafka being used
KAFKA_MAX_BYTES 200000 The max message size for kafka producer
KAFKA_SEC_PROTO unset if set to TLS, kafka connections will use TLS ([ref-1])
KAFKA_SEC_CLIENT_KEY unset PEM for the client key ([ref-1])
KAFKA_SEC_CLIENT_CERT unset PEM for the client certificate ([ref-1])
KAFKA_SEC_CA_CERTS unset CA cert chain for the server cert ([ref-1])
KAFKA_SEC_SKIP_VERIFY false ignores server certificate issues if true ([ref-1])
STATIC_FILE_PUBLISHED_TOPIC static-file-published-v2
MONGODB_BIND_ADDR localhost:27017 Address of MongoDB
MONGODB_DATABASE files The mongodb database to store imports
MONGODB_COLLECTIONS metadata The (comma delimited) list of mongodb collections to store imports
MONGODB_USERNAME unset The mongodb username
MONGODB_PASSWORD unset The mongodb username
MONGODB_ENABLE_READ_CONCERN false Switch to use (or not) majority read concern
MONGODB_ENABLE_WRITE_CONCERN true Switch to use (or not) majority write concern
MONGODB_CONNECT_TIMEOUT 5s The default timeout when connecting to mongodb
MONGODB_QUERY_TIMEOUT 15s The default timeout for querying mongodb
MONGODB_IS_SSL false Switch to use (or not) TLS when connecting to mongodb

API Client

There is an API Client for the File API this is part of dp-api-clients-go package.

The Files Client provides functions that enables:

  • Setting the Collection ID of existing file
  • Publish all Files in a Collection
  • Get the details of a single file


See CONTRIBUTING for details.


Copyright © 2022, Office for National Statistics (

Released under MIT license, see LICENSE for details.