Python recipes for reproducible analysis of NEMO ocean general circulation model outputs.
NEMO Cookbook aims to provide Python implementations of the post-processing & analysis functions available in CDFTOOLS alongside new diagnostics (e.g., surface-forced water mass transformation), which are compatible with generalised vertical coordinate systems (e.g., MES).
Notably, the NEMO Cookbook does not seek to be a generic ocean circulation model analysis framework such as xgcm. As a result, recipes do not require users to generate grid objects in advance of their calculations; only the necessary NEMO grid variables are required similar to in CDFTOOLS.
Each recipe comprises of one or more functions built using the xarray, flox & dask libraries (think of these are your cooking utensils!) & the raw ingredients (ocean model outputs - that's where you come in!).
Users currently have two options for installing nemo_cookbook:
Method 1: Downloading & Installing with GitHub
git clone [email protected]:NOC-MSM/nemo_cookbook.git
cd nemo_cookbook
pip install -e .
Method 2: Installing Directly with pip
- We strongly recommend setting-up a virtual environment before installing nemo_cookbook with pip.
pip install [email protected]:NOC-MSM/nemo_cookbook.git
We are steadily adding more recipes to the NEMO Cookbook. Here, we include a list of currently available recipes & several more than are in progress.
Meridional Overturning Stream Function in an arbitrary tracer coordinates.
Meridional Overturning Stream Function in depth coordinates (z/z*).
Meridional Heat & Salt Transports.
Surface-Forced Overturning Stream Functions in potential density coordinates.
Volume census in temperature - salinity coordinates.
In Progress:
Barotropic Stream Functions.
Meridional Overturning Stream Functions in depth coordinates (MES).
Ocean Heat Content & Mixed Layer Heat Content.
Sea Ice Diagnostics.
Vorticity Diagnostics.