SSD1306 OLED display driver is Arduino style library, intended for use with very small microcontrollers (with a little of SRAM). It was developed to use as few resources as possible. Since ATTiny controllers have no division and multiply operations, the library uses shift operation to speed up calculations.
- Embedded i2c software implementation
- Standard i2c support (via Wire library)
- 4-wire spi support (via standard SPI library)
- Usage of very little of SRAM (minimum 26 bytes)
- Usage of as little Flash as possible
- Fast implementation to provide reasonable speed on slow microcontrollers
- Primitive graphics functions (line,rectangle,pixels)
- Printing text to display
- Drawing bitmap images, located in SRAM or Flash memory (PROGMEM)
- Work with sprite objects
- Creating and controlling menu items (see ssd1306_demo example)
- Memory-buffered operations (nano_gfx.h) for flickering-free output.
- Bonus examples:
- Arkanoid game
- Simple Lode runner game
The default i2c pins for embedded implementation can be modified in ssd1306_i2c_conf.h file. For other controllers pins are defined by standard Wire library. The default spi SCLK and MOSI pins are defined by SPI library, and DC, RST, CES pins are configurable through API.
- i2c ssd1306 128x64 oled display
- i2c ssd1306 128x32 oled display
- spi ssd1306 128x64 oled display
- spi pcd8544 84x48 nokia 5110 led display (experimental support)
- Attiny85, Attiny45 (Refer to Damellis attiny package)
- Atmega328p, Atmega168
- Atmega2560
- Digispark (check examples compatibility list)
- ESP8266 (check examples compatibility list)
Digispark users, please check compilation options in your Arduino prior to using this library. Ssd1306 library requires at least c++11 and c99 (by default Digispark package misses the options -std=gnu11, -std=gnu++11).
- To use as few RAM as possible
- To use as few Flash as possible
- To be as fast as possible
- To fit Arkanoid game example to Attiny85 microcontroller
- Download source from
- Put the sources to Arduino/libraries/ folder
For more information about this library, please, visit Doxygen documentation can be found at site. If you found any problem or have any idea, please, report to Issues section.
Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Alexey Dynda
This file is part of SSD1306 Library.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see