Releases: OISF/libhtp
response: do not error on gap finishing content-length
chunks: probe validity if data was not buffered
chunks: abort asap on invalid chunk length
response: end decompressors in chunked content
decompressors: do not take data after end
readme: update status
readme: update goals
response: end decompressors in chunked content
scan-build: work around optin.performance.Padding
headers: put a configurable limit on their numbers
htp/table: only fetch element when needed
workflows: add almalinux 8 and 9 jobs
workflows: remove centos 7 as it is EOL
fuzz: limits the number of transactions
fuzz: improve debug output
fuzz: flush to get full assertion text
request: trim headers values also when there is no name
- decompressor: only take erroneous data on first try
- autotools: run autoupdate to modernize build system
- request: limit probing after missing protocol
tx: configurable number of maximum transactions
htp: offers possibility to remove transactions
headers: limit the size of folded headers
request: be more liberal about transfer-encoding value
request: continue processing even with invalid headers
http0.9: process headers if there are non-space characters
htp_util: fix spelling issue
src: fix -Wshorten-64-to-32 warnings
uri: normalization removes trailing spaces
log: resist allocation failure
support HTTP Bearer authentication
response: only trim spaces at headers names end
response: skips lines before response line
headers: log a warning for chunks extension
- htp: do not log content-encoding: none
- htp: do not error on multiple 100 Continue
- readme: remove note on libhtp not being stable
- uri: fix compile warning strict-prototypes
- bstr: fix compile warning strict-prototypes
- fuzz_diff: Free the rust test object.
- github: add CIFuzz workflow
github: add initial workflow
htp: fixes warning about bad delimiter in URI
fuzz: fix a null dereference in a diff report
htp: fixes warning about integer
trim white space of invalid folding for first header
clear buffered data for body data
minor optimization for decompression code