Brings back the estimated battery time remaining to the menu bar for MacOS / OS X
Download .dmg file under "Assets" in the latest release here
IMPORTANT: If you get a warning that BatteryEstimate can't be opened due to an unidentified developer or Apple cannot check it for malicious software go to: "System Preferences" > "Security & Privacy" > "General" and make sure "Allow apps downloaded from:" is set to "App Store and identified developers". Then try again to open BatteryEstimate and under "System Preferences" > "Security & Privacy" > "General" click on "Open Anyway". You may have to do this for both opening the .dmg file and opening the app once it is in your Applications folder.
- Shows battery time remaining when unplugged
- Shows time until fully charged when plugged in
- Can toggle displaying battery percent
- Symbols to represent power state
- Drain estimate is derived directly from the MacOS API which I guess is calculated based off of the rate at which the computer is currently draining battery and is subject to fluctuation based on its workload, so take the estimate with a grain of salt and consider the work that your computer is doing and if it is accurate or not to your average workload.
- Charge estimate is also derived directly from the MacOS API which I guess is calculated based off of the rate of charge coming into the battery.
- "Seconds Between Status Refresh" is the time between the code gets executed to update the status data so smaller intervals will use more energy over time
- for development reference
- for launch at login functionality
- for making the dmg
- for multiline status reference