This repository contains a 3DSlicer extension written in python than performs spatiotemporal alignment of in utero BOLD MRI sequences acquired during maternal hyperoxia, as described in the research paper:
Spatiotemporal Alignment of In Utero BOLD-MRI Series
(Esra Abaci Turk, PhD,1,2 Jie Luo, PhD,1,2 Borjan Gagoski, PhD,3 Javier Pascau, PhD,2,4,5 Carolina Bibbo, MD,6 Julian N. Robinson, MD,6 P. Ellen Grant, MD, 1 Elfar Adalsteinsson, PhD,2,7,8 Polina Golland, PhD,7,9 and Norberto Malpica, PhD2,10*)
Please, refer to the wiki page in the repository to check the dependencies, the installation instructions and the user manual.