As the name might suggest AutoSploit attempts to automate the exploitation of remote hosts. Targets can be collected automatically through Shodan, Censys or Zoomeye. But options to add your custom targets and host lists have been included as well. The available Metasploit modules have been selected to facilitate Remote Code Execution and to attempt to gain Reverse TCP Shells and/or Meterpreter sessions. Workspace, local host and local port for MSF facilitated back connections are configured by filling out the dialog that comes up before the exploit component is started
Operational Security Consideration:
Receiving back connections on your local machine might not be the best idea from an OPSEC standpoint. Instead consider running this tool from a VPS that has all the dependencies required, available.
The new version of AutoSploit has a feature that allows you to set a proxy before you connect and a custom user-agent.
Installing AutoSploit is very simple, you can find the latest stable release here. You can also download the master branch as a zip or tarball or follow one of the below methods;
Using Docker Compose is by far the easiest way to get AutoSploit up and running without too much of a hassle.
git clone
cd Autosploit/Docker
docker-compose run --rm autosploit
Just using Docker.
git clone
cd Autosploit/Docker
# If you wish to edit default postgres service details, edit database.yml. Should work out of the box
# nano database.yml
docker network create -d bridge haknet
docker run --network haknet --name msfdb -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=s3cr3t -d postgres
docker build -t autosploit .
docker run -it --network haknet -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 4444:4444 autosploit
Dev team contributor Khast3x recently improved Docker operations as well as add more details to the in the Docker
subdirectory. For more information on deploying AutoSploit with Docker please be sure to click here
On any Linux system the following should work;
git clone
cd AutoSploit
chmod +x
AutoSploit is compatible with macOS, however, you have to be inside a virtual environment for it to run successfully. In order to accomplish this employ/perform the below operations via the terminal or in the form of a shell script.
sudo -s << '_EOF'
pip2 install virtualenv --user
git clone
virtualenv <PATH-TO-YOUR-ENV>
source <PATH-TO-YOUR-ENV>/bin/activate
pip2 install -r requirements.txt
chmod +x
Starting the program with python
will open an AutoSploit terminal session. The options for which are as follows.
1. Usage And Legal
2. Gather Hosts
3. Custom Hosts
4. Add Single Host
5. View Gathered Hosts
6. Exploit Gathered Hosts
99. Quit
Choosing option 2
will prompt you for a platform specific search query. Enter IIS
or Apache
in example and choose a search engine. After doing so the collected hosts will be saved to be used in the Exploit
As of version 2.0 AutoSploit can be started with a number of command line arguments/flags as well. Type python -h
to display all the options available to you. I've posted the options below as well for reference.
usage: python -[c|z|s|a] -[q] QUERY
[-C] WORKSPACE LHOST LPORT [-e] [--whitewash] PATH
[--ruby-exec] [--msf-path] PATH [-E] EXPLOIT-FILE-PATH
[--rand-agent] [--proxy] PROTO://IP:PORT [-P] AGENT
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
search engines:
possible search engines to use
-c, --censys use as the search engine to gather hosts
-z, --zoomeye use as the search engine to gather hosts
-s, --shodan use as the search engine to gather hosts
-a, --all search all available search engines to gather hosts
arguments to edit your requests
--proxy PROTO://IP:PORT
run behind a proxy while performing the searches
--random-agent use a random HTTP User-Agent header
-P USER-AGENT, --personal-agent USER-AGENT
pass a personal User-Agent to use for HTTP requests
-q QUERY, --query QUERY
pass your search query
arguments to edit your exploits
-E PATH, --exploit-file PATH
provide a text file to convert into JSON and save for
later use
set the configuration for MSF (IE -C default
-e, --exploit start exploiting the already gathered hosts
misc arguments:
arguments that don't fit anywhere else
--ruby-exec if you need to run the Ruby executable with MSF use
--msf-path MSF-PATH pass the path to your framework if it is not in your
--whitelist PATH only exploit hosts listed in the whitelist file
Note: All dependencies should be installed using the above installation method, however, if you find they are not:
AutoSploit depends on the following Python2.7 modules.
Should you find you do not have these installed get them with pip like so.
pip install requests psutil
pip install -r requirements.txt
Since the program invokes functionality from the Metasploit Framework you need to have this installed also. Get it from Rapid7 by clicking here.
Special thanks to Ekultek without whoms contributions to the project, the new version would have been a lot less spectacular.
Thanks to Khast3x for setting up Docker support.
Last but certainly not least. Thanks to all who have submitted Pull Requests, bug reports, useful and productive contributions in general.
If you would like to contribute to the development of this project please be sure to read as it contains our contribution guidelines.
Please, also, be sure to read our contribution standards before sending pull requests
If you need some help understanding the code, or want to chat with some other AutoSploit community members, feel free to join our Discord server.
If you happen to encounter a bug please feel free to Open a Ticket.
Thanks in advance.