Nitro-Bot Public
The Nitro Bot simplifies the management of your Nitro stock. It allows you to check available stock, quickly replenish stock if needed, give Nitro to users, and reset the database. You can easily m…
Pterodactyl-Bot Public
Pterodactyl Bot is a simplified management tool for your Pterodactyl servers. It allows you to easily deploy, manage and maintain your bots. With this bot, you can start, stop and configure your bo…
Coins-Bot Public
The Coins Bot introduces a virtual currency system to Discord servers. Earn coins through activities like voice chat or streaming, and spend them on exclusive items. With a leaderboard, it's more …
Tirage-Bot Public
Tirage Bot complements Bot Coins by adding sweepstakes and lotteries to your Discord server. Organize regular draws, distribute random rewards and keep your members interested. For contests, giveaw…
Prevname-Bot Public
Prevname Bot allows you to track and view old user names and global names of members. With simple commands like prevnames to see old names, pstats to display statistics, and clearprevnames to clear…
Nitro-Checker Public
Nitro Checker is the ultimate tool to check the validity of Nitro Discord links. At a glance, it informs you if a link is valid, invalid, already used and specific information like expiration, nitr…
1 UpdatedJun 21, 2024 -
Handler-Slash-Prefix-v14-Bot Public
Handler Slash Prefix v14 Bot is the ideal solution to create your own Discord bot with slash and prefix commands. It offers a robust and easy-to-customize foundation for managing your interactions.…
Nsfw-Bot Public
Nsfw Bot makes it easy to share NSFW images with various controls. It features 4K, hentai, yaoi, and more. You can configure the bot to restrict the use of these commands to only NSFW channels, or …
Handler-Prefix-v14-Bot Public
Handler Prefix v14 Bot is your ideal solution to create a Discord bot with a customizable prefix. Simplify the development of your bot with this reliable and effective base. 🔦
Handler-Slash-v14-Bot Public
Handler Slash v14 Bot is perfect for creating a Discord bot based on slash commands. Simplify the management of your interactions with a solid and effective foundation, ready to be personalized. 💡
Token-Checker Public
Token Checker is the ideal tool to check the validity of Discord tokens. It allows you to quickly check whether a token is valid or not. At a glance, you can see if the token is good or bad, if it’…
Status-Bot Public
Status Bot allows you to keep an eye on the status of developers and bots on your server. It displays in real time whether a developer is online on PC, Phone or Web. In addition, you can track the …
Group-Bot Public
Group Bot allows you to create private newsgroups on Discord. Add users to a list and any message sent to the bot in DM will be shared with all group members. Messages can be edited, and changes wi…
Manager-Bot Public
Manager Bot simplifies the management of your Discord bots. Generate keys, follow the download and configuration steps, then launch your bots in the blink of an eye. With its intuitive features, ef…
Poll-Bot Public
Create fast and engaging surveys on your Discord server with our Poll Bot using Discord’s new survey system. Launch questions and watch your members' answers in seconds. Vote, see the results and m…
1 UpdatedMay 9, 2024 -
Temp-Voc-Bot Public
Temp Voc Bot makes it easy to manage temporary voice rooms on your Discord server. With its simple control panel, you can lock, unlock, hide, and manage users, channels, and much more. Create tempo…
Rainbow-Role-Bot Public
The Rainbow Role bot brings a touch of dynamic color to your Discord server by configuring a role that automatically changes color at regular intervals. With this feature, your members can enjoy a …
Backup-Emoji-Bot Public
Backup Emoji Bot is the perfect tool to backup and manage all the emojis on your Discord server. You can easily create, delete, upload, and list your emoji backups. Each backup comes with a unique …
Counters-Bot Public
Counters Bot makes it easy to track your Discord server statistics. You can set up channels to display info like number of members, bots, etc. Customize with variables such as {members}, {online}, …
Soutien-Bot Public
Bot Support simplifies role management by automatically assigning a role to users who define a predefined status. It allows you to easily configure the status to monitor and the role to assign. Two…
Greet-Bot Public
The Greet Bot is your perfect assistant to welcome new members to your Discord server. As soon as a member joins, they are warmly welcomed with a personalized mention, then the message is deleted a…
Captcha-Bot Public
The Captcha Bot ensures the security of your Discord server by requesting a captcha from new members. With 6 alphanumeric characters, it effectively protects against bots. Three attempts are given;…
Tribunal-Bot Public
The Bot Court brings justice to your server by allowing the selection of judges and police officers. The police submit requests for banishment, the judges validate or reject them. With commands for…
Snoway-Bot Public
The Snoway Bot is the ultimate partner for your Discord server. With categories like Antiraid, Buyers, Contact, Logs, Music, Moderation, and many more, this bot is a true Swiss Army knife for manag…
Status-Site-Bot Public
The Status Site Bot is your ally for monitoring the availability status of websites in real time. It clearly shows whether a site is online or offline. With regular status updates and a user-friend…
Suggest-Bot Public
The Suggest Bot simplifies the suggestion process on your Discord server. It allows members to easily submit their ideas, accompanied by an image if necessary. Additionally, you can configure a spe…
Pfp-Bot Public
The Pfp Bot adds a touch of variety to your Discord server by randomly displaying member avatars and banners at regular intervals. Simply configure the channels where to display avatars and banners…