This project is a REST API server designed to manage and execute ATL transformations. It integrates with the atl_zoo
repository to access transformation definitions and provides endpoints to manage, search, apply, and chain transformations.
Add, list, and delete ATL transformations.
Apply transformations using uploaded input models.
Chain multiple transformations.
Search within ATL transformation files.
List all transformations:
curl localhost:8080/transformations | jq
List enabled transformations:
curl localhost:8080/transformations/enabled | jq
Get a Specific Transformation:
curl localhost:8080/transformation/Class2Relational
Apply a Transformation:
Unique Metamodels (source & target)
curl localhost:8080/transformation/Class2Relational/apply -F IN="@./Class.xmi"
Multiple source Metamodels
curl localhost:8080/transformation/Maven2Ant/apply \
-F INMaven="@./example/mavenFile.xmi" \
-F INProject="@./example/projectFile.xmi"
Search Transformations:
curl localhost:8080/transformations/search?query=<search_term>
Categorize Transformations by their InputMetamodels:
curl localhost:8080/transformations/byInputMetamodel | jq
Search transformations by their Input and output metamodels:
curl "http://localhost:8080/transformation/hasTransformation?inputMetamodel=Ant.ecore&outputMetamodel=Maven.ecore"