Automate-eGPU provides Mac users with an easy way to setup their eGPU on Mac without the hastle. It has been tested with a large range of eGPUs with different configurations on multiple operating system versions. It is no longer maintained.
- Detects eGPU and graphics card
- Downloads and installs NVIDIA or AMD graphics drivers
- Automatically backup and restore built-in drivers
You can download Automate-eGPU with the following command:
cd ~/Desktop && curl -o
Alternatively, you can download and install Homebrew and Git, then clone the repository with the following commands:
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
> Press Return
brew install git
git clone
For more information on Git commands:
For Mac OS X El Capitan 10.11 or higher, you need to disable System Integrity Protection with the following instructions:
- Click the menu.
- Select Restart...
- Hold down command-R to boot into the Recovery System.
- Click the Utilities menu and select Terminal.
- Type
csrutil disable
orcsrutil enable --without kext
and press return. - Close the Terminal app.
- Click the menu and select Restart...
Run the following command to setup your eGPU:
chmod +x && sudo ./ [Options]
Use any of the following options:
-a | Switch on automatic mode |
-m | Switch off automatic mode (default) |
-url | Downloads NVIDIA Driver package file from any valid web address |
-clpeak | OpenCL performance test ( |
-skip-web-driver | Skip NVIDIA Web Driver installation (for Kepler cards) |
-skip-agdc | Skip AddBoardId() function |
-uninstall | Restore original kexts, unload services and delete application support files |
The manual [-m] mode does only the minimum initialization in order to use the eGPU and the advanced [-a] mode aims to configure everything automatically in the background.
curl -o ~/Desktop/metaltest.swift
cd ~/Desktop
swiftc -sdk $(xcrun --show-sdk-path) -target x86_64-apple-macos10.13 -o metaltest metaltest.swift