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                    █████▄  ▄▄▄    ▄███████▓▄▄▄       ███████     ▒█████  █     █░
                    ██  ▀██▒████▄  ▒  ██▒ ▓▒████▄   ▓██   ▓██▒   ▒██▒  ██▓█░ █ ░█░
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                       ░         ░  ░            ░  ░         ░  ░   ░ ░     ░    

TLDR: the different methods are within the Features folder

There are various approaches to process data efficiently, each with its own trade-offs. In this demo, I have created three different strategies: TPL Dataflow, which utilizes a network of concurrently executing blocks; Semaphore-based control, which simply limits the number of tasks running in parallel; and Single-threaded processing, which executes tasks sequentially without any concurrency.

This diagram represents the structure of the project. It shows the classes involved and their relationships.

    class ParallelController{
        +StartDataflow(int amount)
        +StartSemaphore(int amount)
        +StartSingle(int amount)
    class DataFlowProcess{
        +ProcessAsync(int amount)
    class SemaphoreProcess{
        +ProcessAsync(int amount)
    class SingleProcess{
        +ProcessAsync(int amount)
    class FakeRepository{
        +GetDataAsync(int amountOfItemsToReturn)
        +SaveDataAsync(string itemToSave)
    class FakeTransformer{
        +TransformDataAsync(int itemNumberToTransform)
    class FakeTelemetry{
        +PostTelemetryAsync(string itemIdToPost)
    ParallelController --> DataFlowProcess
    ParallelController --> SemaphoreProcess
    ParallelController --> SingleProcess
    DataFlowProcess --> FakeRepository
    DataFlowProcess --> FakeTransformer
    DataFlowProcess --> FakeTelemetry
    SemaphoreProcess --> FakeRepository
    SemaphoreProcess --> FakeTransformer
    SemaphoreProcess --> FakeTelemetry
    SingleProcess --> FakeRepository
    SingleProcess --> FakeTransformer
    SingleProcess --> FakeTelemetry

Dataflow (TPL Dataflow)

Task Parallel Library (TPL) Dataflow is ideal for building high-performance, data-driven applications. This approach constructs a processing pipeline using different blocks (like TransformManyBlock, TransformBlock, BroadcastBlock, etc.), each handling a specific type of processing. The blocks are linked, creating a complex data processing pipeline. Execution options are used to control concurrency levels, with the MaxDegreeOfParallelism property set to Environment.ProcessorCount for certain blocks (simulated CPU processes), allowing this many concurrent operations. Other blocks are configured to have an unbounded degree of parallelism (simulated I/O tasks). The model ensures that the completion status and exceptions are propagated through the pipeline.


Semaphores are synchronization primitives that maintain a count representing the number of allowed accesses to a resource. This approach uses a SemaphoreSlim object with an initial count of Environment.ProcessorCount(for simulated CPU processes, simulated I/O tasks are ran all at once), allowing up to this many concurrent operations. The tasks must acquire the semaphore before processing and release it afterward.

Sequential Processing with Asynchronous Tasks

This approach performs processing sequentially but leverages asynchronous tasks to prevent blocking. The method fetches, transforms, saves, and posts telemetry data one item at a time. While tasks are asynchronous, they are executed sequentially for each item.

Dataflow/Semaphore/Sequential ProcessAsync

The following diagram provides a visual representation of the workflow executed by the ProcessAsync method:

    state ProcessAsync {
        [*]--> GetDataAsync : send amount (n)
        GetDataAsync --> TransformDataAsync : sends (n) results to
        TransformDataAsync --> SaveDataAsync : sends (n*10) results to
        SaveDataAsync --> [*] : returns (n*10) results
        SaveDataAsync --> PostTelemetryAsync : sends (n*10) results to (fire and forget)
    participant Controller as Controller
    participant ProcessAsync as ProcessAsync
    participant FakeRepository as FakeRepository
    participant FakeTransformer as FakeTransformer
    participant FakeTelemetry as FakeTelemetry
    Controller->>ProcessAsync: ProcessAsync(int amount)
    ProcessAsync->>FakeRepository: GetDataAsync(int amount)
    ProcessAsync->>FakeTransformer: TransformDataAsync(int item)
    ProcessAsync->>FakeRepository: SaveDataAsync(string item)
    ProcessAsync->>Controller: Return Ids
    ProcessAsync->>FakeTelemetry: PostTelemetryAsync(string itemId)

K6 Load Testing

These results represent the performance of three different processing approaches: Dataflow, Semaphore, and Sequential Processing with Asynchronous Tasks. Each approach is tested with a load script for 1 minute and 10 virtual users (VUs).

Dataflow (loadTestDataflowProcess.js):

  • Total of 1557 iterations completed.
  • 100% of HTTP requests received status code 200.
  • The average request duration was around 193 milliseconds.
  • Data received at a rate of approximately 108 kB/s.
  • Average iteration duration was around 386 milliseconds.

Semaphore (loadTestSemaphoreProcess.js):

  • Total of 1512 iterations completed.
  • 100% of HTTP requests received status code 200.
  • The average request duration was around 199 milliseconds.
  • Data received at a rate of approximately 104 kB/s.
  • Average iteration duration was around 399 milliseconds.

Sequential Processing with Asynchronous Tasks (loadTestSingleProcess.js):

  • Total of 30 iterations completed.
  • 100% of HTTP requests received status code 200.
  • The average request duration was considerably higher, around 10.36 seconds.
  • Data received at a rate of approximately 2.2 kB/s.
  • Average iteration duration was around 20.72 seconds.

Gantt Diagrams

The following diagrams illustrate three different approaches to processing data: a sequential process, a semaphore process, and a dataflow process. Both semaphore and dataflow have a concurrency limit of 4 for CPU task (red) and no limit on I/O tasks. Each approach executes a set process in which it:

  1. Retreives n amount of data (70ms simulated I/O)
  2. Transforms that data into n*2 items (30ms simulated CPU per req(n))
  3. Saves those items and return an id (70ms simulated I/O per req(n*2))
  4. Posts the id as telemetry data (50ms simulated I/O per req(n*2)) (fire and forget)
        title Single process (20)
        dateFormat x
        axisFormat %L
        section Single
            GetDataAsync (20) : 1, 85ms
            TransformDataAsync (0) :crit, 94, 39ms
            SaveDataAsync (0) : 134, 80ms
            PostTelemetryAsync (0) : 215, 58ms
            SaveDataAsync (0) : 214, 75ms
            TransformDataAsync (1) :crit, 289, 32ms
            PostTelemetryAsync (0) : 289, 63ms
            SaveDataAsync (1) : 321, 77ms
            PostTelemetryAsync (1) : 398, 63ms
            SaveDataAsync (1) : 398, 78ms
            TransformDataAsync (2) :crit, 477, 30ms
            PostTelemetryAsync (1) : 477, 61ms
            SaveDataAsync (2) : 507, 78ms
            PostTelemetryAsync (2) : 585, 62ms
            SaveDataAsync (2) : 585, 77ms
            TransformDataAsync (3) :crit, 663, 40ms
            PostTelemetryAsync (2) : 663, 62ms
            SaveDataAsync (3) : 705, 83ms
            PostTelemetryAsync (3) : 788, 62ms
            SaveDataAsync (3) : 788, 78ms
            TransformDataAsync (4) :crit, 866, 45ms
            PostTelemetryAsync (3) : 866, 61ms
            SaveDataAsync (4) : 911, 77ms
            PostTelemetryAsync (4) : 988, 62ms
            SaveDataAsync (4) : 988, 77ms
            TransformDataAsync (5) :crit, 1065, 31ms
            PostTelemetryAsync (4) : 1065, 63ms
            SaveDataAsync (5) : 1096, 79ms
            PostTelemetryAsync (5) : 1175, 63ms
            SaveDataAsync (5) : 1175, 79ms
            TransformDataAsync (6) :crit, 1254, 30ms
            PostTelemetryAsync (5) : 1254, 63ms
            SaveDataAsync (6) : 1285, 77ms
            PostTelemetryAsync (6) : 1362, 63ms
            SaveDataAsync (6) : 1362, 79ms
            TransformDataAsync (7) :crit, 1441, 31ms
            PostTelemetryAsync (6) : 1441, 62ms
            SaveDataAsync (7) : 1472, 77ms
            PostTelemetryAsync (7) : 1549, 62ms
            SaveDataAsync (7) : 1549, 77ms
            TransformDataAsync (8) :crit, 1626, 32ms
            PostTelemetryAsync (7) : 1626, 64ms
            SaveDataAsync (8) : 1658, 78ms
            PostTelemetryAsync (8) : 1736, 62ms
            SaveDataAsync (8) : 1736, 78ms
            TransformDataAsync (9) :crit, 1814, 31ms
            PostTelemetryAsync (8) : 1814, 63ms
            SaveDataAsync (9) : 1845, 79ms
            PostTelemetryAsync (9) : 1924, 62ms
            SaveDataAsync (9) : 1924, 77ms
            TransformDataAsync (10) :crit, 2001, 31ms
            PostTelemetryAsync (9) : 2001, 62ms
            SaveDataAsync (10) : 2032, 78ms
            PostTelemetryAsync (10) : 2110, 62ms
            SaveDataAsync (10) : 2110, 77ms
            TransformDataAsync (11) :crit, 2187, 31ms
            PostTelemetryAsync (10) : 2188, 61ms
            SaveDataAsync (11) : 2219, 78ms
            PostTelemetryAsync (11) : 2297, 62ms
            SaveDataAsync (11) : 2297, 77ms
            TransformDataAsync (12) :crit, 2374, 31ms
            PostTelemetryAsync (11) : 2374, 63ms
            SaveDataAsync (12) : 2405, 79ms
            PostTelemetryAsync (12) : 2485, 61ms
            SaveDataAsync (12) : 2485, 76ms
            TransformDataAsync (13) :crit, 2561, 32ms
            PostTelemetryAsync (12) : 2561, 63ms
            SaveDataAsync (13) : 2593, 77ms
            PostTelemetryAsync (13) : 2671, 61ms
            SaveDataAsync (13) : 2671, 77ms
            TransformDataAsync (14) :crit, 2748, 31ms
            PostTelemetryAsync (13) : 2748, 62ms
            SaveDataAsync (14) : 2779, 77ms
            PostTelemetryAsync (14) : 2857, 62ms
            SaveDataAsync (14) : 2856, 78ms
            TransformDataAsync (15) :crit, 2935, 30ms
            PostTelemetryAsync (14) : 2935, 62ms
            SaveDataAsync (15) : 2965, 78ms
            PostTelemetryAsync (15) : 3043, 62ms
            SaveDataAsync (15) : 3043, 78ms
            TransformDataAsync (16) :crit, 3121, 31ms
            PostTelemetryAsync (15) : 3121, 63ms
            SaveDataAsync (16) : 3152, 78ms
            PostTelemetryAsync (16) : 3230, 61ms
            SaveDataAsync (16) : 3230, 77ms
            TransformDataAsync (17) :crit, 3307, 31ms
            PostTelemetryAsync (16) : 3307, 63ms
            SaveDataAsync (17) : 3338, 78ms
            PostTelemetryAsync (17) : 3416, 61ms
            SaveDataAsync (17) : 3416, 76ms
            TransformDataAsync (18) :crit, 3493, 31ms
            PostTelemetryAsync (17) : 3493, 63ms
            SaveDataAsync (18) : 3524, 79ms
            PostTelemetryAsync (18) : 3603, 62ms
            SaveDataAsync (18) : 3603, 78ms
            TransformDataAsync (19) :crit, 3681, 31ms
            PostTelemetryAsync (18) : 3682, 60ms
            SaveDataAsync (19) : 3712, 77ms
            PostTelemetryAsync (19) : 3789, 62ms
            SaveDataAsync (19) : 3789, 77ms
        title Semaphore process (20)
        dateFormat x
        axisFormat %L
        section Semaphore
            GetDataAsync (20) : 1, 75ms
            TransformDataAsync (19) :crit, 98, 41ms
            TransformDataAsync (2) :crit, 99, 40ms
            TransformDataAsync (0) :crit, 98, 41ms
            TransformDataAsync (1) :crit, 98, 41ms
            TransformDataAsync (3) :crit, 140, 45ms
            TransformDataAsync (4) :crit, 140, 45ms
            TransformDataAsync (6) :crit, 140, 46ms
            TransformDataAsync (5) :crit, 140, 45ms
            TransformDataAsync (9) :crit, 186, 31ms
            TransformDataAsync (10) :crit, 186, 31ms
            TransformDataAsync (11) :crit, 186, 31ms
            TransformDataAsync (8) :crit, 186, 31ms
            SaveDataAsync (0) : 146, 71ms
            SaveDataAsync (19) : 146, 71ms
            SaveDataAsync (2) : 146, 71ms
            SaveDataAsync (19) : 146, 71ms
            SaveDataAsync (2) : 146, 71ms
            SaveDataAsync (1) : 146, 71ms
            SaveDataAsync (0) : 146, 71ms
            SaveDataAsync (1) : 146, 71ms
            TransformDataAsync (15) :crit, 218, 45ms
            TransformDataAsync (12) :crit, 217, 46ms
            TransformDataAsync (13) :crit, 218, 45ms
            TransformDataAsync (14) :crit, 218, 45ms
            SaveDataAsync (5) : 186, 78ms
            SaveDataAsync (3) : 186, 78ms
            SaveDataAsync (4) : 186, 77ms
            SaveDataAsync (4) : 186, 78ms
            SaveDataAsync (6) : 186, 78ms
            SaveDataAsync (5) : 186, 78ms
            SaveDataAsync (6) : 186, 78ms
            SaveDataAsync (3) : 186, 79ms
            PostTelemetry (19) : 223, 57ms
            PostTelemetry (0) : 223, 57ms
            PostTelemetry (1) : 223, 57ms
            PostTelemetry (2) : 223, 57ms
            PostTelemetry (1) : 222, 58ms
            PostTelemetry (2) : 222, 58ms
            PostTelemetry (0) : 222, 59ms
            PostTelemetry (19) : 222, 58ms
            SaveDataAsync (11) : 218, 77ms
            SaveDataAsync (9) : 217, 78ms
            SaveDataAsync (11) : 218, 77ms
            SaveDataAsync (8) : 218, 77ms
            SaveDataAsync (10) : 218, 77ms
            SaveDataAsync (10) : 218, 77ms
            SaveDataAsync (8) : 218, 77ms
            SaveDataAsync (9) : 217, 80ms
            TransformDataAsync (7) :crit, 264, 33ms
            TransformDataAsync (18) :crit, 264, 33ms
            TransformDataAsync (17) :crit, 264, 33ms
            TransformDataAsync (16) :crit, 264, 33ms
            PostTelemetry (4) : 265, 60ms
            PostTelemetry (6) : 265, 60ms
            PostTelemetry (6) : 265, 60ms
            PostTelemetry (3) : 265, 60ms
            PostTelemetry (3) : 265, 60ms
            PostTelemetry (5) : 265, 60ms
            PostTelemetry (5) : 265, 60ms
            PostTelemetry (4) : 264, 61ms
            SaveDataAsync (13) : 264, 76ms
            SaveDataAsync (13) : 264, 76ms
            SaveDataAsync (15) : 264, 76ms
            SaveDataAsync (14) : 264, 76ms
            SaveDataAsync (14) : 264, 76ms
            SaveDataAsync (12) : 264, 76ms
            SaveDataAsync (15) : 264, 76ms
            SaveDataAsync (12) : 264, 76ms
            PostTelemetry (11) : 295, 61ms
            PostTelemetry (8) : 295, 61ms
            PostTelemetry (11) : 295, 61ms
            PostTelemetry (9) : 298, 58ms
            PostTelemetry (9) : 301, 55ms
            PostTelemetry (8) : 295, 61ms
            PostTelemetry (10) : 295, 61ms
            PostTelemetry (10) : 295, 61ms
            SaveDataAsync (7) : 298, 74ms
            SaveDataAsync (17) : 298, 74ms
            SaveDataAsync (16) : 303, 69ms
            SaveDataAsync (18) : 298, 74ms
            SaveDataAsync (18) : 301, 71ms
            SaveDataAsync (16) : 298, 74ms
            SaveDataAsync (17) : 302, 70ms
            SaveDataAsync (7) : 302, 70ms
        title Dataflow process (20)
        dateFormat x
        axisFormat %L
        section Dataflow
            GetDataAsync (20) : 27, 75ms
            TransformDataAsync (1) :crit, 119, 44ms
            TransformDataAsync (0) :crit, 119, 44ms
            TransformDataAsync (3) :crit, 119, 44ms
            TransformDataAsync (2) :crit, 119, 44ms
            TransformDataAsync (7) :crit, 165, 30ms
            TransformDataAsync (5) :crit, 164, 31ms
            TransformDataAsync (4) :crit, 164, 31ms
            TransformDataAsync (6) :crit, 164, 31ms
            TransformDataAsync (8) :crit, 195, 31ms
            TransformDataAsync (10) :crit, 197, 44ms
            TransformDataAsync (11) :crit, 197, 44ms
            TransformDataAsync (9) :crit, 196, 45ms
            SaveDataAsync (0) : 174, 71ms
            SaveDataAsync (0) : 174, 71ms
            SaveDataAsync (1) : 174, 71ms
            SaveDataAsync (1) : 174, 71ms
            SaveDataAsync (2) : 177, 70ms
            SaveDataAsync (3) : 177, 70ms
            SaveDataAsync (2) : 177, 70ms
            SaveDataAsync (3) : 177, 71ms
            TransformDataAsync (12) :crit, 227, 44ms
            SaveDataAsync (6) : 197, 74ms
            SaveDataAsync (6) : 197, 74ms
            SaveDataAsync (4) : 195, 76ms
            SaveDataAsync (5) : 197, 74ms
            SaveDataAsync (7) : 197, 74ms
            SaveDataAsync (5) : 197, 75ms
            SaveDataAsync (7) : 197, 74ms
            SaveDataAsync (4) : 195, 76ms
            TransformDataAsync (13) :crit, 241, 35ms
            TransformDataAsync (14) :crit, 241, 35ms
            TransformDataAsync (15) :crit, 241, 35ms
            SaveDataAsync (8) : 227, 75ms
            SaveDataAsync (8) : 227, 75ms
            PostTelemetry (0) : 247, 56ms
            PostTelemetry (1) : 247, 56ms
            PostTelemetry (3) : 248, 55ms
            PostTelemetry (2) : 247, 56ms
            PostTelemetry (3) : 248, 55ms
            PostTelemetry (0) : 247, 56ms
            PostTelemetry (1) : 247, 56ms
            PostTelemetry (2) : 247, 56ms
            TransformDataAsync (18) :crit, 277, 40ms
            TransformDataAsync (16) :crit, 271, 46ms
            TransformDataAsync (19) :crit, 277, 40ms
            TransformDataAsync (17) :crit, 277, 40ms
            SaveDataAsync (10) : 241, 76ms
            SaveDataAsync (11) : 242, 75ms
            SaveDataAsync (10) : 241, 76ms
            SaveDataAsync (11) : 241, 76ms
            SaveDataAsync (9) : 241, 76ms
            SaveDataAsync (9) : 241, 76ms
            PostTelemetry (6) : 278, 55ms
            PostTelemetry (7) : 279, 54ms
            PostTelemetry (4) : 278, 55ms
            PostTelemetry (5) : 278, 55ms
            PostTelemetry (7) : 279, 54ms
            PostTelemetry (6) : 278, 55ms
            PostTelemetry (5) : 278, 55ms
            PostTelemetry (4) : 273, 60ms
            SaveDataAsync (13) : 277, 72ms
            SaveDataAsync (15) : 278, 71ms
            SaveDataAsync (12) : 273, 76ms
            SaveDataAsync (14) : 278, 71ms
            SaveDataAsync (12) : 273, 76ms
            SaveDataAsync (13) : 277, 72ms
            SaveDataAsync (15) : 278, 71ms
            SaveDataAsync (14) : 277, 72ms
            PostTelemetry (8) : 303, 62ms
            PostTelemetry (8) : 303, 62ms
            PostTelemetry (9) : 318, 63ms
            PostTelemetry (11) : 318, 63ms
            PostTelemetry (10) : 318, 63ms
            PostTelemetry (9) : 318, 63ms
            PostTelemetry (11) : 318, 63ms
            PostTelemetry (10) : 318, 63ms
            SaveDataAsync (17) : 318, 79ms
            SaveDataAsync (17) : 318, 79ms
            SaveDataAsync (18) : 318, 79ms
            SaveDataAsync (18) : 318, 79ms
            SaveDataAsync (16) : 318, 79ms
            SaveDataAsync (19) : 318, 79ms
            SaveDataAsync (19) : 318, 79ms
            SaveDataAsync (16) : 318, 79ms
            PostTelemetry (12) : 349, 49ms
            PostTelemetry (12) : 349, 49ms
            PostTelemetry (15) : 350, 48ms
            PostTelemetry (14) : 350, 48ms
            PostTelemetry (14) : 350, 48ms
            PostTelemetry (13) : 349, 49ms

Dataflow predicate

Not shown in this example is how to use predicate within dataflow, when setting up the pipeline it is possible to pass a predicate into the LinkTo method for example

var predicate = new Predicate<int>(x => x % 2 == 0);
getDataBlock.LinkTo(transformDataBlock, _dataflowLinkOptions, predicate);

would result in only even number getting sent to transformDataBlock, however, because this only processes even numbers there will be items left in the getDataBlock queue and the process will never complete.

To complete the process we'll need to empty the queue through either sending the odd numbers to be processed:

var predicateForEven = new Predicate<int>(x => x % 2 == 0);
var predicateForOdd = new Predicate<int>(x => x % 2 == 1);

getDataBlock.LinkTo(transformEvenNumbersDataBlock, _dataflowLinkOptions, predicateForEven);
getDataBlock.LinkTo(transformOddNumbersDataBlock, _dataflowLinkOptions, predicateForOdd);

Or alternatively we can send them to a null block:

var predicate = new Predicate<int>(x => x % 2 == 0);
getDataBlock.LinkTo(transformDataBlock, _dataflowLinkOptions, predicate);

var nullTarget = new ActionBlock<int>(x => { });
getDataBlock.LinkTo(nullTarget, _dataflowLinkOptions);

Further reading

MSDN TPL Dataflow

MSDN Semaphore


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