git clone
mvn install
ubo-cli/target/bin/ create configuration directory
- TODO: Build a database and edit persistence.xml
- For example, in MySQL, do
create database ubo;
grant all privileges on ubo.* to ubo@localhost identified by 'ubo';
- setup your database and JDBC configuration in persistence.xml, update mappings with:
ubo-cli/target/bin/ reload mappings in jpa configuration file
vi ~/.mycore/ubo/resources/META-INF/persistence.xml
- copy jdbc driver to ~/.mycore/ubo/lib, eg. for h2
cd ~/.mycore/ubo/lib
cd -
- described here:
- install solr with the command:
mvn solr-runner:copyHome -pl ubo-webapp
- run solr with the command:
mvn solr-runner:start -pl ubo-webapp
- stop solr with the command:
mvn solr-runner:stop -pl ubo-webapp
- update solr with the command:
mvn solr-runner:stop solr-runner:copyHome solr-runner:start -pl ubo-webapp
vi ~/.mycore/ubo/
- Create the superuser "administrator"
ubo-cli/target/bin/ init superuser
ubo-cli/target/bin/ update all classifications from directory ubo-cli/src/main/setup/classifications
ubo-cli/target/bin/ update permission create-mods for id POOLPRIVILEGE with rulefile ubo-cli/src/main/setup/acl/acl-rule-always-allowed.xml described by always allowed
ubo-cli/target/bin/ update permission create-users for id POOLPRIVILEGE with rulefile ubo-cli/src/main/setup/acl/acl-rule-administrators-only.xml described by administrators only
ubo-cli/target/bin/ update permission administrate-users for id POOLPRIVILEGE with rulefile ubo-cli/src/main/setup/acl/acl-rule-administrators-only.xml described by administrators only
ubo-cli/target/bin/ update permission read for id default with rulefile ubo-cli/src/main/setup/acl/acl-rule-always-allowed.xml described by always allowed
ubo-cli/target/bin/ update permission writedb for id default with rulefile ubo-cli/src/main/setup/acl/acl-rule-administrators-only.xml described by administrators only
ubo-cli/target/bin/ update permission deletedb for id default with rulefile ubo-cli/src/main/setup/acl/acl-rule-administrators-only.xml described by administrators only
ubo-cli/target/bin/ update permission read for id restapi:/ with rulefile ubo-cli/src/main/setup/acl/acl-rule-always-allowed.xml described by always allowed
ubo-cli/target/bin/ update permission read for id restapi:/classifications with rulefile ubo-cli/src/main/setup/acl/acl-rule-always-allowed.xml described by always allowed
ubo-cli/target/bin/ reload solr configuration main in core main
- local web application on port 8080 with tomcat 10:
mvn cargo:run -Dtomcat=9 -pl ubo-webapp
- or jetty: (does not work currently)
mvn cargo:run -Djetty -pl ubo-webapp
mvn clean && mvn install -am -pl ubo-webapp && mvn -Dtomcat=9 org.codehaus.cargo:cargo-maven2-plugin:run -pl ubo-webapp -DskipTests