LiveConnect module is used to create, and or gather first party identifiers of your choosing, and sendind that information to a defined endpoint which is responsible for gathering and processing that data. What LiveConnect provides is a simple interface to collect the identifiers from a page, and collect user interactions along with those identifiers. To see what kind of data is being sent, check what is being sent.
- With npm:
npm install
- Format the code according to the eslint file:
npm run fix-js
- Run unit tests:
npm run test:unit
- Run integration tests against a dockerized chrome:
npm run test:it:docker:chrome
- Run full integration tests on multiple browsers (requires properly set Browserstack credentials) :
npm run test:it:browserstack
We're open to ideas, fixes and improvements. Find out how to contribute here.
Unit tests are written using Mocha and Chai. Check Quick start how to run them.
Tests are setting the cookies on eTLD+1 domain. For that, execute this command once:
echo "" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts && echo "" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts && echo "" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
Add Browserstack keys to your env, where the setup would be as follows:
user: process.env.BS_USER,
key: process.env.BS_KEY,
or, to run Browserstack tests locally, run:
BS_USER=${User} BS_KEY=${Key} npm run test:it:browserstack
The browsers used in these tests are defined in test-config/wdio.browserstack.conf.js
and should correlate to the transpiled code for supported browsers, listed in .browserslistrc
The initialisation part should be straight forward, considering the snippet:
import { LiveConnect } from 'live-connect-js/src/live-connect'
const lc = LiveConnect(configOptions)
The object returned after initialisation (lc
in the snippet above) is exposing the following functions:
accepts a custom event one would like to keep track
just fires a pixel, and can be considered as a simple page view.peopleVerifiedId
returns the most likely first party cookie that can be used for identity resolution.ready
flag, saying that the LC was loaded and ready, can be used when including LiveConnect as a global var on the window object.resolve
function accepts a callback and an additional object with key value pairs. Of course, errors during resolution will be emitted on the EventBus and sent to the collector. The second parameter isadditionalParameters
which is an object, and will be attached to the IdentityResolution request, split into key-value pairs. The purpose of this object is to include key-value pairs in the request, e.g. for identifiers that cannot be found in the cookie jar, or in LocalStorage, or simply there's a requirement for a certain identifier to be represented under a specific key which doesn't match it's name in the cookie jar, or LocalStorage key.resolutionCallUrl
function returns the URL to be called in order to receive the resolution to a stable identifier.
LiveConnect can be initialized in a way so that it does not manipulate storage on the device on it's own. For example, if one wants to use it's own handler for storage, it is enough to send the storage handler in the constructor. The only thing one needs to adhere to is the signature of each function that's needed on the StorageHandler:
function hasLocalStorage ()
function getCookie (key)
function getDataFromLocalStorage (key)
function findSimilarCookies (keyLike)
function setCookie (key, value, expires, sameSite, domain)
function removeDataFromLocalStorage (key)
function setDataInLocalStorage (key, value)
If one of the functions is not available in the external handler, LiveConnect will fallback to it's own implementation to ensure that the functionality isn't being affected.
One way to achieve that is, for example, to initialize LC like this:
import { LiveConnect } from 'live-connect-js/src/live-connect'
const storageHandler = {
getCookie: (key) => {
let m = window.document.cookie.match('(^|;)\\s*' + key + '\\s*=\\s*([^;]*)\\s*(;|$)')
return m ? decodeURIComponent(m[2]) : null;
setCookie: (key, value, expires, sameSite, domain) => {
const lc = LiveConnect(configOptions, storageHandler)
Considering the snippet above, LiveConnect accepts a JSON with the config which determines its behaviour. You can learn more about available options here.
The code in the manager
folder is responsible for browser state interaction and management, e.g. storage manipulation.
It's sometimes important in which order the managers are invoked, as one might depend on the result of another.
is responsible for keeping state in the browser with all the recent li_did
parameters picked up from urls where LiveConnect was loaded.
takes care of LiveConnect first party identifiers being created (if not present) and picked up so that they can be sent as signal pixels containing that information.
Where the LiveConnect identifiers are stored (Cookie vs LocalStorage) depends on the config.storageStrategy
How long those identifiers will live is configured in the config.expirationDays
parameter. In case the storageStrategy
is set to Cookie, the browser will ensure that the cookie expires.
In case of localStorage, Identifiers Manager and it's underlying utils/storage.js
helper will ensure that on the next load, the entry is removed from localstorage in case it's obsolete.
makes sure that either of the selected identifiers is stored as the _li_duid
key in local storage, as some integrations are using the information stored there.
The enrichers
folder contains code responsible for extracting specific information about the page visit when the module is loaded. It makes sure that the extracted data is stored in the state which contains data which is sent as a single pixel.
holds the logic which determines the real page url on which we're trying to capture user interactions.
is responsible for reading the identifiersToResolve
configuration parameter to read any additional identifiers that customers want to share with us.
or, legacy domainUserId enricher, is responsible for reading the potential value of a local storage entry which was historically set by the old LiveConnect
LiveConnect exposes an object on the window level (window.__li_evt_bus
) which is responsible for communicating various information based on different fields of interests.
For example, there are three topics which anyone can hook to, and receive information about:
- errors, on the
topic - whenever the pixel is sent successfully, the
topic will emit that information - just before the pixel is sent,
topic will contain the information about it.
The following snippets can be used to hook up to one of the topics and receive events as they happen.
const lipsLogger = (message) => {'Received a lips message, will continue receiving them', message) }
window.__li_evt_bus.on('lips', logger)
const lipsLogger = (message) => {'Received a lips message once, i will self destruct now.', message) }
window.__li_evt_bus.once('lips', logger)
There are a two ways this can be achieved:
- will be triggered only once, and the handler which is subscribing to that topic will be automatically removed once the event is received and sent.on
- will be triggered every time the topic receives a message.
The bus isn't a pure event listener, as we also want to cover the case where handlers can be attached even after messages have been emitted. An example how to hook to the topic will be explained in the next section.
Vital logic is wrapped in try catch blocks, and where it makes sense, the error message is emitted on the li_errors
topic in the window.__li_evt_bus
To start listening to the topic, one can simply implement their own logic. For example, if logging the messages is of interest, the following snippet can be used:
const logger = (message) => {console.error('Error message received on the __li_evt_bus', message)}
window.__li_evt_bus.on('li_errors', logger)
LiveConnect has a handler called handlers/error-pixel.js
which is subscribed on the li_errors
topic, and wraps the exceptions into the following format:
message: e.message,
stackTrace: e.stack,
lineNumber: e.lineNumber,
lineColumn: e.lineColumn,
fileName: e.fileName
Every time there's an exception in LiveConnect, this handler will create such a message, and LiveConnect will send the base64 url encoded message to the collector containing the details above.
The user interaction is sent to a url specified in the inbound config, as collectorUrl
, only if the information is present.
For example, one of the parameters is aid
which should send the value of the appId
from the config, however, if it is not set, it will not be sent.
For more details on requests being sent take a look at collector parameters.