ZJUI Smart Physics Dataset, without any privacy information
Our team processed 2,299,256 ZJUI user records from smart physics.
datactrl.py, procedure for basic information, uitime and uiedge
getvec.py, procedure to have the intermediate products.
ZJUIPhys.py, the final step for creating the txt and csv dataset, follow the form of criteo-100k.
We created a data set for a research field: interdisciplinary - education and AI, to be more specific, recommendation and decision for physics knowledge learning.
Future researchers can use data mining to create more features for the physical problem sets, finding potential laws between finish time, difficulties and amount of problems. Also, they can use the dataset to examine their recommender model's property.
python=3.8 or 3.9
We would like to thank Prof. Jianbo Zhang and Dr. Huanxin Xia for providing the raw data, and also thanks for your hard work for teaching us physics courses.