- Pro
BarcodeFace Public
A native Android application for managing facial expression information in barcodes.
Frontend-Course-ACM Public
The main repository of the ACM Summer-of-Code frontend course at the University of Tehran.
Mizdooni Public
Forked from SanaNavaei/MizdooniInternet Engineering course projects: implementation of a restaurant table reservation system.
Distributed-Computing-Course-Projects Public
Forked from PashaBarahimi/Distributed-Computing-Course-Projects -
Software-Testing-Course-Projects Public
Forked from PashaBarahimi/Software-Testing-Course-ProjectsWriting unit tests using JUnit, mock testing, graph coverage, API testing, logic coverage, mutation testing, and BDD.
Database-Lab-Projects Public
Relational, graph, and document (NoSQL) databases using PostgreSQL, Neo4j, MongoDB, Elasticsearch, and Redis.
Capslock-Keybindings Public
Custom keybindings remapping the arrow keys to Caps+JKLI and more.
Compiler-Course-Projects Public
A compiler written using ANTLR with Java for the programming language LogicPL.
Computer-Networks-Course-Projects Public
Forked from PashaBarahimi/Computer-Networks-Course-ProjectsSocket programming, wireless LAN simulation, network routing protocols, TCP congestion control algorithms.
Designing a medical tourism system using UML diagrams and a sample website implementation following the class diagram.
ARM processor implementation, hazard unit, forwarding unit, SRAM & cache memory.
Makefile-Project-Template Public template
Yet another GNU Makefile template, with auto dependency generation.
BFS, IDS, A*, Genetic algorithm for math equality, Minimax for Sim game, Naive Bayes for news classification, Machine Learning and Neural Networks.
Buyer-seller with socket programming, MapReduce genre counter with pipes, image processing with pthreads.
Operating-System-Lab-Projects Public
Forked from SamanEN/Operating-System-Lab-ProjectsExtended xv6 operation system with new system calls, console shortcuts and command history, MLFQ, and semaphores.
Computer-Aided-Design-Projects Public
Forked from PashaBarahimi/Computer-Aided-Design-ProjectsApplying encoding functions over a 3D matrix in hardware.
Verilog MIT License UpdatedFeb 15, 2023 -
License plate detection and sending data via signals.
Doodle-Jump Public
A simple Doodle Jump clone in C++
Digital-Logic-Design-Lab-Experiments Public
Forked from PashaBarahimi/Digital-Logic-Design-Lab-ExperimentsClock and UART Baud rate generation, radix-4 multiplier, function generator & accelerator wrappers.
Verilog descriptions of MIPS single-cycle, multi-cycle & pipeline implementations.
Tachi-Local-Details Public
Tachiyomi local manga 'details.json' creator.
A simple C++11 STL-like dynamic array container and iterator. Made for learning purposes.
Stream-Precision-Print Public
Print floats with set precision like a stream manipulator, trim trailing zeros and round.
Zip-All-Folders Public
A collection of scripts to zip all folders written in Batch, Shell, PowerShell, and Python.
STL-Pretty-Print Public
A simple single-header pretty-printing library for C++ to ostream << containers.
APHTTP-Cross-Platform Public
Forked from UTAP/APHTTPSimple web framework over C++ made cross-platform.