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Application Profile

Working draft.

The key words must, must not, required, shall, shall not, should, should not, recommended, may, and optional are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

Table of Contents


The UK government often publishes its statistics in presentational spreadsheets. While this succeeds in getting important information into the public domain, we recognise there are still barriers and challenges in accessing and using the data we produce:

  • Analysts need to wrangle data because data are in unstandardised and presentational formats.
  • A user must locate and navigate through many large spreadsheets to understand what data are available.
  • Metadata are provided in an unstructured or unstandardised ways.
  • Data are in silos, making it difficult to link or relate statistics from different sources.
  • The accessibility and usability of statistics varies from dataset to dataset.

We have explored how to follow best practices when publishing statistics, in particular through the use of the JSON-LD (JSON Linked Data), CSV on the Web (CSVW), Data Catalog (DCAT) and RDF Data Cube (QB) standards and vocabularies. This document is an application profile of these standards, describing a recommendation on how to use these standards together in order to achieve the data on the web best practices, 5-star data, and the FAIR data principles.

Data on the Web Best Practises

The Data on the Web Best Practices (DWBP) describes recommendations for publishing data to the web. If followed, we can enable these benefits:

  • Comprehension: humans will have a better understanding about the data structure, the data meaning, the metadata and the nature of the dataset.
  • Processability: machines will be able to automatically process and manipulate the data within a dataset.
  • Discoverability: machines will be able to automatically discover a dataset or data within a dataset.
  • Reuse: the chances of dataset reuse by different groups of data consumers will increase.
  • Trust: the confidence that consumers have in the dataset will improve.
  • Linkability: it will be possible to create links between data resources (datasets and data items).
  • Access: humans and machines will be able to access up to date data in a variety of forms.
  • Interoperability: it will be easier to reach consensus among data publishers and consumers.

Five star data

5★ Open Data has a five point scale which describes data on the web which increases the utility of said data for each increase from one to five stars.

Stars Requirements
★☆☆☆☆ data needs to be able to be published on the web,
★★☆☆☆ data needs to be machine-readable,
★★★☆☆ data needs to be non-proprietary,
★★★★☆ identifiers need to be used to denote things, so that people can talk about resources unambiguously,
★★★★★ data needs to able to be linked to other data to provide context.

FAIR principles

To aid humans who increasingly rely on computational support to deal with increased volumes of data, complexity, and creation speed of data, the FAIR principles were conceived.

The FAIR principles describe data which is:

  • Findable: data and metadata encoded for machines and humans
  • Accessible: using standard protocols for access and authentication of data
  • Interoperable: data and metadata is represented in an appropriate knowledge representation standard
  • Reusable: using common vocabularies for knowledge representation allows for reuse and remixing of data

Specifications used

The Application Profile uses terms from various existing specifications. Classes and properties specified in the following sections come from the following namespaces.

Namespace Namespace IRI Specification name
adms Asset Description Metadata Schema
cogs Connected Open Graph Statistics
csvw CSV on the Web Vocabulary
dcat Data Catalog Vocabulary
dcterms DCMI (Dublin Core Metadata Initiative) Metadata Terms
dqv Data Quality Vocabulary
foaf FOAF (Friend of a friend) Vocabulary
prov Provenance Vocabulary
qb RDF Data Cube Vocabulary
rdfs RDF (Resource Description Framework) Vocabulary Description Language 1.0: RDF Schema
skos SKOS Simple Knowledge Organization System - Reference
spdx Software Package Data Exchange
vcard File format standard for electronic business cards
wdrs Protocol for Web Description Resources (POWDER-S)
xkos XKOS: an SKOS extension for representing statistical classifications
xsd XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition

Data structure

Tidy Data dependencies

Our standards and vocabularies are based on the Tidy Data principles. Tidy Data is a framework for structuring data to make analysis easier. The principles are:

  • Each variable (i.e. dimension) has its own column.
  • Each observation forms a row.
  • Each type of observation has a unit and a measure.
  • Each unit is based off QUDT units.
  • Each measure is based off QUDT measures.
  • Missing observations must be marked as missing using attributes.
  • Attributes provide additional metadata about the observation.
  • For every combination of dimensions and measure there is a single observation.

Using JSON-LD to describe statistical data

We use JSON-LD to encode the metadata about statistical publications; metadata includes data which helps discovery, and provides guarantees on strucutre. JSON-LD is a standard for encoding linked data in JSON. JSON-LD is a subset of JSON, so any valid JSON-LD is also valid JSON. This makes using our JSON-LD representation of statistical data easy to use in any JSON application but better in ours.

Standards divergence from CSVW

In order to gain the benefits of JSON-LD being directly consumable as RDF, we add the CSVW context which is a violation of the CSVW specification. CSVW specfically states that the only acceptable context of a CSVW document is the CSVW context, whereas we use the CSVW namespace in conjunction with other namespaces within our own contexts. This allows us to link our metadata about statistical publications with tabular data and its structure using familiar terms from the CSV on the Web standard.

(Note: We know the drama between JSON-LD and CSVW was a bit of a mess when both were being developed, but we think the benefits of using JSON-LD outweigh the drawbacks of violating the CSVW specification.)

Our statistical Object Model Diagram

Our object model is a representation of the relationships between the objects in our statistical data publication lifecycle. The model is a high-level view of the relationships between the objects. A detailed view of the major objects is provided in later sections, and the whole model with details can be found here.

flowchart LR

    Dist2[Distribution CSV]

    Dist3[Distribution RDF Cube/DataSet]

   style Obs stroke-dasharray: 5 5

    Edit -- dcat:inSeries --> Seri
    Edit -- dcat:hasVersion --> Vers
    Vers -- dcat:distribution --> Dist

    Entr -. foaf:primaryTopic .-> Seri
    Cata -. dcat:record .-> Entr

    subgraph Full statistical object model
        subgraph Minimum model

    subgraph CSV-W
        Vers -- dcat:distirbution --> Dist2
        Dist2 -. csvw:tableSchema .-> Sche

    subgraph RDF Cube Vocabulary
        Vers -- dcat:distirbution --> Dist3
        Dist3 -. qb:structure .-> DSD
        Dist3 -. qb:observation .-> Obs

    subgraph Catalogue triplestore

We are heavily reliant on dcat and dcterms to relate our statistical datasets, editions and versions together. Editions are the centre of our model, in brief:

  • We call our statistical publication series Datasets, which are typed cogs:Dataset which is a specialisation of dcat:DatasetSeries.
  • We call releases within these Datasets Editions, which are typed cogs:Edition which is a specialisation of dcat:Dataset and they are linked to cogs:Dataset using cogs:inSeries.
  • We call all versions within these Editions Versions, which are typed cogs:Versions which is a specialisation of dcat:Dataset and they are the object of the Editions' cogs:hasVersion property.
  • Versions of data are provided as a Distribution, which is a dcat:Distribution, and can be of varying types, such as CSV, JSON, RDF, etc; however our idealised data distribution is a JSON-LD with a CSVW context representing a qb:DataSet from the RDF Cube Vocabulary.

We have also broken out the model into components which can be implemented in order to allow for progressive realisation of the model and benefit.

  1. The minimimum model is the core of the model, which allows for the publication of versions of datasets in many formats (i.e. csv, Excel, pdf) called Distributions.
  2. The Full statistical object model caputres a publication release cycle typical of recurring publications where a dataset is refereshed on a recurring basis; however it doesn't provide schema information of the dataset contents.
  3. The CSV-W model adds tabular schema to the model, which provides content type and columnar information in machine readable format to the model.
  4. The RDF Cube Vocabulary model adds full machine readability using our implementation of the RDF Cube Vocabulary, and enables full 5-star data publication.
  5. The Catalogue triplestore focuses on connecting the statistical datasets to a catalgoue, making it easier to link and discover datasets using SPARQL queries over surfacing JSON-LD data.
  6. Although not in the diagram separately, the RDF Cube Vocabulary Observations can also added to a Triplestore; however not for every edition and verison combination as the utility of previous releases is low and the cost of storage is increidbly high.

Our API endpoints

Our primary objective is to establish a URL framework that caters to both user-friendly web browsing and efficient data retrieval, for example in Python using pandas.read_csv(url). The link should provide users with a comprehensive webpage if visited in a browser, but when consumed using pandas it would provide a csv file - this approach is known as content negotiation.

Design decisions on object model

Our API will use pluralised nouns to represent collections of objects and the individual objects as well. For example, the following URLs may be used to access the CPIH dataset:

  • In a browser, this URL will return a webpage with the latest information about the CPIH dataset, a summary of its structure, a preview of the data, and links to download the data in open formats.
  • When used programmatically along with an accept header, this URL will return the latest data in the requested format but defaulting to machine readable CSV.
  • This URL is in effect an an evergreen URL always displaying the latest edition's latest version of the dataset.

  • In a browser, this URL will be similar to the main CPIH webpage as above but for the latest version of the specified edition.
  • When used programmatically along with an accept header, this URL will return the data for the most recent version of the March 2019 dataset in the requested format but defaulting to machine readable CSV.

  • In a browser, this URL will be similar to the main CPIH webpage as above but for the specified version of the specified edition.
  • When used programmatically along with an accept header, this URL will return the data for the second version of the March 2019 dataset in the requested format but defaulting to machine readable CSV.

Draft JSON-LD Context

We are building a series of JSON-LD contexts to support the publication of our statistical data. The draft context is currently here, and we will be improving the context and ensuring conformation to the object model as described earlier.

Connected Open Graph Statistics (COGS) namespace

We have extended several dcat classes and properties to better represent the statistical data publication lifecycle. The COGS namespace also addresses a few gaps within the catalogue metadata management in dcterms. You can find the ontology here.

TODO: Add the COGS namespace and its hosting to

HTTP verbs and their applicability to our objects

We use the standard HTTP verbs to interact with our objects. Not all verbs are applicable to all objects, nor are all accessible publicly. We are still working out the business logic of mandatory and optional fields, and how to curate the namespace available to the ID of objects.

Additionally, the POST and PUT verbs are not required to define the @type of the object as this is predefined by the predicate's range. The GET verb is used to retrieve the objects, and here the reponses will be in JSON-LD format and will include the @context and @type of the object.


Datasets are the primary object, and typed cogs:Dataset which is a sepcialisation dcat:DatasetSeries. They are the parent object of Editions, and are the object of foaf:primaryTopic from a dcat:CatalogRecord. They are typically a recurring publication, such as the Consumer Price Inflation including owner occupiers' housing costs (CPIH) dataset.

    direction LR

    Edition --|> Dataset : dcat.inSeries 
    CatalogRecord --|> Dataset : foaf.primaryTopic

    class Dataset["Dataset a cogs:Dataset"] {
        +dcterms:identifier ∋ rdfs:Literal as xsd:string
        +dcterms:title, rdfs:label ∋ rdfs:Literal as xsd:string
        +cogs:nextRelease ∋ rdfs:Literal as xsd:dateTime
        +dcterms:abstract ∋ rdfs:Literal as xsd:string
        +dcterms:description ∋ rdfs:Literal as xsd:string/markdown
        +dcat:landingPage ∋ foaf:Document
        +dcat:publisher ∋ foaf:Agent
        +dcterms:modified ∋ rdfs:Literal as xsd:dateTime
        +dcterms:creator ∋ foaf:Agent
        +dcterms:created ∋ rdfs:Literal as xsd:dateTime
        +dcterms:issued ∋ rdfs:Literal as xsd:dateTime
        +dcterms:accuralPeriodicity ∋ dcterms:Frequency
        +dcat:keyword ∋ [rdfs:Literal as xsd:string]
        +dcat:theme ∋ [skos:Concept]
        +dcterms:license ∋ dcterms:LicenseDocument
        +dcterms:spatial ∋ dcterms:Location
        +cogs:spatialResolution ∋ [skos:Concept]
        +dcterms:temporal ∋ dcterms:PeriodOfTime
        +dcat:temporalResolution ∋ [rdfs:Literal as xsd:duration]
        -dcat:first ∋ cogs:Edition
        -dcat:last ∋ cogs:Edition
Keyword Predicate Range POST/PUT GET GET {ID} DELETE
@id dcterms:identifier rdfs:Literal as xsd:string
publisher dcat:publisher foaf:Agent
created dcterms:created rdfs:Literal as xsd:dateTime
creator dcterms:creator foaf:Agent
issued dcterms:issued rdfs:Literal as xsd:dateTime
modified dcterms:modified rdfs:Literal as xsd:dateTime
title dcterms:title / rdfs:label rdfs:Literal as xsd:string
keywords dcat:keyword [rdfs:Literal as xsd:string]
theme dcat:theme [skos:Concept]
summary dcterms:abstract rdfs:Literal as xsd:string
frequency dcterms:accuralPeriodicity dcterms:Frequency
description dcterms:description rdfs:Literal as xsd:string/markdown
license dcterms:license dcterms:LicenseDocument
temporal_resolution dcat:temporalResolution [rdfs:Literal as xsd:duration]
temporal_coverage dcterms:temporal dcterms:PeriodOfTime
spatial_resolution cogs:spatialResolution [skos:Concept]
spatial_coverage dcterms:spatial dcterms:Location
status adms:status skos:Concept
editions dcat:hasVersion [cogs:Edition]
first_release dcat:first cogs:Edition
latest_release dcat:last cogs:Edition
next_release cogs:nextRelease rdfs:Literal as xsd:dateTime
landing_page dcat:landingPage foaf:Document

GET of a CPIH Dataset

  "@context": "",
  "@id": "",
  "@type": "cogs:Dataset",
  "identifier": "cpih",
  "title": "Consumer Price Inflation including owner occupiers' housing costs (CPIH)",
  "summary": "The Consumer Prices Index including owner occupiers' housing costs (CPIH) is a measure of inflation which includes the costs associated with owning, maintaining and living in one's own home.",
  "description": "The Consumer Prices Index including owner occupiers' housing costs (CPIH) is a measure of inflation which includes the costs associated with owning, maintaining and living in one's own home. The CPIH is the most comprehensive measure of inflation.",
  "issued": "2023-06-21T00:07:00+00:00",
  "next_release": "2023-09-20T00:07:00+00:00",
  "publisher": "office-for-national-statistics",
  "creator": "office-for-national-statistics",
  "contact_point": {
    "name": "Consumer Price Inflation Enquiries",
    "email": "[email protected]"
  "theme": [
  "frequency": "monthly",
  "keywords": [
    "consumer price index",
    "consumer price inflation",
    "consumer price index including owner occupiers' housing costs"
  "licence": "",
  "spatial_coverage": "K02000001",
  "temporal_coverage": {
    "start": "1989-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
    "end": "2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00"
  "temporal_resolution": "P1M",
  "editions": [
      "@id": "",
      "issued": "2023-09-21T00:07:00+00:00",
      "modified": "2023-09-21T00:07:00+00:00"
      "@id": "",
      "issued": "2023-08-21T00:07:00+00:00",
      "modified": "2023-08-21T00:07:00+00:00"
      "@id": "",
      "issued": "2023-07-21T00:07:00+00:00",
      "modified": "2023-07-21T00:07:00+00:00"

POST of a CPIH dataset

  "@id": "",
  "@type": "cogs:Dataset",
  "identifier": "cpih",
  "title": "Consumer Price Inflation including owner occupiers' housing costs (CPIH)",
  "summary": "The Consumer Prices Index including owner occupiers' housing costs (CPIH) is a measure of inflation which includes the costs associated with owning, maintaining and living in one's own home.",
  "description": "The Consumer Prices Index including owner occupiers' housing costs (CPIH) is a measure of inflation which includes the costs associated with owning, maintaining and living in one's own home. The CPIH is the most comprehensive measure of inflation.",
  "landing_page": "",
  "created": "2023-06-19T00:09:38+00:00",
  "issued": "2023-06-21T00:07:00+00:00",
  "next_release": "2023-09-20T00:07:00+00:00",
  "publisher": "office-for-national-statistics",
  "creator": "office-for-national-statistics",
  "contact_point": {
    "name": "Consumer Price Inflation Enquiries",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "telephone": "+441633456900"
  "theme": [
  "frequency": "Month",
  "keywords": [
    "consumer price index",
    "consumer price inflation",
    "consumer price index including owner occupiers' housing costs"
  "licence": "",
  "temporal_coverage": {
    "start": "1989-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
    "end": "2023-08-01T00:00:00+00:00"
  "temporal_resolution": "P1M",
  "spatial_coverage": "K02000001",
  "spatial_resolution": ["K02"]


Editions are the child object of Datasets, using our own cogs:Edition object class which is a specialisation dcat:Dataset. They are the parent object of cogs:Versions via cogs:hasVersion.

    direction LR

    Version <|-- Edition : cogs.hasVersion
    Edition --|> Dataset : cogs.inSeries 
    Edition --|> VcardKind : dcat.contactPoint
    Edition --|> PeriodOfTime : dcterms.temporal

    class Edition["Edition a cogs:Edition"] {
        +dcterms:identifier ∋ rdfs:Literal as xsd:string
        +dcterms:title, rdfs:label ∋ rdfs:Literal as xsd:string
        +dcterms:created ∋ rdfs:Literal as xsd:dateTime
        +dcterms:creator ∋ foaf:Agent
        +dcat:contactPoint ∋ vcard:Kind
        +dcterms:abstract ∋ rdfs:Literal as xsd:string
        +dcterms:description ∋ rdfs:Literal as xsd:string/markdown
        +adms:status ∋ skos:Concept
        +dcat:inSeries ∋ cogs:Dataset
        +dqv:hasQualityQualityAnnotation ∋ dqv:QualityAnnotation
        -dcat:hasVersion ∋ cogs:Version
        -dcterms:modified ∋ rdfs:Literal as xsd:dateTime
        -dcterms:issued ∋ rdfs:Literal as xsd:dateTime
        -dcterms:spatial ∋ dcterms:Location
        -cogs:spatialResolution ∋ [skos:Concept]
        -dcterms:temporal ∋ dcterms:PeriodOfTime
        -dcat:temporalResolution ∋ [rdfs:Literal as xsd:duration]
        -dcat:prev ∋ cogs:Edition
        -dcat:next ∋ cogs:Edition
Keyword Predicate Range POST/PUT GET GET {ID} DELETE
@id dcterms:identifier rdfs:Literal as xsd:string
pulisher dcat:publisher foaf:Agent
created dcterms:created rdfs:Literal as xsd:dateTime
creator dcterms:creator foaf:Agent
issued dcterms:issued rdfs:Literal as xsd:dateTime
modified dcterms:modified rdfs:Literal as xsd:dateTime
title dcterms:title / rdfs:label rdfs:Literal as xsd:string
quality dqv:hasQualityAnnotation dqv:QualityAnnotation as blank node
keywords dcat:keyword [rdfs:Literal as xsd:string]
theme dcat:theme [skos:Concept]
summary dcterms:abstract rdfs:Literal as xsd:string
frequency dcterms:accuralPeriodicity dcterms:Frequency
description dcterms:description rdfs:Literal as xsd:string/markdown
license dcterms:license dcterms:LicenseDocument
temporal_resolution dcat:temporalResolution [rdfs:Literal as xsd:duration]
spatial_coverage dcterms:spatial dcterms:Location
temporal_coverage dcterms:temporal dcterms:PeriodOfTime
spatial_resolution cogs:spatialResolution [skos:Concept]
first_version dcat:first dcat:Version
last_version dcat:last cogs:Edition
versions dcat:hasVersion [cogs:Version]
next_release cogs:nextRelease rdfs:Literal as xsd:dateTime
landing_page dcat:landingPage foaf:Document

Statistics quality designations

While the Office for Statistics Regulation provides definitions for different types of statistics, it does not provide a codelist or concepts of these designations. We recommend creating a blank node for each designation, assigning the appropriate type, label and skos:exactMatch to the appropriate URL. These should be attached to individual Editions as dqv:QualityAnnotation using the dqv:hasQualityAnnotation predicate, as it is not appropriate to attach at the Dataset level (i.e. cogs:Dataset) as quality designations may change over time.

Label Previous name IRI
Accredited Official Statistics National Statistics
Official Statistics n/a
Official Statistics in Development Experimental Statistics

For example, the following RDF expresses that a dataset is accredited official statistics:

@prefix ex: <> .
@prefix dqv: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .
@prefix dcat: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix cogs: <> .

ex:myEdition a cogs:Edition ;
    dqv:hasQualityAnnotation [
        a dqv:QualityAnnotation ;
        rdfs:label "Accredited Official Statistic" ;
        skos:exactMatch <> ;  ]
  "@context": "",
  "$id": "",
  "@type": "cogs:Edition",
      "@type": "dqv:QualityAnnotation",
      "label": "Accredited Official Statistics",
      "exactMatch": ""


Versions are the child object of Editions, using our own cogs:Version object class which is a specialisation dcat:Dataset. They are the parent object of any dcat:Distribution via cogs:hasDistirbution.

    direction RL

    Distribution <|-- Version : cogs.distribution 
    Version <|-- Edition : dcat.hasVersion

    class Version["Version a cogs:Version"] {
        +dcterms:identifier ∋ rdfs:Literal as xsd:string
        +dcat:version ∋ rdfs:Literal as xsd:string
        +adms:versionNotes ∋ rdfs:Literal as xsd:string
        -dcterms:created ∋ rdfs:Literal as xsd:dateTime
        -dcterms:issued ∋ rdfs:Literal as xsd:dateTime
        -dcat:previousVersion ∋ cogs:Version
        -dcat:nextVersion ∋ cogs:Version
Keyword Predicate Range GET GET {ID} POST DELETE
@id dcterms:identifier rdfs:Literal as xsd:string
created dcterms:created rdfs:Literal as xsd:dateTime
creator dcterms:creator foaf:Agent
issued dcterms:issued rdfs:Literal as xsd:dateTime
title dcterms:title / rdfs:label rdfs:Literal as xsd:string
description dcterms:description rdfs:Literal as xsd:string/markdown
version_notes adms:versionNotes rdfs:Literal as xsd:string
next_version dcat:nextVersion cogs:Version
previous_version dcat:previousVersion cogs:Version
distributions cogs:distribution [dcat:Distribution]


Distributions are the child object of Versions, and are dcat:Distribution. They are connected to the Version by the cogs:distribution predicate.

    direction RL

    Distribution <|-- Version : cogs.distribution 
    TableSchema <|-- Distribution : csvw.tableSchema
    DataStructureDefinition <|-- Distribution : qb.structure
    Column <|-- TableSchema : csvw.column

    class Distribution["Distribution a dcat:Distribution"] {
        +dcterms:identifier ∋ rdfs:Literal as xsd:string
        +dcterms:created ∋ rdfs:Literal as xsd:dateTime
        +dcterms:creator ∋ foaf:Agent
        +dcterms:issued ∋ rdfs:Literal as xsd:dateTime
        +prov:wasDerivedFrom ∋ [prov:Entity]
        +prov:wasGeneratedBy ∋ prov:Activity
        +dcat:downloadURL ∋ rdf:Resource
        +dcat:byteSize ∋ rdfs:Literal as xsd:nonNegativeInteger
        +dcat:mediaType ∋ dcterms:MediaType
        +wdrs:describedBy ∋ rdfs:Resource
        +spdx:checksum ∋ spdx:Checksum
Type Predicate Range POST/PUT GET GET {ID} DELETE
@id dcterms:identifier rdfs:Literal as xsd:string
created dcterms:created rdfs:Literal as xsd:dateTime
creator dcterms:creator foaf:Agent
issued dcterms:issued rdfs:Literal as xsd:dateTime
title dcterms:title / rdfs:label rdfs:Literal as xsd:string
description dcterms:description rdfs:Literal as xsd:string/markdown
derived_from prov:wasDerivedFrom prov:Entity
generated_by prov:wasGeneratedBy prov:Activity
described_by wdrs:describedBy rdfs:Resource
byte_size dcat:byteSize rdfs:Literal as xsd:nonNegativeInteger
download_url dcat:downloadURL rdf:Resource
media_type dcat:mediaType dcterms:MediaType
checksum spdx:checksum spdx:Checksum

CSV-W Distributions

Distributions of type CSV-W are a special case of distributions, and are qb:DataSet with a csvw:TableSchema. These properties are in addition to the standard distribution properties.

Type Predicate Range POST/PUT GET GET {ID} DELETE
csvqb:columnType csvqb:columnType csvqb:ColumnType
csvw:aboutUrl csvw:aboutUrl rdfs:Literal as xsd:anyURI
csvw:column csvw:column csvw:Column
csvw:datatype csvw:datatype xsd:Datatype
csvw:name csvw:name rdfs:Literal as xsd:string
csvw:propertyUrl csvw:propertyUrl rdfs:Literal as xsd:anyURI
csvw:title csvw:title rdfs:Literal as xsd:string
csvw:valueUrl csvw:valueUrl rdfs:Literal as xsd:anyURI
csvw:virtual csvw:virtual xsd:boolean


We believe publishing data in a versioned manner is important. Every publication of a dataset at a version level cannot be amended, it can only be deleted or superseded by a new version. This is to ensure that the data is immutable. We provide fields in our service to allow producers to provide version notes, specifying the changes between versions of an edition. Additionally, there are convenience triples at both the dcat:DatasetSeries (datasets) and dcat:Dataset (editions) levels which points to the latest version of both entities, this is expressed as dcat:hasCurrentVersion.

Example of versioning in RDF for CPIH

@base <> .
@prefix dcat: <> .
@prefix data: <> .
@prefix dataapp: <> .
@prefix datatext: <> .
@prefix wdrs: <> .
@prefix qb: <> .
@prefix cogs: <> .

<cpih> a cogs:Dataset ;
  dcat:hasCurrentVersion <cpih/2019-03/version/2> .
<cpih/2019-01> a cogs:Edition ;
 cogs:inSeries <cpih> ;
 dcat:hasCurrentVersion <cpih/2019-01/version/3> .
 dcat:hasVersion <cpih/2019-01/version/1>,
  <cpih/2019-01/version/3> .

<cpih/2019-01/version/1> a cogs:Version ;
 cogs:distribution <cpih-2019-01-version-1.csv> .

<cpih-2019-01-version-1.csv> a dcat:Distribution ;
  dcat:mediaType datatext:csv ;
  wdrs:describedby <cpih-2019-01-version-1-metadata.json>.

<cpih-2019-01-version-1-metadata.json> dcat:mediaType <> .

<cpih/2019-01/version/2> a cogs:Version ;
 cogs:distribution <cpih-2019-01-version-2.json> .

<cpih-2019-01-version-2.json> a dcat:Distribution ;
  dcat:mediaType <> .

<cpih/2019-01/version/3> a cogs:Version .

<cpih/2019-02> a cogs:Edition ;
 cogs:inSeries <cpih> ;
 dcat:hasCurrentversion <cpih/2019-02/version/1> ;
 cogs:hasVersion <cpih/2019-02/version/1> .

<cpih/2019-02/version/1> a cogs:Version .

<cpih/2019-03> a cogs:Edition ;
 cogs:inSeries <cpih> ;
 dcat:hasCurrentVersion <cpih/2019-01/version/2> ;
 cogs:hasVersion <cpih/2019-01/version/1>,
  <cpih/2019-01/version/2> .

<cpih/2019-03/version/1> a cogs:Version .

<cpih/2019-03/version/2> a cogs:Version .

<cpihQB> a dcat:Distribution , qb:Dataset .

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