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Setting Up The Development Environment

Michael Gira edited this page May 27, 2020 · 16 revisions

Installing Node.js, Angular, and Global Packages


Go to the official Node.js Website and download the recommended version. Run the installer.

Once it's done, open up Powershell or Command Prompt and run node -v and npm -v, if you get a version number (they'll be different) on both of them, you're all good to go. If not, try restarting your PC.

Global Packages

Once Node is installed, we can install angular using the Node Package Manager or npm.

Open up a command line and run the following:

$ npm install -g @angular/cli.

While your installing packages, ensure you install windows build tools using:

$ npm install -g windows-build-tools.

If you're running on linux, install gcc, g++, gyp, and build-essential

Gitting the Repository

Use your preferred Github Client (CLI, Github Desktop, Gitkraken) to download the MyMICDS respositories.

Ensure you have all three repos MyMICDS-v2-Angular, MyMICDS-SDK, and MyMICDS-v2 installed to the same folder. Your hierarchy should look like this:

Parent Folder
|-- MyMICDS-v2-Angular
|-- MyMICDS-v2

Config Files

Go to MyMICDS-v2-Angular/src/styles. Copy the file _config.example.scss in the same folder, and rename it to _config.scss. You can use windows notepad or a CLI text editor to do this.

You should now have both a _config.example.scss file and a _config.scss within the MyMICDS-v2-Angular/src/styles folder.


Run the following commands in the MyMICDS-v2-Angular repository to download packages and compile:

$ npm i
$ npm start

Using your preferred browser go to http://localhost:4200.