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Laalys (Learner Activity AnaLYser) is a software enabling to analyze player's traces in order to generate pedagogical labels about the learner's behavior in Serious Games. The first version of Laalys was designed during doctoral works of Pradeepa Thomas.

Laalys is included inside E-LearningScape to produce in-game feedbacks depending on players' difficulties.


Download Laalys here :


Java 1.8

How it works

Laalys use Petri nets to label player actions. The release archive contains the application (.jar files) and some examples of Petri nets, specifications and traces:

  • Launch LaalysV2.jar
  • In the first tab (named "Petri nets selection"):
    • Select fullPetriNets folder
    • Select filteredPetriNets folder (leave options to default)
    • Select specification folder
    • Click button named "Load Petri nets and specifications" (this enabled the second tab)
  • In the second tab (named "Traces management"):
    • You can build a fictive trace or load an example trace with the "Load traces from files" button (this enabled the third tab)
  • In the third tab (named "Analysis"):
    • Click on "Launch analysis" button

Using Laalys by script

This is the Python Script example included into the release

# You can use LaalysV2.jar with UI by executing it directly

# You can also communicate with LaalysV2.jar with sockets
# This script is an example to show you how to communicate with Laalys with sockets

import socket
import subprocess

# Send a request to Laalys and return result
def sendRequest(keyword, options):
        request = keyword
        for opt in options:
                request = request + "\t" + opt
        print ("Send request: "+request)
        print ("Waiting answer...")
        msg = client.recv(2048)
        response = msg.decode()
        while len(msg) == 2048:
                msg = client.recv(2048)
                response = response + msg.decode()
        return response[:-2] #remove the last \r\n

print ("Launch server")
socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
socket.bind(('', 12012))
print ("Launch Laalys")
fullPetriNetsPath = "./fullPetriNets" # contains Petri nets with all actions available
filteredPetriNetsPath = "./filteredPetriNets" # contains Petri nets with actions selected by experts
featuresPath = "./specifications" # define for each action if it is a player/system action and if it is an end action
graphType = "ACCESS" # If ACCESS compute Accessible graph, if COVER compute coverability graph
# Launch Laalys jar file
subprocess.Popen(["java.exe", "-jar", "./LaalysV2.jar", "-fullPn", fullPetriNetsPath, "-filteredPn", filteredPetriNetsPath, "-features", featuresPath, "-serverIP", "localhost", "-serverPort", "12012", "-kind", graphType])
print ("Waiting Laalys connexion")
client, address = socket.accept()
print ("Laalys connected")
print ("")

# Get current markings of Petri nets
print ("Step 1: Get current marking for all Petri nets from Laalys")
initialMarkings = sendRequest("GetPetriNetsMarkings", [])
print (initialMarkings)
print ("")

# Get the minimal path to reach a given transition
rdpName = "frozenDoor"
targetAction = "open door - exit" # see ./fullPetriNets/frozenDoor.pnml, open it with Tina tool (
nbActionMax = "10"
print ("Step 2: Ask Laalys to give the minimal path to reach the \""+targetAction+"\" transition in the \""+rdpName+"\" Petri net.")
response = sendRequest("NextActionToReach", [rdpName, targetAction, nbActionMax])
print ("Response received: "+response)
print ("Nb actions: "+str(len(response.split('\t'))))
print ("")

# Perform a specific action
actionName = "grab key"
performedBy = "player" # Has to be "player" or "system" accordingly with ./specification/frozenDoor.xml
print ("Step 3: Ask Laalys to perform the \""+actionName+"\" action in the \""+rdpName+"\" Petri net.")
response = sendRequest(rdpName, [actionName, performedBy])
print ("Response received: "+response)
print ("")

# Get the minimal path to reach a given transition
print ("Step 4: Ask Laalys to give the minimal path to reach the \""+targetAction+"\" transition in the \""+rdpName+"\" Petri net.")
response = sendRequest("NextActionToReach", [rdpName, targetAction, nbActionMax])
print ("Response received: "+response)
print ("Nb actions: "+str(len(response.split('\t'))))
print ("We can see that the path is shorter than the previous call in step 2.")
print ("")

# Get current markings of targeted Petri net
print ("Step 5: Get current markings of the \""+rdpName+"\" Petri net from Laalys")
savedMarking = sendRequest("GetPetriNetsMarkings", [rdpName])
print (savedMarking)
print ("")

# Get actions available in all Petri nets
print ("Step 6: Ask Laalys all actions currently available in all Petri nets")
response = sendRequest("TriggerableActions", [])
print ("Response received: "+response)
print ("Nb actions: "+str(len(response.split('\t'))))
print ("")

# Get actions available in a specific Petri net
print ("Step 7: Ask Laalys all actions currently available in the \""+rdpName+"\" Petri net")
response = sendRequest("TriggerableActions", [rdpName])
print ("Response received: "+response)
print ("Nb actions: "+str(len(response.split('\t'))))
print ("")

# Set specific markings
print ("Step 8: Ask Laalys to restore initial markings in all Petri nets")
response = sendRequest("SetPetriNetsMarkings", [initialMarkings])
print ("Response received: "+response)
print ("")

# Get the minimal path to reach a given transition
print ("Step 9: Ask Laalys to give the minimal path to reach the \""+targetAction+"\" transition in the \""+rdpName+"\" Petri net.")
response = sendRequest("NextActionToReach", [rdpName, targetAction, nbActionMax])
print ("Response received: "+response)
print ("Nb actions: "+str(len(response.split('\t'))))
print ("We find the same result as step 2, it's because we restaured markings in initial state in step 8.")
print ("")

# Set specific markings
print ("Step 10: Ask Laalys to restore markings in the \""+rdpName+"\" Petri net")
response = sendRequest("SetPetriNetsMarkings", [savedMarking])
print ("Response received: "+response)
print ("")

# Get actions available in a specific Petri net
print ("Step 11: Ask Laalys all actions currently available in the \""+rdpName+"\" Petri net")
response = sendRequest("TriggerableActions", [rdpName])
print ("Response received: "+response)
print ("Nb actions: "+str(len(response.split('\t'))))
print ("We find the same result as step 7, it's because we restaured the markings saved in step 5.")
print ("")

# Refresh Petri nets from its current state
print ("Step 12: Ask Laalys to refresh \""+rdpName+"\" Peti nets accessible/coverability graph by using current markings as initial markings")
response = sendRequest("ResetPetriNetsFromCurrentMarkings", [rdpName])
print ("Response received: "+response)
print ("")

# Close connection with Laalys
print ("Close")

Execution of this script gives the following result

Launch server
Launch Laalys
Waiting Laalys connexion
Laalys connected

Step 1: Get current marking for all Petri nets from Laalys
Send request: GetPetriNetsMarkings
Waiting answer...
frozenDoor	1:0:1:0:0:1	1:0:1:0:0:1		Thermometer	6:0:0:1:0:1:0:2:0:2:0:2:0:1:1:1	6:0:0:1:0:1:0:2:0:2:0:2:0:1:1:1		murDeGlace	0:0:1:0:1:0:0:1:0:1:0:0:0:6:0:0:1:0:0:1:1:0:6:1:1:0:1:0:0:1:1:1	0:0:1:0:1:0:0:1:0:1:0:0:0:6:0:0:6:1:0:0:1:1

Step 2: Ask Laalys to give the minimal path to reach the "open door - exit" transition in the "frozenDoor" Petri net.
Send request: NextActionToReach	frozenDoor	open door - exit	10
Waiting answer...
Response received: grab key	turn on boiler	open door - exit
Nb actions: 3

Step 3: Ask Laalys to perform the "grab key" action in the "frozenDoor" Petri net.
Send request: frozenDoor	grab key	player
Waiting answer...
Response received: correct

Step 4: Ask Laalys to give the minimal path to reach the "open door - exit" transition in the "frozenDoor" Petri net.
Send request: NextActionToReach	frozenDoor	open door - exit	10
Waiting answer...
Response received: turn on boiler	open door - exit
Nb actions: 2
We can see that the path is shorter than the previous call in step 2.

Step 5: Get current markings of the "frozenDoor" Petri net from Laalys
Send request: GetPetriNetsMarkings	frozenDoor
Waiting answer...
frozenDoor	1:0:1:0:1:0	1:0:1:0:1:0

Step 6: Ask Laalys all actions currently available in all Petri nets
Send request: TriggerableActions
Waiting answer...
Response received: turn on boiler	activate-levier_plus_3_1;4	activate-levier_plus_4_1;7	desactivate-levier_plus_6_1;2	activate-levier_plus_2_1;6	activate-levier_plus_2_1;9	store-clef;5
Nb actions: 7

Step 7: Ask Laalys all actions currently available in the "frozenDoor" Petri net
Send request: TriggerableActions	frozenDoor
Waiting answer...
Response received: turn on boiler
Nb actions: 1

Step 8: Ask Laalys to restore initial markings in all Petri nets
Send request: SetPetriNetsMarkings	frozenDoor	1:0:1:0:0:1	1:0:1:0:0:1		Thermometer	6:0:0:1:0:1:0:2:0:2:0:2:0:1:1:1	6:0:0:1:0:1:0:2:0:2:0:2:0:1:1:1		murDeGlace	0:0:1:0:1:0:0:1:0:1:0:0:0:6:0:0:1:0:0:1:1:0:6:1:1:0:1:0:0:1:1:1	0:0:1:0:1:0:0:1:0:1:0:0:0:6:0:0:6:1:0:0:1:1
Waiting answer...
Response received: frozenDoor done!	Thermometer done!	murDeGlace done!

Step 9: Ask Laalys to give the minimal path to reach the "open door - exit" transition in the "frozenDoor" Petri net.
Send request: NextActionToReach	frozenDoor	open door - exit	10
Waiting answer...
Response received: grab key	turn on boiler	open door - exit
Nb actions: 3
We find the same result as step 2, it's because we restaured markings in initial state in step 8.

Step 10: Ask Laalys to restore markings in the "frozenDoor" Petri net
Send request: SetPetriNetsMarkings	frozenDoor	1:0:1:0:1:0	1:0:1:0:1:0
Waiting answer...
Response received: frozenDoor done!

Step 11: Ask Laalys all actions currently available in the "frozenDoor" Petri net
Send request: TriggerableActions	frozenDoor
Waiting answer...
Response received: turn on boiler
Nb actions: 1
We find the same result as step 7, it's because we restaured the markings saved in step 5.

Step 12: Ask Laalys to refresh "frozenDoor" Peti nets accessible/coverability graph by using current markings as initial markings
Send request: ResetPetriNetsFromCurrentMarkings	frozenDoor
Waiting answer...
Response received: frozenDoor done!



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