The tool calculates the lexicographically smallest isomorphic model for a given model (algebra). The model is given as a Cayley (multiplication) table. The calculation is done using a SAT solver as described in [1].
On Linux, the configure
script should download minisat and cadical
and prepare the build
Run ./configure -h
to see options for building (for instance a switch to cadical).
In a nutshell, it should be enough to issue:
./configure && cd build && make
Currently the program only support algebras comprising a single binary function, e.g. a semigroup.
By default, a set of algebras in the GAP format are expected on the input.
This means that input is a list of list of lists (each algebra is a list of
rows). The MACE4 format is also supported. See the examples
folder for example inputs.
Run ./mlex -h
for more options.
[1] SAT-based Techniques for Lexicographically Smallest Finite Models in AAAI 2024. M. Janota, C. Chow, J. Araújo, M. Codish, P. Vojtěchovský