💼 Previous Experience:
🔬Research Intern at Google DeepMind working on video segmentation🇨🇭. Supervised by Stefano Pellegrini, Jasper Uijlings, and Cordelia Schmid
🔬 Research Intern & Student Researcher at Google Research working on efficient adaptation of lare-scale models🇫🇷. Supervised by Anurag Arnab, Alexey Gritsenko, and Cordelia Schmid
- 🤝 Collaborated with Aleksandra Nowak, Utku Evci, and Yann Dauphin from Google DeepMind on a related project.
🔬 Machine Learning Researcher at Everseen working on tracking and re-identification🇷🇴.
🎓 Education:
🎓 IMPRS-IS Computer Science PhD Student in the Explainable Machine Learning Group in Munich, with a guest affiliation at Helmholtz Munich & the Technical University of Munich🇩🇪. Supervised by Prof. Zeynep Akata & Prof. Andreas Geiger. Thesis to be defended.
🤖 MSc in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Edinburgh🇬🇧. MSc thesis supervised by Prof. Amos Storkey.
💻 BEng in Computers and Information Technology from Politehnica University of Timisoara🇷🇴. BEng thesis supervised by Prof. Calin-Adrian Popa
⚡ Research Focus: Focused on enhancing deep learning efficiency through data-efficient (low-shot) and model-efficient (adaptation) methods for large-scale models. Experienced in multimodal learning (audio-visual), multi-modal large language models, video semantic segmentation, and tracking.
You can find me on Twitter or LinkedIn - for my research and latest updates, check out my Google Scholar and Homepage!