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Exploring the vast landscape of regulatory elements with MPRA.

Dear MPRA Enthusiast,

Welcome, to MPRAhub, an open-source platform that enables access to Massively Parallel Reporter Assay (MPRA) data via an object-oriented database (OODB) called MPRAbase. We are a user-driven community supported by Synapse Sage Bionetworks and the National Heart Lung & Blood Institute (NHLBI) BioData Catalyst (BDC).

A centralized instance of iSEE-MPRAbase is hosted by UCSF, NHGRI, and the NHBLI BDC here:

TODO: Create a NHLBI BDC link

We update the centralized instance quarterly, following meta data reporting guidelines that are in compliance with GEO, Bioconductor ExperimentHub, ENCODE, and IGVF. MPRAbase application plugins are managed by their developers, with hot fix support from the MPRAbase community, following a successful pull request and CI/CD unit testing.

TODO: Add link to (sprint/quarterly update) schedule (google spreadsheet), email reporting mechanism, and application plugin citeria for pull request and unit testing

The MPRAbase repository serves as a decentralized resource center for MPRA data sharing and analysis. Here we provide tutorials for contributing to the centralized iSEE-MPRAbase platform, while retaining your project's data privacy and public release date. The MPRAbase repository is also routinely updated when a dataset passes the community's minimal standardization requirements and is ready to be made public. Therefore, MPRAbase users can launch iSEE-MPRAbase instances and pull new data and applications plugins before the quarterly update.

We invite all MPRA enthusiasts to install a local MPRAhub/MPRAbase and explore the vast landscape of regulatory elements.


MPRAbase Team

Popular repositories Loading

  1. MPRAbase MPRAbase Public

    MPRAbase is a Bioconductor library to support managing MPRA datasets and analysis.

    Jupyter Notebook

  2. MPRAbase-Builder MPRAbase-Builder Public

    MPRAbase-Builder provides iSEE MPRAbase application plugins and semi-automation of data analysis and reporting.

    Jupyter Notebook

  3. iSEEindex iSEEindex Public

    Forked from iSEE/iSEEindex

    iSEE extension for a landing page to a custom collection of MPRA data sets


  4. MPRAorg-LibrarySuite MPRAorg-LibrarySuite Public

    MPRAorg-LibrarySuite provides a comprehensive collection of software for analyzing and sharing MPRA data.


  5. .github .github Public

  6. terra-docker terra-docker Public

    Forked from DataBiosphere/terra-docker

    Jupyter Notebook


Showing 7 of 7 repositories
  • MPRAsnakeflow Public Forked from kircherlab/MPRAsnakeflow

    Implementation of MPRAhub's MPRAsnakeflow supported by the NHLBI BioData Catalyst & powered by Seven Bridges.

    MPRAhub/MPRAsnakeflow’s past year of commit activity
    Python 0 MIT 6 0 0 Updated Jun 15, 2023
  • iSEEindex Public Forked from iSEE/iSEEindex

    iSEE extension for a landing page to a custom collection of MPRA data sets

    MPRAhub/iSEEindex’s past year of commit activity
    R 0 3 0 0 Updated Jun 10, 2023
  • MPRAbase-Builder Public

    MPRAbase-Builder provides iSEE MPRAbase application plugins and semi-automation of data analysis and reporting.

    MPRAhub/MPRAbase-Builder’s past year of commit activity
    Jupyter Notebook 0 0 0 0 Updated Jun 10, 2023
  • MPRAbase Public

    MPRAbase is a Bioconductor library to support managing MPRA datasets and analysis.

    MPRAhub/MPRAbase’s past year of commit activity
    Jupyter Notebook 0 0 0 0 Updated Jun 9, 2023
  • MPRAorg-LibrarySuite Public

    MPRAorg-LibrarySuite provides a comprehensive collection of software for analyzing and sharing MPRA data.

    MPRAhub/MPRAorg-LibrarySuite’s past year of commit activity
    Python 0 0 1 0 Updated Jun 2, 2023
  • MPRAhub/terra-docker’s past year of commit activity
    Jupyter Notebook 0 BSD-3-Clause 35 0 0 Updated May 26, 2023
  • .github Public
    MPRAhub/.github’s past year of commit activity
    0 0 0 0 Updated May 22, 2023

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