I am constantly striving to reach new heights in my personal and professional growth. I prioritize self-improvement and love pushing boundaries to achieve excellence.

My notes section so I can view it n numbers of time to internalise it.
To quote Issac Newton, "if I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants." - thus, a Recursion
Currently Working On:
- To Become God in C++-
To Become Mahadev in Python
To become a Hashmap Bender of C# Programming Language in Style
To Become the Almighty in JavaScript, CSS, HTML
Learning Django
Learning Flask
Learning Node.js
Learning Full Stack and Backend
Python Libraries learning (numerous)
- Everything I can get my hands on (Pragmatic)
Machine Learning
Generative AI
Prompt Enginnering
Bots (different kinds)
Creating a library to be published on Pip Install {my_library}
Thank You - If you have read so far.
Download My user_name.exe Windows application from here:
[Download link should exists here][Tkinter based application][Good One] [It should have my professional information in it]
End of README.md