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Model Context Protocol server for AI assistants to create meeting bots, search transcripts, and manage meeting recordings.


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Meeting BaaS MCP Server

A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server that provides tools for managing meeting data, including transcripts, recordings, calendar events, and search functionality.


This project implements a Model Context Protocol (MCP) server that allows AI assistants like Claude and Cursor to access and manipulate meeting data. It exposes a set of tools and resources that can be used to:

  • Invite Meeting Bots: Create and invite bots to your video conferences that automatically record and transcribe meetings

    "Create a new meeting bot for my Zoom call tomorrow"
  • Query Meeting Data: Search through meeting transcripts and find specific information without watching entire recordings

    "Search my recent meetings for discussions about the quarterly budget"
    "Find all mentions of Project Apollo in yesterday's team meeting"
    "Show me parts of the meeting where Jane was speaking"
  • Manage Calendar Events: View and organize calendar entries and upcoming meetings

  • Access Recording Information: Get metadata about meeting recordings and their status


  • Node.js (v16 or later)
  • npm
  • MeetingBaaS Account: You need access to a MeetingBaaS account using your corporate email address
    • All logs, bots, and shared links are available to colleagues with the same corporate domain (not personal emails like
    • This enables seamless collaboration where all team members can access meeting recordings and transcripts created by anyone in your organization


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone <repository-url>
    cd mcp-baas
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Build the project:

    npm run build


Start the server:

npm run start

By default, the server runs on port 7017 and exposes the MCP endpoint at http://localhost:7017/mcp.

Available Tools

The server exposes several tools through the MCP protocol:

Calendar Tools

  • oauthGuidance: Get detailed step-by-step instructions on setting up OAuth for Google or Microsoft calendars

    • No parameters required
    • Returns comprehensive instructions for obtaining OAuth credentials and setting up calendar integration
  • listRawCalendars: Lists available calendars from Google or Microsoft before integration

    • Parameters: platform ("Google" or "Microsoft"), clientId, clientSecret, refreshToken
    • Returns a list of available calendars with their IDs and primary status
  • setupCalendarOAuth: Integrates a calendar using OAuth credentials

    • Parameters: platform ("Google" or "Microsoft"), clientId, clientSecret, refreshToken, rawCalendarId (optional)
    • Returns confirmation of successful integration with calendar details
  • listCalendars: Lists all integrated calendars

    • No parameters required
    • Returns a list of all calendars with their names, email addresses, and UUIDs
  • getCalendar: Gets detailed information about a specific calendar integration

    • Parameters: calendarId (UUID of the calendar)
    • Returns comprehensive calendar details
  • deleteCalendar: Permanently removes a calendar integration

    • Parameters: calendarId (UUID of the calendar)
    • Returns confirmation of successful deletion
  • resyncAllCalendars: Forces a refresh of all connected calendars

    • No parameters required
    • Returns the status of the sync operation
  • listUpcomingMeetings: Lists upcoming meetings from a calendar

    • Parameters: calendarId, status (optional: "upcoming", "past", "all"), limit (optional)
    • Returns a list of meetings with their names, times, and recording status
  • listEvents: Lists calendar events with comprehensive filtering options

    • Parameters: calendarId, plus optional filters like startDateGte, startDateLte, attendeeEmail, etc.
    • Returns detailed event listings with rich information
  • listEventsWithCredentials: Lists calendar events with credentials provided directly in the query

    • Parameters: calendarId, apiKey, plus same optional filters as listEvents
    • Returns the same detailed information as listEvents but with direct authentication
  • getEvent: Gets detailed information about a specific calendar event

    • Parameters: eventId (UUID of the event)
    • Returns comprehensive event details including attendees and recording status
  • scheduleRecording: Schedules a bot to record an upcoming meeting

    • Parameters: eventId, botName, plus optional settings like botImage, recordingMode, etc.
    • Returns confirmation of successful scheduling
  • scheduleRecordingWithCredentials: Schedules recording with credentials provided directly in the query

    • Parameters: eventId, apiKey, botName, plus same optional settings as scheduleRecording
    • Returns confirmation of successful scheduling
  • cancelRecording: Cancels a previously scheduled recording

    • Parameters: eventId, allOccurrences (optional, for recurring events)
    • Returns confirmation of successful cancellation
  • cancelRecordingWithCredentials: Cancels recording with credentials provided directly in the query

    • Parameters: eventId, apiKey, allOccurrences (optional)
    • Returns confirmation of successful cancellation
  • checkCalendarIntegration: Checks and diagnoses calendar integration status

    • No parameters required
    • Returns a comprehensive status report and troubleshooting tips

Meeting Tools

  • createBot: Creates a meeting bot that can join video conferences to record and transcribe meetings
    • Parameters:
      • meeting_url (URL of the meeting to join)
      • name (optional bot name)
      • botImage (optional URL to an image for the bot's avatar)
      • entryMessage (optional message the bot will send when joining)
      • deduplicationKey (optional key to override the 5-minute restriction on joining the same meeting)
      • nooneJoinedTimeout (optional timeout in seconds for bot to leave if no one joins)
      • waitingRoomTimeout (optional timeout in seconds for bot to leave if stuck in waiting room)
      • speechToTextProvider (optional provider for transcription: "Gladia", "Runpod", or "Default")
      • speechToTextApiKey (optional API key for the speech-to-text provider)
      • streamingInputUrl (optional WebSocket URL to stream audio input)
      • streamingOutputUrl (optional WebSocket URL to stream audio output)
      • streamingAudioFrequency (optional frequency for streaming: "16khz" or "24khz")
      • extra (optional object with additional metadata about the meeting, such as meeting type, custom summary prompt, search keywords)
    • Returns: Bot details including ID and join status
  • getBots: Lists all bots and their associated meetings
  • getBotsByMeeting: Gets bots for a specific meeting URL
  • getRecording: Retrieves recording information for a specific bot/meeting
  • getRecordingStatus: Checks the status of a recording in progress
  • getMeetingData: Gets transcript and recording data for a specific meeting
    • Parameters: meetingId (ID of the meeting to get data for)
    • Returns: Information about the meeting recording including duration and transcript segment count
  • getMeetingDataWithCredentials: Gets transcript and recording data using direct API credentials
    • Parameters: meetingId (ID of the meeting), apiKey (API key for authentication)
    • Returns: Same information as getMeetingData but with direct authentication

Transcript Tools

  • searchTranscript: Searches through meeting transcripts for specific terms
    • Parameters: bot_id (the bot that recorded the meeting), query (search term)
    • Returns: Matching segments with speaker information and timestamps
  • searchTranscriptByType: Searches across meetings of a specific type (using the "extra" field)
    • Parameters: meetingType (type of meeting to search, e.g., "sales", "psychiatric"), query (search term), limit (max results, default 10)
    • Returns: Matching segments from meetings of the specified type, with speaker and timestamp information
  • findMeetingTopic: Intelligently searches for a topic in a meeting, providing context around the mentions
    • Parameters: meetingId (the meeting to search), topic (the topic to find)
    • Returns: Contextual segments that mention the topic, with surrounding conversation for context
  • searchVideoSegment: Finds specific segments of a video based on time range or speaker
    • Parameters: botId (the bot that recorded the meeting), startTime (optional), endTime (optional), speaker (optional)
    • Returns: Video segments with direct links to specific timestamps
    • Results include shareable viewer URLs like:{BOT_ID}?t={TIMESTAMP_SECONDS}
  • intelligentSearch: Performs an adaptive search across meeting data with natural language understanding
    • Parameters:
      • query (natural language search query - supports meeting types, topics, speakers, dates, etc.)
      • filters (optional structured filters including botId, calendarId, meetingType, speaker, startTime, endTime)
      • includeContext (whether to include surrounding conversation, default: true)
      • maxResults (maximum results to return, default: 20)
      • sortBy (how to sort results: "relevance", "date", or "speaker", default: "relevance")
    • Returns: Rich, context-aware search results with meeting metadata and direct video links
    • Search approaches:
      • Bot ID-based: Searches within a specific meeting when you know the bot ID
      • Calendar-based: Searches across calendar events and their associated recordings
      • Recent meetings: Maintains session history of recently used bots for follow-up searches
    • Example queries:
      • "Find mentions of budget in meeting with bot ID abc-123"
      • "Search my marketing calendar for discussions about the Q4 campaign"
      • "What did Sarah say in our most recent meeting?"
    • Results can be used to generate direct time-specific links to the recording viewer:
  • getTranscriptSummary: Gets an AI-generated summary of meeting content

Link Sharing Tools

  • shareableMeetingLink: Generates a nicely formatted, shareable link to a meeting recording

    • Parameters: botId, plus optional timestamp, title, speakerName, and description
    • Returns: Markdown-formatted link with metadata that can be shared directly in chat
    • Example:
      📽️ **Meeting Recording: Weekly Team Sync**
      ⏱️ Timestamp: 00:12:35
      🎤 Speaker: Sarah Johnson
      đź“ť Discussing the new product roadmap
      đź”— [View Recording](
  • shareMeetingSegments: Creates a list of links to multiple important moments in a meeting

    • Parameters: botId and an array of segments with timestamps, speakers, and descriptions
    • Returns: Markdown-formatted list of segments with direct links to each moment
    • Useful for creating a table of contents for a long meeting
  • findKeyMoments: Automatically identifies and shares links to important moments in a meeting

    • Parameters: botId, optional meetingTitle, optional list of topics to look for, and optional maxMoments
    • Returns: Markdown-formatted list of key moments with links, automatically detected based on transcript
    • Uses AI-powered analysis to find significant moments without requiring manual timestamp selection

Example Workflows

Recording a Meeting

  1. Create a bot for your upcoming meeting:

    "Create a bot for my Zoom meeting at"
  2. The bot joins the meeting automatically and begins recording.

  3. Check recording status:

    "What's the status of my meeting recording for the Zoom call I started earlier?"

Calendar Integration and Automatic Recording

  1. Get guidance on obtaining OAuth credentials:

    "I want to integrate my Google Calendar. How do I get OAuth credentials?"
  2. List your available calendars before integration:

    "List my available Google calendars. Here are my OAuth credentials:
    - Client ID:
    - Client Secret: my-client-secret-ABCDEF123456
    - Refresh Token: my-refresh-token-ABCDEF123456789"
  3. Set up calendar integration with a specific calendar:

    "Integrate my Google Calendar using these credentials:
    - Platform: Google
    - Client ID:
    - Client Secret: my-client-secret-ABCDEF123456
    - Refresh Token: my-refresh-token-ABCDEF123456789
    - Raw Calendar ID: [email protected]"
  4. View your upcoming meetings:

    "Show me my upcoming meetings from calendar 1a2b3c4d-5e6f-7a8b-9c0d-1e2f3a4b5c6d"
  5. Schedule recording for an upcoming meeting:

    "Schedule a recording for my team meeting with event ID 7a8b9c0d-1e2f-3a4b-5c6d-7e8f9a0b1c2d.
    Configure the bot with:
    - Name: Team Meeting Bot
    - Recording Mode: gallery_view
    - Entry Message: Hello everyone, I'm here to record the meeting"
  6. Check all recordings scheduled in your calendar:

    "Show me all meetings in my calendar that have recordings scheduled"
  7. Cancel a previously scheduled recording:

    "Cancel the recording for event 7a8b9c0d-1e2f-3a4b-5c6d-7e8f9a0b1c2d"
  8. Refresh calendar data if meetings are missing:

    "Force a resync of all my connected calendars"

Simplified Calendar Integration

For a simpler approach to calendar integration, you can directly configure your calendar OAuth credentials in the Claude Desktop configuration file:

  1. Edit the configuration file:

    vim ~/Library/Application\ Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json
  2. Add the calendarOAuth section to your botConfig:

    "botConfig": {
      // other bot configuration...
      "calendarOAuth": {
        "platform": "Google",  // or "Microsoft"
        "clientId": "YOUR_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID",
        "clientSecret": "YOUR_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET", 
        "refreshToken": "YOUR_REFRESH_TOKEN",
        "rawCalendarId": "[email protected]"  // Optional
  3. Save the file and restart Claude Desktop - your calendar will be automatically integrated.

This approach eliminates the need to manually call the OAuth setup tools, making calendar integration a one-time configuration task.

Note: Calendar integration is completely optional. You can use Meeting BaaS without connecting a calendar by simply omitting the calendarOAuth section from your configuration. Calendar integration enhances the experience by providing access to your upcoming meetings and enabling automatic recording of calendar events.

Analyzing Meeting Content

  1. Search for specific topics:

    "Find all mentions of the marketing budget in yesterday's team meeting"
  2. Get insights from specific speakers:

    "What did Sarah say about the new product launch in our meeting last Tuesday?"
  3. Get meeting summaries:

    "Summarize the key points from this morning's standup meeting"
  4. Search across meeting types:

    "Search for discussions about patient symptoms across all psychiatric meetings"
  5. Find topics with context:

    "Find discussions about quarterly targets in meeting abc-123 and show me the surrounding conversation"
  6. Find specific video segments:

    "Show me the video segments where John was speaking between 15 and 20 minutes into meeting xyz-456"
  7. Search using meeting metadata:

    "Search my sales meetings for mentions of the new pricing strategy"
  8. Use natural language search across all meetings:

    "Find any discussions about budget concerns in meetings from last week"
    "Show me what Sarah said about the product roadmap in recent meetings"
    "Search for conversations about customer feedback in yesterday's standup"
    "Find meeting segments where the team discussed implementation timeframes"
  9. Use the different intelligent search approaches:

    // Bot ID-based search
    "Search in meeting abc-123 for mentions of the new product launch"
    // Calendar-based search
    "Find discussions about deadlines in my marketing team calendar"
    "Search through my work calendar for meetings where we discussed the budget"
    // Recent meetings search (no explicit bot ID needed)
    "What did Alex say about the database migration?"
    "Show me the parts where we talked about customer requirements"
  10. Share direct links to specific moments in meetings:

"Find when we discussed the marketing budget and give me a shareable link to that moment"
"Create a link to the part of yesterday's meeting where Sarah presented the Q4 roadmap"
"Share the segment of the design review where we debated the user interface changes"
  1. Use AI to find and share key moments from a meeting:
"Find key moments in our last product planning meeting and share links to them"
"Create a table of contents with links for the quarterly review meeting"
"Share the parts of the interview where the candidate discussed their experience with React"
"Automatically find and share important moments from meeting abc-123"

Using Direct Credential Tools

You can provide API credentials directly in your queries:

  1. List events with direct credentials:

    "List events from calendar 5c99f8a4-f498-40d0-88f0-29f698c53c51 using API key tesban where attendee is [email protected]"
  2. Schedule a recording with direct credentials:

    "Schedule a recording for event 78d06b42-794f-4efe-8195-62db1f0052d5 using API key tesban with bot name 'Weekly Meeting Bot'"
  3. Cancel a recording with direct credentials:

    "Cancel the recording for event 97cd62f0-ea9b-42b3-add5-7a607ce6d80f using API key tesban"
  4. Get meeting data with direct credentials:

    "Get meeting data for meeting 47de9462-bea7-406c-b79a-fd6b82c3de76 using API key tesban"

Accessing Meeting Recordings

Meeting recordings can be accessed directly through the Meeting BaaS viewer using the bot ID:{BOT_ID}

For example:

This viewer provides:

  • The meeting video recording
  • Synchronized transcript with speaker identification
  • Navigation by speaker or topic
  • Direct link sharing with teammates

When using the createBot, getBots, or search tools, you'll receive bot IDs that can be used to construct these viewer URLs for easy access to recordings.

Important: All meeting recordings and links are automatically shared with colleagues who have the same corporate email domain (e.g., This allows your entire team to access recordings without requiring individual permissions, creating a collaborative environment where meeting knowledge is accessible to everyone in your organization.


The server can be configured through environment variables or by editing the src/config.ts file.

Key configuration options:

  • PORT: The port the server listens on (default: 7017)
  • API_BASE_URL: The base URL for the Meeting BaaS API
  • DEFAULT_API_KEY: Default API key for testing

Integration with Claude Desktop

To integrate with Claude Desktop:

  1. Edit the Claude Desktop configuration file:

    vim ~/Library/Application\ Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json
  2. Add the Meeting BaaS MCP server configuration:

      "mcpServers": {
        "meetingbaas": {
          "command": "/bin/bash",
          "args": [
            "cd /path/to/meeting-mcp && (npm run build 1>&2) && MCP_FROM_CLAUDE=true node dist/index.js"
          "headers": {
            "x-api-key": "YOUR_API_KEY"
          "botConfig": {
            "name": "Meeting Assistant",
            "image": "",
            "entryMessage": "Hello, I'm a bot from Meeting Baas. I'll be taking notes for this meeting.",
            "deduplicationKey": "unique_key_to_override_restriction",
            "nooneJoinedTimeout": 600,
            "waitingRoomTimeout": 600,
            "speechToTextProvider": "Gladia",
            "speechToTextApiKey": "YOUR_SPEECH_TO_TEXT_API_KEY",
            "extra": {
              "meetingType": "sales",
              "summaryPrompt": "Focus on action items and decision points",
              "searchKeywords": ["budget", "timeline", "deliverables"],
              "timeStampHighlights": [
                {"time": "00:05:23", "note": "Discussion about Q2 sales numbers"},
                {"time": "00:12:47", "note": "Team disagreement on marketing strategy"}
              "participants": ["John Smith", "Jane Doe", "Bob Johnson"],
              "project": "Project Phoenix",
              "department": "Engineering",
              "priority": "High",
              "followupDate": "2023-12-15",
              "tags": ["technical", "planning", "retrospective"]
            // Optional: Direct calendar OAuth integration
            // Add this section only if you want to enable calendar integration
            "calendarOAuth": {
              "platform": "Google",  // or "Microsoft"
              "clientId": "YOUR_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID",
              "clientSecret": "YOUR_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET",
              "refreshToken": "YOUR_REFRESH_TOKEN",
              "rawCalendarId": "[email protected]"  // Optional - specific calendar ID

    Note: Replace /path/to/meeting-mcp with the path to your local repository and YOUR_API_KEY with your actual API key.

    Important: Ensure you're using an API key associated with your corporate email account. All recordings, bot logs, and shared links will be automatically accessible to colleagues with the same email domain for seamless team collaboration.

  3. Restart Claude Desktop.

The configuration explained:

  • command specifies the shell to use
  • args contains the command line arguments:
    • cd to your project directory
    • Build the project with error output redirected to stderr
    • Run the server with the MCP_FROM_CLAUDE=true environment variable to indicate it's running from Claude Desktop
  • headers contains the API key for authentication
  • botConfig allows you to customize the bot's appearance and behavior:
    • name: The name displayed for the bot in meetings (default: "Claude Assistant")
    • image: URL to a publicly accessible image to use as the bot's avatar (optional)
    • entryMessage: Message the bot will send when joining a meeting (optional)
    • deduplicationKey: A unique key to override the 5-minute restriction on joining the same meeting (optional)
    • nooneJoinedTimeout: Timeout in seconds for the bot to leave if no participants join (optional)
    • waitingRoomTimeout: Timeout in seconds for the bot to leave if stuck in waiting room (optional)
    • speechToTextProvider: Provider to use for transcription ("Gladia", "Runpod", "Default") (optional)
    • speechToTextApiKey: API key for the speech-to-text provider if required (optional)
    • calendarOAuth: Direct calendar integration with OAuth credentials (optional)
      • platform: "Google" or "Microsoft"
      • clientId: Your OAuth client ID
      • clientSecret: Your OAuth client secret
      • refreshToken: Your OAuth refresh token
      • rawCalendarId: Optional ID of specific calendar to integrate
    • extra: Additional metadata about meetings to enhance AI capabilities (optional)
      • Example:
        "meetingType": "sales",                                 // Used by searchTranscriptByType and intelligentSearch
        "summaryPrompt": "Focus on action items and decision points",
        "searchKeywords": ["budget", "timeline", "deliverables"],  // Key terms that can be easily searched
        "timeStampHighlights": [                                // Can be used with searchVideoSegment
          {"time": "00:05:23", "note": "Discussion about Q2 sales numbers"},
          {"time": "00:12:47", "note": "Team disagreement on marketing strategy"}
        "participants": ["John Smith", "Jane Doe", "Bob Johnson"],  // Meeting participants for more context
        "project": "Project Phoenix",                           // Project association for filtering
        "department": "Engineering",                            // Organizational context
        "priority": "High",                                     // Meeting importance
        "followupDate": "2023-12-15",                           // When to revisit topics
        "tags": ["technical", "planning", "retrospective"]      // Flexible tagging system

The extra field is extremely flexible - you can add any structured metadata that makes sense for your organization and use cases. All of this metadata is fully searchable by the intelligentSearch tool, which can extract meaning from natural language queries.

Integration with Cursor

To integrate with Cursor:

  1. Open Cursor
  2. Go to Settings
  3. Navigate to "Model Context Protocol"
  4. Add a new server with:
    • Name: "Meeting BaaS MCP"
    • Type: "sse"
    • Server URL: "http://localhost:7017/mcp"
    • Optionally add headers if authentication is required



npm run build

Test with MCP Inspector

npm run inspect

Development mode (with auto-reload)

npm run dev

Log Management

The server includes optimized logging with:

npm run cleanup

This command:

  • Cleans up unnecessary log files and cached data
  • Filters out repetitive ping messages from logs
  • Reduces disk usage while preserving important log information
  • Maintains a smaller log footprint for long-running servers

Project Structure

  • src/index.ts: Main entry point
  • src/tools/: Tool implementations
  • src/resources/: Resource definitions
  • src/api/: API client for the Meeting BaaS backend
  • src/types/: TypeScript type definitions
  • src/config.ts: Server configuration
  • src/utils/: Utility functions
    • logging.ts: Log filtering and management
    • tinyDb.ts: Persistent bot tracking database


The server expects an API key in the x-api-key header for authentication. You can configure the default API key in the configuration.

Direct authentication is also supported in many tools (named with "WithCredentials") where you can provide the API key directly as a parameter rather than in headers.

Advanced Features

Persistent Bot Tracking

The server maintains a persistent database of recently used bots, which enables:

  • Contextual follow-up queries about meetings without needing to specify the bot ID
  • Improved topic matching across multiple meetings
  • Automatic knowledge of meeting participants, topics, and context
  • Enhanced intelligent search capabilities

This tracking is completely transparent to users and dramatically improves the experience when having conversations about meetings over time.

Intelligent Adaptive Search

The intelligent search capability adapts to available information:

  • Can search by explicit bot ID when known
  • Searches by meeting type, participants, or keywords when exact bot ID isn't known
  • Automatically uses calendar data when available
  • Remembers previous meeting context for follow-up questions
  • Provides rich, AI-friendly results with full context




Model Context Protocol server for AI assistants to create meeting bots, search transcripts, and manage meeting recordings.







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